I guess this is what happens when a democracy is infiltrated and destroyed from with in...

I guess this is what happens when a democracy is infiltrated and destroyed from with in. I wonder what the shills will read off their response sheet today?

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using pepe..shame

Why does it seem like there are three different Bidens, each with a different hairline, jawline, and general facial shape

Imagine being Putin. You get this guy elected so you can take Ukraine. But then he blames you for everything

geeze I wonder..Of course you would have to be a retarded, traitor, nazi to think they would ever lie to you.

Democracy is being destroyed by Republicans fucktard, get it correct for once!

Ideological subversion.
Yuri Bezemenov told us how commies do it

Imagine supporting this turd and telling others to cope.

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This. They love sucking Koch brothers cock for minimum wage, inflation, and shit healthcare.
Ayn rand won lol

shill team 6 has arrived..

Cant hear you user im going galt.
You sound like a poor person anyway. Bleh.

No question that Putin does not go into Ukraine unless he knows that the West will not get involved. They have killed close to 100,000 people and you can lay everyone of those deaths on any sucker who was dumb enough to not demand democracy be protected in the US..

the fact that you would call someone else poor makes me think that you find that insult hurtful. Is it perhaps that you are the one who is poor. Not a surprise that anyone pushing these ideas would be a shitty person.desu.

I mean, that picture depicts the correct procedure for dealing with an outsider asking to see ballots. As someone who has worked 2 elections, ballots are counted separately at their respective stations, then returned to their box and what we recorded alongside the box is submitted to the boss. That boss doesn't actually look inside the boxes or do anything aside take the boxes and paperwork to a separate location to be loaded onto a truck, which then delivers them to another location for re-counting by officials, who then pass that all along to more officials...

The process has a fuckton of people doing counts and transport. It's insane, but basically tamper-proof.

You're poverty doesn't mean we aren't equals user.
It just means Im more equal than you.

you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

Are you insinuating that we do get directly involved and send 100,000 of our own people there to die?

You should run for office. I'm sure this position would be very popular /s

Hey. 98 percent of the mail in votes are for one guy..lots of these votes dont even have a crease mark where they were mailed in. millions of Americans are claiming this election is a fraud. to bad trust the science election for Biden.deal with it..cope..who could question that.

>you are poverty does not mean we are not equals user..

India is doing shill work again.

band wagon..classic

If you wanna catch a flight over to Moscow and take a shot at Putin yourself, be my best bud.

The only shill here is you conservative wagie.
Get back to work and off Yea Forums. You're costing me productivity. And I need a new yacht.

On a website where people get competitive about out-stupiding one another, you’ve really taken gold here

Really impressive

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>You're costing me productivity
I wasn't aware that spreading degeneracy and wokeism on behalf of your fucked up pay master can be referred to as "productivity". Did you know that if you dump your apple iShit and shill from another platform you will be more productive? You may even get a few 11 cent bonuses on top of your 10 cent dogshit tier script.

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TIired to post BBC threads ?

Mail-in have a collection center for each district, where ballots are counted. Those ballots are then sent to the municipal collection station, where they are recounted. It then goes county, etc with a different person transporting the ballots every step of the way.

Millions of people used to believe that stainless steel cookware gave you cancer and that Teflon cookware was safe based on lies peddled by the people who make Teflon cookware. We now have evidence of the opposite. Millions of people believing something doesn't make it true.

>Did you know that if you dump your apple iShit
Like you cam even afford one.
Am I right?

This nigger doesn't know who's in charge

May Bidens clan live and rule for 100 years. Inshallah

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Very sad

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Yes when dems are in office it's all the Republicans fault and back and forth we go. And in-between our bullshit elections they slowly take our constitutional rights and freedoms away. All while we fight each other and try to keep away from minorities trying to mug us while illegals steal jobs and take government hand outs.

biden's been dead since 2017.


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lol, the millions of people who claim it are retards who just believed whatever donald trump told them to believe. the reality was he was planning to cry about losing before he even actually lost, because he's that much of a pathetic bitch. and every state, including republican states, certified the election and said the fraud claims were bogus. so did trump's own attorney general. you stop the steal people are the biggest cucks i've ever seen

Putin knows he's perfect after 2014. The sanctions will lift in less than 2 years, his son will be appointed to an oil company, and the mayor of Moscow's family will donate $3.4million

go back to /pol/ cocksucker


Cope, my friend, cope. You will be at acceptance soon.

The walls are closing in.

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look at that woman which you will never gonna be

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Be careful what you wish for.

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Not this stupid nigger again

Doesn't explain 98% for one candidate. Many with just a Biden vote and nothing else. Fraudulent election was fraudulent.

>the people who opposed mail-in ballots didn't use mail-in ballot nearly as much
No shit.

Doesn't explain such skewed results. No down ballots. Just a Biden only vote. Keep drinking the kool-aid 284nmthough

Of course not, if we go with your numbers.

>Of course not
I accept your concession. Biden is a fraud. Glad we came to agreement.

biden > trump


At this point, all sane people can agree that anyone who still supports Trump and thinks the election was rigged deserves a slow and painful death. Right after they are forced to watch their entire family raped and mutilated. The only good MAGAchud is a dead MAGAchud. Rot In Piss, scum.

...from a dirt poor, toothless shit farmer with a meth habit living next to a toxic waste dump and supported by just enough gov't subsidies to keep him and his sister-wife from starving while they raise the next generation of cannon fodder to send to a country with a democratically elected leftist leader and mineral resources.

Oh cool, it's good to see that someone like you can admit that they used false numbers to imply something other than the truth.

If Trump won then he can't run in 2024 so which is it fuck wad?

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>7 more months
I wonder if we'll exceed 29.78% inflation by then so Biden can be remembered for something.

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Elections Lost
Biden: 0
Trump: 2

>that they used false numbers to imply something other than the truth
Like Biden and the election and COVID? Why are the shills on this board such low quality?

Because you don't get paid enough.