*reporter doesnt mention the shooter was black*
serious question: what reason besides judging an entire race would you need to know the shooter's race? even a child knows that inquiry can only have racist motivations
*reporter doesnt mention the shooter was black*
So then why is the race important when they are white?
white guy goes on shooting
you: Zzzzzz
black guy goes on shooting
Go suck all the dicks Philly D. You fucking retarded ass nigger.
If we're supposed to be on the lookout for a criminal and we don't know what color he/she is, it's harder to find the criminal.
Why do liberal lack common sense?
Blacks do commit shootings and general crime at a much higher rate than whites, yes.
pretty soon telling you it's a male or female will be insensitive
Wtf are you talking about user? There are no genders.
males commit crime at a much higher rate than females
Congratulations, you decoded the infinite depths of Marxism. Divide by race, color, religion, creed and anything else that distracts from the real agenda, which is CONTROL.
Not all men commit crime, unless they're a nigger
>what reason besides judging an entire race would you need to know the shooter's race?
Columbine, Dark Knight, sandy hook, and most other mass shootings are by white men. Only exceptions that come to mind are Virginia tech and Elliot Roger, who was half white
Yes. Violence is manly and badass.
Mass shootings are statistically nonexistent as a percentage of total firearm crime.
Every fucking day nigger
I'm Whiter than milk tho
Unrelated: me and this guy have the same shirt. That's wacky and crazy!!!!
i have once touched a similar shirt in the early 2000's
Stay inferior, whitecuck
wrong. its that no1 cares when 5 niggers get shot at the gas station.
Becayse defranco was giving a description when they were still looking for the suspect. That was the whole point. Omitting that the guy hes telling his audience to be on the look for is black is lretty fucking retarded.
I know your post is bait, but some people actually think that. To them I'd say, then why mention gender, height, build, age, etc?
cant you see?
spics and niggers need to hang from trees
and i just love your racist ways
thats why their mom is black and youre so great
tattoos, physical deformities, disabilities, hair style and color, eye color
did you just assume my diet?
Thanks to the heroic efforts of black males
this doesnt explain why 9 our of 10 murders are men in countries like Finland
Those were notable only in that they were carried out by non-blacks
so why is it every time a black man dies ALL THE BLACKS FREAK OUT AND IT MAKES NATIONAL NEWS??? But when a white guy dies it never makes the news ??? Explain that to me
We lived through a summer where a CNN reporter stood in front of a burning fucking building and - looking straight at the camera - told the world with a straight face that the protests were "mostly peaceful." The media would have you believe that the police in every state and every city are murdering black people by the thousands based on a handful of sensationalized cases ... while at the exact same time failing to report on the thousands and thousands of violent crimes committed by black people across the country.
>Never mentioned when the shooter is any color
>Makes it the main point when the shooter is white
Pick one
related question: why do you want to be a victim so bad? you whites have really rebranded to be the victim
He literally read the NYPD description of the suspect that was on the screen. The words clearly said "black male, 5'5" tall, with heavy build" but DeFranco underlined in red EVERYTHING EXCEPT "BLACK", and read aloud EVERYTHING EXCEPT "BLACK". He's a little pussy
They keep their nigger on a long leash
you are not smart. you probably think every country has blacks
It must suck that you had to castrate yourself to get some of that delicious victimhood, and now we're getting it for free. It hardly seems fair, does it?
>besides judging an entire race would you need to know the shooter's race?
Judging the entire race is the whole point. Which is why good parents raise their offspring to be exemplary representations of their race.
Every country in the world has blacks and had black royalty in their history. Educate yourself, you soft, pasty, bland food eating whiteboi
this is how your post reads:
"I am a victim and everyone who says otherwise is my transgender nemesis"
you sound like a neurotic schizo
this is just blatant gaslighting
If you've graduated high school you need to take your diploma and throw that shit out.
The commie faggot media always goes insane when a shooter is white. You're being obtuse on purpose. Also defranco is a cunt retard. Eat a bullet.
>The commie faggot media always goes insane when a shooter is white
why do you enjoy being a victim so much?
>only schizos say cool, funny things online
You're so boring
of course he cant rape all of those people.
republicon governor greg "noodle legs" abbott is going to PREVENT ALL RAPE IN THE STATE OF TEXAS.
if you can't trust a lazy guy in a chair, who can you trust?
We just want to know what it's like for people like you, but without the hormones and costume jewelry
*reporter doesnt mention the shooter voted for trump*
serious question: what reason besides judging an entire political party would you need to know the shooter's affiliation? even a child knows that inquiry can only have political motivations
Blacks shoot each other all the damn time, look at Chicago
Sandy Hook has been debunked as a false flag or years now
you think it is a requirement of police to protect people?
Oh noes. Not gaslighting :-O
look at ivan, seethn'