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Soup Yea Forums
Anyone try "microdosing" magic mushrooms?
Does it really cure anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, etc. AND promote motivation and creativity??

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Well...I'm no doctor, but doctors in Colorado and Oregon seem to think so

Psilocybin is a serotonin agonist so it will make you feel better in a similar way that antidepressants will. It's not magic you retard, it's biochemistry. Dumb nigger

Not really anxiety or depression but it does promote creativity and if its harder shit it can really make you think out the box.
But it could also increasee anxiety , depends on how you handle regular shrooms

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How the fuck do you micro dose that you mogoloid? Take a tiny bite?

it'll CAUSE anxiety. psychedelics are psychostimulants at small doses you fucking cowardly ultra virgin. Try growing testacles faggot

Yeah, I do it often. It's great for depression and general mood lift. If you do it right, you don't notice any effects other than that.
Take 0.15g of dried shroom, make tea in 10ml of boiled water.
Take .5-1ml per day, start with a low dose and build up.
You should notice a =n improvement in mood and it's harder to get depressed. If you feel high, you took to much, drop the dose.
Will last for about 5 days, make less if you are not dosing every day.

I ate 5g of dry cubensis in a smoothie today. it was pretty great.


No, only going inward and fixing yourself will help with anxiety. They stimulate it yes, but it wont be as nice. It will be worse but bear greater results.

well....... first you dry it out, then you grind it into a powder, then you divide it into microdoses that you could put in a capsule.

can you tie your own shoelaces?

>implying he has shoelaces instead of slip-ons and velcro

you spelt mongoloid wrong, you spacstic

>criticizes anons spelling
>misspels spchastik

Reckful was micro dosing shrooms up until his suicide, for an example

As with any drug, it can completely backfire and can amplify the symptoms that you're trying to relieve. Best bet is to take a huge dose and hold on. If it doesn't make you a completely traumatized retard than it might help.
>people actually considering taking mushrooms for mental health issues...

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Wife has anxiety and depression issues and is micro dosing every day for a few months now
She says she's never felt better

are you new to the past decade?

Nice finger prints there with that fed schedule 1 drug.....


Magic is the name of the mushroom not the concept, you retarded dumb nigger...

>Soup Yea Forums
>Anyone try "microdosing" magic mushrooms?
>Does it really cure anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, etc. AND promote motivation and creativity
No. But I also have ptsd pretty bad

you would need some CSI zoom in enhance level shit to trace those puppies

godamn why is everyone in this thread so uptight

I'm taking 100-200mg every other day. But I'm also trying to reduce and eventually get off a SNRI antidepressant. So, I'm not sure how my experience will translate. And I'm still going through it, so it's a very slow, ongoing process.

Fuck shrooms OP, time to man up and start hitting the ski slopes you pussy, I can guarantee you’ll feel on top of the world. Just don’t smoke crack

they aren't microdosing, I guess

Man mushrooms are cool.
The walls will start moving, changing color, and distorting around you.
Then you'll go into these weird vision phases where you lose contact with reality. And come back still tripping.
You're consciousness will alter and you'll lose perspective on your conventional state of self. Merging with things, viewing you from another persepctive, and falling into hallucinations again.
One of the most epic things I did in my life. We don't understand anything about ourselves and reality.

Never had this experience. More like dreaming(and/or nightmares) while awake, I would describe it as

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I use truffles, 1g every 3 day, has helped me give up smoking and helps me deal with the stress that goes with caring for an elderly sick parent. Also general motivation is better as well. Now it's not a quick fix and it requires you to work at making yourself better, but it does help. I usually microdose for 3 months and take a break for a year.


took mushrooms once.
not exactly microdosing though

took roughly 30 grams of some cubensis mushrooms. probably more. Fresh shrooms.

result was a truly mind-blowing experience.
it was beyond any description.
not necessarily funny or pleasant but truly enlightening.

it was maybe the strongest experience of my life.

after like 10 hours or so I sought the effects were over.
I thought I wanna go home.
entered the train to drive home.
sat down, still shattered and speechless but generally in a free-swinging mood.

suddenly I realized: all other passengers had insectoid bug eyes speaking in a language alien to me

happened maybe 15 years ago in Germany

I don't believe you

100% correct. which part are you objecting to?

I guess it's kind of dream like.
I thought they were epic. I think it's funny the government and people with power don't like them lol.
I say for me it was an overall positive experience. It can get intense at some parts, but if you know what you're getting yourself into it's very therapeutic.
My mind has never been the same. In a good way. My past no longer bothers me as much.

30g wet is less than 3g dry, which is probably the number you're used to seeing. not OP

yeah I remember it only darkly. we were three people and planned to do 30 gr each.

but one person chickend out so I did take more.
dont remember clearly.
but I certainly took too much :)

but it was - in hindsight - a very good experience.

on shrooms you'll see you're basically locked inside a VM your consciousness is constructing.

the VM is too perfect to realize it's even there under normal conditions.

on shrooms and lsd however the VM will break and reveal itself

I've had some good and bad experiences with higher doses of mushrooms. I'm on an SNRI, so I need a good dose of mushrooms to get a good effect. However, it also gives me a cap. If I take too much I get serotonin syndrome flashes, chills, hot flashes...repeat for a few hours......not fun. But when I get a good happy medium with some good visual's crazy!! the floor boards turn into rivers, peoples faces look like they're stretching.....tall then wide and back again. And I laugh SO HARD!!!!! It's such a release!
With regular cubes that's 3.5-5g usually. but 3.5g of APE was WAY too strong! I've only tried cubes and PE cubes. But I'm culturing some ATL#7 Tampanensis right now.

Germination plate, swab streak. Center is browning and the mycelium is drawing in water, indications of the beginning of sclerotia formation. I took transfers from these already. T1s will probably end up in rye jars.

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thought you meant dry first

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> My past no longer bothers me as much.
I will say the same for me on my last trip. Ended up taking an 8th and when I peaked I swear I was this close to some kind of “other side” I really want to do it again but take a bigger amount and see what’s over there.

don't know what you're talking about exactly, but sounds interesting....... I've only been a consumer of lsd trips. I enjoy the strong edgy visuals and mental shifts. Not sure what dosages I took on the tabs. Pink champagnes I recall. About 20 years ago.

Call me a faggot if I’m wrong but from what I know you can just take little cuts of the stuff on the plate he posted to grow quite a few mushrooms. And if you’re taking prints it’s pretty much a perpetual grow so to speak

Tampanensis is a sclerotia forming mushroom. These sclerotia are often called magic truffles or philosophers stones. Sclerotia are mushroom like mycelial bodies that the mushroom uses to store collected energy for future use. It's an adaptation to survive forest/prairie fires. Tamps are 1-2x the strength of P. cubensis

You're not incorrect. That's a spore germination plate. I took small samples from that plate to make new plates. This transfer process is necessary to ensure the culture is clean and free from contaminants such as competing fungus, molds and bacteria. Once I'm sure I have a clean culture I will transfer wedges of that culture into sterile jars of rye grain. That grain will then be used to grow the mushrooms and sclerotia.

ok thanks. what is the high like?

I haven't tried them yet. I just started working with the culture. But it's supposed to be similar to cubes but more visual with less come up anxiety.

Right on, I know the basics of it I just wasn’t sure. Been growing weed for a bit and took a wack at mushrooms from some spawn jars a buddy of mine had. Fucked it up quite a bit and was able to get like 3 mushrooms total lol. Wanna give it another go but I don’t think it’s my thing

You sound like a candidate for developing mental issues from pyschoactive use. Happened to a friend who lost his mind, don't trip bro

Mushrooms are both easy and hard to grow at the same time! LOL!!
If you've got a good setup and good sterile technique it's pretty easy. I grew more mushrooms than I could handle my first grow. I'm just growing for myself and friends, not selling. I gave away OUNCES of mushrooms! lol.
But it's so easy to lose everything you've got growing if you have an outbreak of mold, mites, fungus gnats......
I did a LOT of reading before I started my first culture. And I started learning agar from the very beginning. This meant that I NEEDED to get my sterile technique down or I'd just be growing a lot of mold and bacteria. started in a still air box, just a 56qt clear tote with arm holes cut in the sides. Now I've upgraded to a laminar flow hood. The flow hood was a major investment. But once you decide you enjoy this hobby and plan on growing more than a couple mushrooms, it's worth every penny!!!
I enjoy the hobby. I'm mostly growing gourmet mushrooms these days. Oysters and lion's mane. Again, just for personal and family consumption. I've no desire to try producing on a scale that would be required to sell gourmets.

i tried microdosing bc they weren't mine, they were my gf's but she was just like leaving them in her room and like i'd have the day off and i'd be playing guitar and then she just started cheating on me idk if it has anything to do but that was pretty shitty of her

Oh no doubt that’s how I got my start, buddy of mine still has so many. More than once he’s been like “here take this full mason jar I’m trying to clear out” lol
But definitely get the easy/hard bit. A bit more than I thought it would be since I mostly have my plant tent dialed, so I wasn’t used to checking in as often.
But I’d way more like to get into the lions mane, reishi side of things. I love mushrooms as good so it’s be sick to actually have a grow of fresh ones going

I've only megadosed

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Gourmets are pretty easy to grow. You can get started with inoculated grain spawn from several high quality vendors online. I like North Spore. You can also get liquid cultures from several vendors online. The gourmet side of mushroom growing is MUCH easier to get started in because of this.
I use 10in, filter patched, mushroom grow bags and supplemented hard wood substrate(hardwood fuel pellets and wheat bran. I do my sterilization in a 24qt pressure cooker. I've build a martha fruiting chamber for fruiting them.

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I preface this by saying I take SSRI's and Ritalin. Microdosed for two weeks. Made me feel depressed and weird.

tried it. not much changes.

Hell yeah dude. I wasn’t sure if they were a little easier or more forgiving than the psych kind. Definitely going to give it another shot

This is very similar to a description I read somewhere else.

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Have you tried sunshine and exercise fogget?

Today I went looking for instructions on how to grow. Companies sell grow kits where they give you a plastic tub, a rice cake, spores, and plastic bag. That costs like €100.

Then I went to see whether they are legal and it turns out you can go picking just 40 minutes from where I live [Alcala de Henares, Spain]. But I'm scared I'll fuck up and pick the wrong ones. Also I don't have a car.


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Grow kits have a tendency to be garbage. You may have better luck in Spain though, the kits are made in the EU.

I tried ordering some when I first started and it turned out to be a delivery scam. After you pay for the kits($180), they send you an e-mail and say they need another $350 to ensure delivery. If you send them more money, they'll keep asking for more until you catch on. And because you're ordering illegal items through the mail, you can't go to the police.
Check out tons of great info there. They can be a little.....overwhelming......if you post bad advice or incorrect information. Just keep your head down and eyes open. Only open your mouth if you have a question. After you've been growing mushrooms yourself for a bit and have actual experience under your belt, not just something you read, then you can start helping others.