Is learning Japanese and moving to Japan a good idea as a Latino?

Is learning Japanese and moving to Japan a good idea as a Latino?

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Are you a fucking weeb who insist on watching your hentai without dubbing or subtitles?

If so, yes. If not, no.

Japanese speaking latino here. Why would you ever want to move there? Not only is it hard as fuck to become a legal resident, but once the “omg Japan” phase dies out you will be in a foreign nation where people are way more xenophobic than in most places. It’s hard to make friends, and unless you have a degree you’ll end up stuck in a shitty job teaching english. Even if you do get another job, the work culture is terrible. That being said, learning Japanese is pretty fun, do it if you want to imo

japan is a slave colony full of limp dicked low testosterone males and women that pretend to be retarded and lay like dead fish in bed, the only good things from japan is the occassional anime or game, why the fuck would you ever wanna go there ? the only job in the japan is the dead end office job that you work at till you die sad alone and with no money.

>Is learning Japanese and moving to Japan a good idea as a Latino?
You know that there is a large Japanese population in Mexico right? Mexico City has a Tokyo district.

Japan is literally the worst country in the world. And they hate all foreigners regardless of skin tone.

Kys, tranny

A mate of mine lives in japan and its terrible for him, had a guy threaten to kill him for being a foreigner on the train once.

You know not every Latino is Mexican right?

no, they hate us even more now because of nicolas zepeda

They'll think you're Filipino, so yes. You'll still get discriminated against, but when that happens, just keep in mind a couple of things:
>Dokdo is Korean territory
>The Emperor is ethnically Korean
>They need Chinese writing to communicate (written wise)
>They wouldn't even be relevant as a county if it weren't for anime, vidya, and western simps buying into it

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Sí mi rey, estoy seguro que debe haber alguna mujer japonesa por ahí que se MUERE de ganas de casarse con un gordo tercermundista otaku.
No seas estúpido. Asia en general es racista contra nosotros.

Based Korean

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>You know not every Latino is Mexican right?
You know Mexico is closer to Latin America than Japan is right? If he wanted to look into it he could visit there much easier than Japan.

sudacas and chicanos hate Mexico

I'm not Korean, but I did live in south Korea in my early-20s, and I'm a bit peeved that Japan won't let me do even the most basic jobs (like English teaching, fuck NOVA/JET/Interac, etc). I've still learned a lot, and having learned these things--inter alia--I can say confidently that the "Japan" that exists in the minds of western weebs is nothing more than a phantasm, one of which would quickly disappear the moment they set foot in Japan itself.

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korea is shit

Of course they don't, they're stupid

hubieras dicho indio

No basically all foreigners who move there say it is a horrible country to live in and get horrible depression. Plus they value light skin even more than European countries, so if you do not look like a porcelain skinned caucasian they will think you are dirty

No, (You).

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Didn't that guy walk back on his pledge to get rid of that women's ministry thing?

japan's a cool place to live for a year or two but living there long term is a trap.
only job you can ever hope to get as a foreigner is teaching english.
if you marry some chick and have enough money to open your own business you can maybe get to a point of opening your own english school or bar but thats it

japan was good in the 90s and 00s but quality of living there declined rapidly since 2015 or so

oh also they wont hire anyone for english teaching unless they're either Anglo, Filipino or Jamaican

why in the fuck would you ask that here?

Don't be a faggot and go. Be aware theyre not gonna let you stay for very long unless youre a student or have a job there.

This, Pedro from excel saga is based on a real character that was studying construction management with koshi rikudo.

>japan was good in the 90s and 00s but quality of living there declined rapidly since 2015 or so
elaborate, pls

>Filipino or Jamaican
these don't make sense at all.

Spoken like a true 5 year old

>quality of living there declined rapidly since 2015 or so
Please elaborate on this. I'm sitting next to my pile of JLPT N2 study books (I failed last year, and failed N3 four times) with no motivation to keep going.

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I'm 33.

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user, I need the response!

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Just go as an English teacher. It's literally the only way an unskilled person can go. You can't rent an apartment because discrimination is legal, the business that will bring you over for teaching will get you housing. Expect to put in unproductive overtime, it's a cultural thing to be at your job even if you don't do anything. They are really don't have a lot of people from outside the country so you will be the first non Japanese many will ever see. Good luck living on rice and eggs with your low paycheck.



Fuck that's depressing.

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Gringo who once lived in Japan but now lives in Mexico here.

They will be extremely racist to you but you can just fuck their women and drink on the street corner with fellow gaijinbros. That’s what I did. Was fun.

That being said, I suggest doing it, but highly doubt you’ll be able to do anything besides teach English(assuming it’s your native language). I have one bro who escaped the ESL shit in Japan. He now works as a software dev in Japan. But he also had a super rich Japanese gf to help him out. Good luck.

>women that pretend to be retarded and lay like dead fish in bed
where do I sign?

That was literally me kek. I ate nothing cup noodle eggs and microwave rice. Rest of my money was spent on the cheapest booze and cigs possible. I could afford going clubbing in shibuya once a month. The cover charge, drinks, finding a female, paying her drinks, and then taxi plus love hotel was expensive as fuck. Like $300 total for one night. But damn those nights were fun. Went 5 times and got laid 3 of those times. Pic related. She was hot as fuck and sung the evangelion theme song for me at karaoke before giving me a footjob and dicking her down

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Adding to this, the coke is really good in Japan. Head down to kabukicho and pick up a gram of coke for $75 and then head to TK shibuya club. Hella sexy Japanese bitches in there and yes they will smoke weed/do coke with you. I remember legit fingering this girl on the dance floor as everyone watched in horror. We fucked so goddamn hard after the club closed

I want to be you when I grow up

Mirá amigo, yo te diría que en vez de ir a vivir allá, ahorres esa plata en comprarte una fuck doll con aire japones (si es que tenías ganas de vivir y coger allá), y te quedes donde estas.
Es un lugar de mierda. Son extremadamente superficiales los ponjas. Es imposible que no te queden mirando como si fueras una cosa rara. La amistad allá no tiene la misma onda que la latina en ninguna manera. Son muy toscos. Esto yo te lo digo desde MI experiencia. Si vos queres, probá igual. Pero desde mi experiencia habiendo trabajado en comunicaciones allá, te puedo asegurar que inclusive siendo el tipico kaishain, me sentí absolutamente solo y devastado. Mucha frialdad.
Vos fijate.

Japan is a shithole. You're watching too many animes

larp bait

Shut the fuck up. Japan is gay for living but if you go for like 1 year with plans to do nothing but fuck Japanese women and get black out drunk with your gaijin bros it’s best experience of your life. But everyone is correct about how shitty life in Japan is

Por tu forma de escribir sos Arg/Ch/Uyu
contame como llegaste a trabajar allá

No hes probably just some gay fresa faggot who was born rich in Mexico/el Salvador and tries to speak like a homo Spaniard.


who the fuck has the money to pot about in japan for a year ? not me

also we are all fucking ugly and japanese girls have eyes too

japan is the most racist and outsider hating place in the world which is based except if you want to go have fun there

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Still the gringo speaking here. Basically every spic who gets born into a rich family does this. Tries to speak like a European. Fuck them and their gay button down shirts and vests paid for by daddies money.
t. Used to live in la roma CDMX

and here you are speaking English, nigger

Nice place for a vacation you can get around well without speaking the language. Age of consent is about 13.

Don't talk about my country you piece of shit you're not welcome here

I’m still here bitch I’m out here fucking your women on the reg too.

Que triste que no naciste tan blanco como yo. Pobre negrito uwu

>fuck Japanese women
Do they even casually fuck?

have fun with the cartel retard

puto indio cagado

>gay fresa faggot
Los grandes kekos

Nigga I been here 3 years and even lived in Iztapalapa for 6 months. I got more barrio than you and get more pussy

Oh yes they do. They actually take you by the hand and approach you in night clubs.

Fucked so many milfs and girls there
I'm 6'2 tan/dark skin, curly hair mexican. A lot of Japanese thought i was either Japanese or couldn't tell what race what i was and girls thought I was unique