Daily reminder that Fishmans' Long Season is the best album that was released in history. If you think otherwise...

Daily reminder that Fishmans' Long Season is the best album that was released in history. If you think otherwise, you're a pleb and you should reconsider your life. Classical niggers btfo, jazz niggers btfo, doomers btfo.

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Literally only part 1 and 5 are good

isn’t this the album with the toilet bowl noises

>he's a musiclet

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>oh my god! what a beautiful album! nothing will ever compare!
The state of this board

You clearly lack the knowledge and the brains to understand such a masterpiece. You don't understand ambient and how abstract this album is. I don't need your pathetic existence here, only the people that connect with this album at a spiritual level can understand.

The album and the band are insanely underwhelming, I don't see why people think they're so great.

>I don't see why
Open your eyes, user. Meditate, connect with the album, be a part of the music, imagine, create. Don't be so narrow minded.

Yeah, you definitively sound like a Fishmans fan.

I completely agree user

I'm not a Fishmans fan, I'm beyond that, if you meditate enough, you can consider yourself as part of the band and experience what they did when they created this masterpiece.

Bump for visibility. This thread should be stickied so other posters can see this. It's for their own good, this is a mind blowing masterpiece that most of Yea Forums cannot understand.

I would agree if it didn't sound like someone was literally taking the piss half way through the album

It's a quiet river, user. Then the artists picked up heavy stones and threw them into it. It really makes you think...beautiful.

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They're actually fireflies that dance around a camp fire, near a quiet river, you with your friends have a blast.

Overrated album

You think it is overrated because you haven't found peace yet. Your mind is wounded, user...

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Ever since some faggot mentioned the "plop" bullshit on a related thread yesterday, it has detracted from my enjoyment but I just gulp and move on..

No, user. Don't let anyone else distract you from the Fishmans' soothing masterpiece. It's a heavy stone that falls into a silent lake, which explains how long the season is because it takes time to reach the bottom. Or the lake might be bottomless.

Based post

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>fishposting by someone who is not I’M FISH
Lame as fuck

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Nigga if you don’t have a Fishmans Rock Festival Box then you a straight up poseur who is ruining the reputation of the legendary fishboi. Kill yourself

Please, stop. Refrain from posting. Leave this place.

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Poseurs like you disgust me

They're Japanese

So you bash be because I don't have the physical copy of the album? That's a brainlet incel-tier post, my man. You're a massive faggot and should neck yourself for not understanding this masterpiece.

If you need physical copies just to be a "true" fan, then you really should reconsider your life you pathetic faggot.

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No, I bash you for making embarrassing posts with 0 effort of educating people about the great Fishmans. Instead, you’re a poseur faggot who doesn’t even have the one true collectible that any respectable Fishmans aficionado would have. Kill yourself. You’re embarrassing the amazing band, the board, etc.

>implying that collectibles make you a fan of the respective band
Holy shit, just stop nigger.

>replying to obvious bait
Lurk more

Not until I see a Long Season thread stickied.

both live versions are better than the studio you utter pleb fuck

Tell that to your kids, they will be disappointed when they'll find out that their father is a massive faggot.

At least I have kids

Not a good thing if they're as retarded as you.


Based toiletposters


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1998 live verison is better

Studio version is objectively better. Has transition, has a certain coherence, it's different.

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It's not no!

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live verison has 5 extra minutes and is also better

>extra five minutes
No. The album's lenght is perfect. 35 minutes are enough to take a shower, brush your teeth, get dressed and drink a coffee and you can listen to the album thinking how great your day is going to be knowing that you listened to the best album on the planet in the morning. Damn, you can't even go back.

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also ywnkw is the best dreampop album and v:d:c is the greatest album of all time get ur shit together

based and sweetpilled

cringe and bluepilled

If you think that Long Season is not THE BEST album, you should neck yourself.

wrong image

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I'm pretty sure it's not FISHMANS - LONG SEASON

Why can't you faggots just accept the fact that this is the best album out there?


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because they actually have taste

based fishbois