Hey user I’ve heard you‘re pretty good at games

>Hey user I’ve heard you‘re pretty good at games
>I have a game from my little brother that I can’t seem to finish
>How about you come over and beat it for me?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Where are her tits

yeah I'll beat it for you

What game?

No thanks, I'm happily married and my husband is the jealous type

In my mouth

Get the fuck off my board you fucking normalfaggot nigger

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Sorry, cute asian girls are the cutest. Miyeon best girl!

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Sorry you’re too old for my tastes


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>beat it for me

I'll gladly beat 'it' for you.

miss, I don't know who you are or why you're talking to me, but we both know I don't play video games

That's a man, right?


No. Git gud retard.

>only if you let me watch you molesting your little brother

Imagine making this thread

>What's the fucking point if I beat the game for you? Just don't play it if you don't want to lol

Im taking a shit and am bored

>go over to girl's house
>beat game
>tell her "let me know if you need help with any other video game related problems"

You are in this picture?

>signing a wojak edit

Sure I'll finish the game if you finish me off... if you get me....

Fuck off signature fag

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>Hey user I’ve heard you‘re pretty good at games
>I have a game from my little brother that I can’t seem to finish
>How about you come over and beat it for me?

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>Little brother?! Oy vey I'm coming over right now! Huh? Video game?

>I beat the game for her
She literally did not beat the game.

>women can have fun but men can't
odd picture

If I had a group of loud fat ass white women behind me I wouldn't be having fun either

>beat game
>tell her "you didn't beat it"

I mean if you chose to go with them then that's your own fault. If you didn't want to be in that log with them, you could have told the ride operator.


>be born as a non ugly female
>sell yourself to a highest bidder


>Who's the guy in the pic you sent me? He's kinda cute lol

I'm so lonely, man.
Personally I blame the industrial revolution for everything.

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Entirely your fault, know many spergs that have had tons of sex

Why would you go to the gym to jump rope? Why not do your cardio at home or on the street?

How many spergs had a meaninful lovely relationship, perhaps with a girl who looked ideal to their standard?
Anyone can get sex. You can pay for it. Zero social skills required.

I've legitimately had a situation like this because I played Madden competitively and she just wanted to see me and knew about all the trophies and shit I have in my house from playing it

I went over, went 10-0 in weekend league on her brother's MUT team and went home without any sexual contact whatsoever

I don't know how many, but a close friend of mine is married with an asian and has a kid.


"Mom, why are you taking Uncle Bob's video games?"

Glad for him, how much of a normie is he though? Converted from wizard to normal? Some of us are just eternal androids

only if i get to watch you fuck your little brother

Reminds me of this

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Babe my woman is the ocean and she wouldn't like me talking to you

>assume there is nothing implied, and she just wants me to beat the game and ignore me afterwards

Fuck user, you beat me to it

Not normal at all, his hobbie is collecting minerals, straight edge too.

it's just a pre workout you autist

because people lift and do cadio in the same session you dyel faggot lol


I unironically had a situation like this.

>My highschool gets a new girl mid year
>Bleach blonde straight hair, white girl with multiple piercings
>Smoking hot
>I was a gub-gub test tube snail-man so they put me in a special class on Thursdays with kids that smoked weed
>Class involved talking with former highschool drop outs that'd done well in life as adults
>Half of them were either depressed land Lords, or wicans for some reason
>Hot chick starts gravitating towards me because I wasn't brain dead retarded
>Keeps joking about her parents leaving for weeks at a time (no surprise) and that she'd like to see me sometime after school
>Tells me she's been playing 'the warriors' on PS2 and needs someone to play with
>Go over there, super excited about playing video games with potential Vidya GF
>Her parents are out, she's walking around the house in panties and a shirt
>Autism-mode activated.jpeg
>Ask her if she's going to 'game' in that outfit
>She laughs heartly and replies "dude shut the fuck up, I'm not playing video games were smoking weed"
>Tell her I don't smoke weed, and that the only reason I'm in that class is because I huffed paint by accident whilst trying to make a stencil in art class
>We awkwardly sit in her kitchen for 15 minutes, talking about which subjects she'll pick up next year
>She picks up her home phone, despite it not ringing, and tries to casually say "oh man, I got that just before it went off"
>I sit there looking at her, realising that we both know she's not talking to anyone on the phone
>Don't want her to feel awkward so I slap my knee, laugh in an obviously fake way and tell "NICE, GOOD ONE"
>she tells me her parents just called and that I have to leave
>She doesn't speak to me again and someone recounted the story (probably from her) to me years later, but instead of me not smoking weed, she claims that I fondled her dog whilst she was doing something else

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I will not beat it for you, how else will you get better at it? Don't you want to be better?

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>(probably from her) to me years later, but instead of me not smoking weed, she claims that I fondled her dog whilst she was doing something else
lololol you retard. shoulda just offered to sex.
Ignoring the weed was based though.

Literally custom equipped, manufactured, artisan crafted, formed by nature, smithed, created and consecrated for black cock. Genuinely and literally the perfect little black cock taking nymphlet I’ve ever seen. Imagine her underdeveloped, freckled little chicken legs forced wide for the pulsating mass of coal that will ingratiate itself into her, morph and twist her innocence into bestial lust, her Snow White supple pussy swallowing that black steaming rod whole and clinging to it like a bitch in heat as some hulking ebony mastiff mates and deflowers her. Imagine her little face, so innocent, cursing and screaming for a harder pummelling and rutting from her tribal dominator, as his thick black mass erupts it’s primal seed into her crimson pure white genetic womb, staining that perfect little lineage, forever marking generations of delicate white lily flowers with steaming ape spunk, imagine her sweating and screaming as those child like blonde hips birth a half black child, forever staking the black man’s claim to her lineage

>the only reason I'm in that class is because I huffed paint by accident whilst trying to make a stencil in art class
user you're my hero

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fucking legend

Wait so it's the little brother's game, and we all know what "game" means here, right?

How about you beat this
*grabs dick*
>theater erupts laughing

relax ted

>those hips
kill me


I'm not attractive or interesting so she probably wants to ask me a favor or get to a friend through me
>Sure, want to come to my place?
but I would invite her anyway because there is still a small chance she has a thing for ugly skinny fat 6.2' nerds

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girls like this play valorant and overwatch
if you wanna score some dumb sluts play those games
but gotta be good at the game

Oink oink

Normies cannot function without attention. I wish i could home gym all day but i can't afford a fucking cable machine

don't be a simp... those are mediocre woman

Why is his mouth covered in chocolate


Don't be silly, Miyeon is best girl!

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Everytime I've gone to the movies or invited a girl over to watch movies I've gotten into the movie and they just won't shut the fuck up. Went with some friends and the girls were pre-gaming and it was so fucking annoying I got up and moved to the opposite corner.

Significantly above in looks.

I lost my virginity at age 29 so a girl from this website so I don't care

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She doesn't know about Let's Play's.

And how did that happen. I hope you didnt just use someone.

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Anyone ever notice how these coomer posters are dead silent in BBC threads?

>a girl from this website

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I posted my Discord and she added me. And we just spoke for a while and then I flew to her country to sniff her panties.

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BBC threads are clearly shitposts
coomer threads is what Yea Forums wishes it could be 24/7

Because they're the ones spamming that shit.

Never bent over for a woman

i did this to a woman i was having an affair with (she married, not me) and she lost her mind

based, love sports

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