what do liberals listen to Yea Forums
What do liberals listen to Yea Forums
The sound of Nazis' skulls breaking from the sheer force with which they hit them with their bike locks.
they should be listening to marx instead of rachel maddow
Marx doesn't address lesbian adoption you fucking tranny!
>mfw I act and dress like a typical "hipster" bernie bro but I'm a right wing libertarian and consistently vote Republican/Libertarian
Why is the music scene so liberal bros? I want to enjoy music but I also want to enjoy my gun rights REEEE
libertarian socialists are pro gun
the reason musicians aren't capitalist should be pretty self explanatory
i wish gun rights wasnt a right wing/left wing thing. its just protection from your government, both parties should be down with that
You're a musician?
Libertarian socialism is a meme. For me, it's syndicalism.
Bombay Bicycle Club
Sufjan Stevens
Wu-Tang Clan
Aesop Rock
>Supporting Trump just because he pisses off liberals
Has he done anything for conservatives?
i'm not a trump supporter though
>the word liberal
>/pol/ - politically incorrect
You fucking idiot.
Protection from the government? Yeah maybe if you’re a crazy ass conspiracy theorist. And anyway... good luck with your guns while fighting a government, I’m sure you’ll win.
yes the government is always right trust us
yeah your ar15 is going to shot down drones and fighter jets lol
socialism is cancer, I'm pro capatilist because it's the best and most free system in the world. Being anti capitalist in this day and age is to be blind and ignorant of history.
haha, i cannot even begin to imagine what a queer you must look like in real life, holy shit.
also, reminder, that other than Eric, not once has actually happened.
"The sound of Nazis' skulls breaking from the sheer force with which they hit them with their bike locks." Oh my God hahaha. Wow...
Basically every liberal is "pro guns for me but not for thee". Nobody actually has a problem with you having a gun as long as you shout the usual nonsense about how nobody else should have one and only support pro-gun organizations under the table.
The US would never use advanced weaponry like that on its own citizens. The rest of the world would intervene if that happened.
I suggest you look into how the United States started.
also, calling someone a conspiracy theorist means nothing and dismisses nothing. try having an independent thought for once
so you would rather be completely defenseless because ar-15's cant shoot down aircraft? im not sure i understand the logic behind that.
Don’t be so sure about something you haven’t put much thought into. It’s the second amendment for a reason, it’s important. You should be very weary of the government taking away your constitutional rights and claiming it’s for national security reasons. These people are not to be trusted. They don’t care about us.
I mean, you might be retarded here but if the US can't even get away with just leveling entire enemy countries because they don't want to kill too many civilians, they won't bomb their own major cities because a few rebel groups take hold of certain districts. They will send in their ground troops to "liberate" areas just like they do literally everywhere else. What sort of demented logic do you have that you think the US is more willing to commit war crimes to itself than to others? After the first drone strike on New York the entire US military would go into civil war and the civilian population would begin massacring politicians all over the country.
But one political wing believes the government should control everything, why the fuck would they believe the citizens should be able to oppose them?
it's not the 1800s anymore grandpa you'll never beat the us government
>defend worker's rights
>also, let's mass import immigrants and drive down wages and job opportunities for working class Americans lmao
>I don't understand how anything works
You do realize every country with armed rebels (most of them) also has a government, right?
all good music is created by liberals
He's a Jewish shill, but his campaign helped re-normalize nationalist and anti-immigrant sentiment, thankfully. So while Trump is definitely not 'our guy,' he's a decent first step in the right direction to genuinely nationalist leadership.
That's what the redcoat fags said in the 1800s.
Fags never change.
it's not the 1800s anymore grandpa you'll never beat the us government the south tried and the north didn't even have modern tech but go ahead and try tough guy
guess what, there were people saying the same thing before the American revolution. im sorry to burst your bubble, but if a large enough group of the population participated in a revolution it could be done. this country gave rights to its people so they could have the ability to overthrow a corrupt government, like we have today, and people should not willingly give away their most important defense against it because you don't think we can beat the US government
so youre going to ignore that the American revolution was effective but youll use the civil war as proof for your claim. wow, i thought the NPC thing was just a joke to get people upset but it seems to be real
Okay, now I see you're just pretending to be retarded. You don't have to "beat the government" to get the change you want. Islamic rebels get everything they ask for with just a few mass slaughter events a year. You almost certainly endorse the thugs that are antifa and yet somehow think if people on the opposite political side did the exact same thing, that would "cross the line" and no longer be effective. Are you serious?
it's not the 1800s anymore grandpa you'll never beat the us government the south tried and the north didn't even have modern tech but go ahead and try tough guy
Unless you truly believe the government simply enjoys blacks in Chicago killing each other, please try to explain how the government could deal with Americans rebelling but already can't stop them from doing what they want when they have guns. There would be mass civilians casualties at bare minimum.
>antifa are thugs
>the guys whose name literally means "antifascists" are thugs
guess we know where you stand.
(spoiler: with the fascists)
Rightoids ITT:
"leftists are violent terrorists who use violence to get what they want! That's bad!"
Also rightoids:
"Yeah, we could beat the government in an armed uprising no problem, and it's totally within our right, LOL"
do you know what an anarchist is
libtards itt:
"wow i simply cant understand why people would want to defend themselves? like the government isnt going to overstep its boundaries and descend into tyranny or anything lmao"
also libtards:
"i hope the governemntn slaughters every single rightoid, god i hope you all get fucking droned like the stupid arabs in the middle east with all the neocon wars i support"
god i hate this fucking website
you cant possibly be this retarded
Music. The right is incapable of enjoying anything but mozart and country.
This is so otm don't be surprise if you get 'suicided' some day for being too woke
>being right or left wing
>even worss, being a centrist
big yikes from me
>God I hate this fucking website
FUCK transphobia
FUCK fascism
FUCK body-shaming
FUCK slut-shaming
FUCK racism
FUCK homophobia
FUCK xenophobia
FUCK Trump
FUCK conservatives
FUCK centrism
FUCK neoliberalism
FUCK white people
FUCK capitalism
FUCK imperialism
If you're not an actual shitty person, none of the above should be objectionable to you.
literally all of those are good except white people
>I'm going to hinge my argument on what people choose to call themselves and not what they were
Okay, Nazi, just remember your own retarded logic when people remind you the Nazis called themselves socialists and the North Koreans call themselves democrats
fuck ancient Egypt
>FUCK transphobia
>FUCK fascism
>FUCK body-shaming
>FUCK slut-shaming
>FUCK racism
>FUCK homophobia
>FUCK xenophobia
>FUCK Trump
somewhat based, somewhat cringe
>FUCK conservatives
>FUCK centrism
>FUCK neoliberalism
>FUCK white people
>FUCK capitalism
very cringe, yikes
>FUCK imperialism
>tfw you're libertarian but want zero immigration, so you get labelled a racist/fascist
i just want a white paradise where people have maximum freedom. it's ironic since most liberal people i know want nothing to do with immigrants, they believe they should be dumped in the suburbs (where i live) and left to rot. the underground/avant-garde music scene is also 100% white, zero diversity like they preach about
>liking capitalism
please kill yourself immediately
Your disconnect with leftist positions is fascinating.
>I'm not a racist
>i just want a white paradise
what do you think racism means
at the end of the day, if you're pro-white/nationalist, you kinda have to arbitrarily pick and choose where you believe in the "free market" if you want your beliefs to be consistent with libertarianism.
reminder Hiter didn't just hate Communism, he hated capitalism too. both can be used to erode our values, national identity and social cohesion.
never mentioned any leftist positions because i was distinctly addressing liberals, sucka
>being a retarded commie
no you kill yourself and as painfully as possible too
racism is ugly, and racism is what happens when you mix together extremely different groups with clashing means of pursuing their collective self-interest.
racial homogeneity = less racism.
Even liberals don't really want complete gun bans or murdering all rightists. I haven't seen any polls or anything but all my libtard friends just want guns more regulated and less right wing virtue signalling AKA lobbying in politics
Bruh the Irish and Italians weren't even considered to be white for centuries in America. People are just cunts and will shit on each other over any difference real or imagined
>liking capitalism
>please kill yourself immediately
>most things you own are products of capitalism mass production
>even modern China are embracing capitalism
I used to listen to obscure bands when i was in my liberal phase
medieval peasant: "I think medieval life should be improved for us starving peasants"
you: "hmm but did you notice that YOU ARE PARTICIPATING IN MEDIEVAL LIFE? kinda hypocritical don't u think???"
>>most things you own are products of capitalism mass production
literally the most retarded argument you could have made, except you followed it up with something somehow even worse. go fuck yourself
Didn't even try there!
>I'm pro capatilist because it's the best and most free system in the world
Oh look at how the non-western sphere is free! Pure freedom right guise
kek very fitting for this thread
I mean, it is extremely hypocritical. White liberals honestly believe that because they can reap the benefits of all these systems that their ancestors had to suffer through they should now be turned off to prevent any of the colored peoples from also benefiting. Just because you have the freedom to abandon all these things, doesn't mean everyone else does. That freedom had to be achieved through centuries. If any of these cucks actually believed what they preached they would be doing 100% of their activism in foreign countries rather than fighting progress in their native countries. If they truly believed what they claim to, they would sacrifice themselves off somewhere in Africa to do what their ancestors did for them so that African descendants can reap the benefits sooner rather than later.
yes because slaving away under a totalitarian regime is so much better, right dumbfuck?
>liberals = communists
dumbass american tier education retard detected
Yes, all because of capitalism, not because of Islamic theocracy or incredibly old, complexconflicts with neighboring groups, or anti-democratic cultural mores that existed before the industrial revolution
there are actual communist posts in this thread, like that guy who said "fuck neoliberalism"
DAE LIBERALISM AND LEFTISM AREN'T THE SAME??? is some serious reddit-tier "wisdom" at this point. we know. you aren't as smart as you think you are.
Classic whataboutism.
If you read actual anti-capitalist authors like Rousseau and Marx then you would realise that they argue that they are trying to free people from their chains; that it's a great system for production but it's soulless and corrupt and that the majority of people are not in fact free. Capitalism also doesn't give a flying fuck about culture, the arts, the sciences, people in general and the environment. You'd have to be a fucking retard living in a bubble to think it's the best and most free system.
Too bad capitalism is like a cult or religion now and money is God: don't you dare criticise it, right?
>the one baiting guy who spammed a wall of "fuck x"
Yeah, actual communist posts in this thread, you sure showed me, you gargantuan fucking troglodyte.
>unironically forming your political beliefs based on the ramblings of NEETS who never worked a day in their lives
Please tell me one (1) communist country that is successful. I'll wait.
spot on post
>If you read actual anti-capitalist authors like Rousseau and Marx then you would realise that they argue that they are trying to free people from their chains
if you actually read Marx, you'd realize a prerequisite of his "chainless utopia" is mass murder of innocent people based on class.
the bloodshed and suffering Communism has caused in the 20th century wasn't a consequence of straying from Marx's vision, it was a consequence of adhering to Marx's vision.
Yikes, your phone is made in China, fagget. Isn't it successful?
The argument is not which system is free because neither is, it's about which freedoms would you prefer to have. The freedom to underachieve or the freedom to think?
If China is your definition of a communist "success," then there's nothing more to be said here
they're exploiters
>Capitalism also doesn't give a flying fuck about culture, the arts, the sciences, people in general and the environment.
"Not giving a fuck" is preferable to Communism's active hatred of arts, people and culture. Every Communist regime ends up destroying the local folk culture and replacing it with sterile Modernist garbage. Every Communist regime represses the local religions, if not outright banning them.
Culture, faith, love and family give people a sense of identity that goes deeper that state-worship.
And that terrifies Marxists.
>>unironically forming your political beliefs based on the ramblings of NEETS who never worked a day in their lives
That's quite an assumption. You clearly don't know the biographies of said people so you might want to keep that down.
>Please tell me one (1) communist country that is successful. I'll wait.
No country has ever reached that state: a stateless and moneyless society. There have been successful socialist countries though, Yugoslavia, the USSR until NEP and some time after and anarchist societies in Ukraine, Catalonia etc. weren't that bad. Problem is, the majority of these countries have always been unstable and/or piss poor which lead to undermining and another bunch of regime changes.
But let me guess: that doesn't count because they don't exist anymore, huh? Because that would mean things like Athens, Rome, the British Empire, German Empire etc. weren't successful either.
*deeper than
>unironically quoting Matt fucking Bors
>focusing only on fallacious arguments for capitalism and ignoring the mountains of evidence supporting free markets
Read Sowell and have sex
>No country has ever reached that state: a stateless and moneyless society.
oh, that's convenient. every failure doesn't count, so you have a 0% failure rate!
Wrong. The USSR until Stalin took charge was a very open and avant-garde society. Yugoslavia was very connected with its folk roots and culture and it didn't repress any local traditions. Jesus is a thousand times closer to a communist than a capitalist.
Is folk culture preserved in America? Why do Christians lament the decline of "family values" in capitalist America? Why did modernism originate in capitalist countries?
>There have been successful socialist countries though, Yugoslavia, the USSR until NEP and some time after and anarchist societies in Ukraine, Catalonia etc. weren't that bad
hahahahahha yeah we're done here. I sincerely hope you're baiting and not actually this retarded. Don't bother responding, I have better things to do than talk with sub 80 iq commies
Didn't expect anything else from somebody who can't comprehend that politics, history and the world in general are complex things and processes. Refer back to my post and rethink your position and educate yourself or just don't bother anymore.
might as well rec uncle ruckus
See le meme reactions aren't arguments. I'm not even a communist, I'm only interested in studying history and the processes that shaped it. You can keep banging on with your American freedumz "education" all you want.
I was actually just baiting and you fucking fell for it hahahahaha I knew somebody would recognize that comic and post it to "own" me lmao
>mountains of evidence supporting free markets
I'd love to see that.
Anybody who supports a genocidal ideology that seeks to rob people of property rights is inherently committing aggression against other people just by living out their normal day-to-day life. Communists do not deserve human rights and should not be treated as real humans.
change my mind
Based and helicopter pilled
Try again. Maybe read a book for the first time and your life and learn what communism is.
it was relevant enough to the thread that it was funny he rolled a commie wizard, you autist.
you're the Yea Forums equivalent of the neckbeards on r,eddit who post "AAACKKSHUAALLYYY, did you know viking helmets didn't REALLY have horns? I AM VERY SMART!"
go back to your home
genocide is good though. Humanity is ogre rated
What is funny is that your speech is like a neurotic nightmare fuelled purely by memes. You can stop commenting now.
Don't reproduce.
just wondering, how many people itt live above the lower class and pay taxes ?
As a leftist, I want to rip your assault rifle from your pathetic high-T hands and watch you live peacefully among the rest of the (ideal) low-T population. Goodnight.
>Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary. The destruction of the bourgeois democrats’ influence over the workers, and the enforcement of conditions which will compromise the rule of bourgeois democracy, which is for the moment inevitable, and make it as difficult as possible – these are the main points which the proletariat and therefore the League must keep in mind during and after the approaching uprising.
You're a petty bourgeois Democrat. Marxists defend gun rights and recognize the first amendment as a major historical achievement.
I mean the second amendment. Both are awesome though, the US has a much better constitution than all those Bonapartist European shitholes.
>Marxists defend gun rights
except every avowed Marxist who ever came to power
besides them, sure
hahaha what a loser
Yea Forums
I seriously hope you're not a lefty on the internet in 2011+8
>I'm pro capatilist because it's the best and most free system in the world. Being anti capitalist in this day and age is to be blind and ignorant of history.
holy fuck imagine believing this for a single second
holy fuck imagine actually being this much of a defeatist. But whatever. Stay the stepping stone you are for people like me to reach the heights they want in life.
I'd try breaking your conditioning if I were you. You've only got 1 life.
Then guess what: they aren't really Marxists then, you fucking retard.
This. I'm a shitposting low IQ retard righty on the internet, but an actual functioning human being with reason and empathy lefty in the real world.
Usually whatever I feel like
Yeah libtard it's *current year*
lol you sound like a sociopath
The right wing is literally the side of the political spectrum that relies on fact to make its determinations whereas the left examines situations using emotion and hypothetical anecdotes. Unfortunately because of this, the left is often duped by people who've realized how easily controlled they are and are taken advantage of, constantly.
It's 2011+8. Liberalism is out the door and uncool.
not at all. if i were, i wouldn't have offered advice at the end to help a stranger.
Jesus Christ, if conservatives are actually this fucking stupid why don't you actually kill yourselves
who's your unironic preferred candidate
t. seething liberal
> "Jesus Christ, if conservatives are actually this fucking stupid why don't you actually kill yourselves"
uh... lol ok, user...
you sociopath !!
what facts?
the right wing denies climate change, evolution and revises most history to fit whatever they want.
you dont really care about facts, you care about your own little feeling and what fits your agenda
I mean you can say similar things about the left wing and 23 genders and all the pseudoscience that is taking over the ideology.
They fail to include it in the headline of course, but these are leftists who haven't gone fullblown retard with the majority of you since drumpfhf who exposed left wing acadmia for doing "you dont really care about facts, you care about your own little feeling and what fits your agenda"
Why can't you agree that you're both stupid? Imagine making fun of people for not taking a hard stance and realizing either side or no side is right on various topics.
kill yourself faggot
this is the most american thing ive ever heard
imagine being this retarded
Why do you retards always say this but love to meme on vietnam and the failed war in the middle east to "goat farmers"?
Nice low IQ post and demonstration why you're are fucking delusional as shit. Facts don't lie on any side of the political spectrum, they transcend politics. Fuck off with your muh the left muh the right narrative and stop watching shitty social media and TV and use your fucking brain, you're supposedly a rational human being.
You're literally a fucking brainlet if you think China is communist. They fucking tried communism and half their population starved to death. So they opened up the market and allowed private ownership, resulting in them becoming one of the most powerful nations on Earth. Have you ever studied economics?
do you have anything intelligent to say or?
>he thinks gender (social roles, sociology, culture) and sex (biology) are the same thing
Another thing the right wing cannot comprehend. You've just proven this guy right again.
t. seething reddit lefty onions
> denies climate change
> not realizing it's a goddamned cleverly marketed hoax to buy votes for Democratic and RINO candidates ("the world is ending due to climate change! So vote for us because we have the power to fix it for you!")
> revises most history to fit whatever they want.
user, I really hope you're just trolling with that one.
Yes, like said, fuck, THIS POST ALONE... A POST ON OF ALL PLACES, Yea Forums should be enough to wake you up.
Do you honestly, truly believe in that kind of shit? I understand if you want to be compassionate toward other people... that's admirable but do you REALLY, TRULY believe in that climate change and X, Y, Z, etc. etc. etc. gender bullshit?
It's funny as hell on the internet but maddening when it transpires irl
>post historical facts and rational argumentation
Ahahahaha. You.... nevermind lol. You just keep doing you user. I'm sure all your opinions are allowing you to absolutely ROCK in life...
The world doesn't revolve around the two American political parties (that are in reality almost identical and identically hypocritical), buddy.
>>he thinks gender (social roles, sociology, culture) and sex (biology) are the same thing
Are you honest-to-goodness being serious right now????
this entire thread is reddit-tier
That's a smart move not continuing when you find out that you're way out of your depth and have nothing rational to contribute. And I'm doing great in my life, thanks.
fuck communism
fuck fascism
fuck authoritarian ideology
fuck anarchists
fuck racists
fuck intersectionalists
fuck allies
fuck queers
fuck people who call themselves queers
fuck people who call themselves allies with queers
fuck white people
fuck minority groups
fuck n-words
fuck "the n word"
fuck racial slurs
fuck getting mad about racial slurs
fuck activism
fuck slacktivism
fuck hacktivism
fuck ism
fuck slavoj zizek
fuck jordan peterson
fuck youtubers
fuck podcasts
fuck joe rogan
fuck the joe rogan experience
fuck the chapo trap house experience
fuck the r forward slash chapo trap house experience
fuck political cranks on reddit
fuck political cranks on Yea Forums
fuck political cranks on social media
fuck the federal agents egging them on
fuck the corporate financiers egging *them* on
fuck all of it
>The world doesn't revolve around the two American political parties
It basically does, though, as the US is the most dominant country on earth. Call it whatever you like: unfair, imperialistic, etc., No matter how established the EU is (or Russia, or China), all 3 of those combined cannot beat the US in global influence.
They literally fucking aren't, you gargantuan retard troglodyte. Gender means what social role you play and that's different for literally every culture in the world while sex means what you have between your legs; sometimes they're connected but sometimes they absolutely aren't because that connection is cultural or completely arbitrary. If they were one and the same, then explain how and why Albanian sworn virgins act and are treated like men when they're women in reality. Does that mean they deny science? No, they just play social roles that are different to your culture, you cretin. It's really not hard to at least TRY and educate yourself, not everything is muh liberal college campus propaganda.
Influential yes, but not the only two things in the world and the globe doesn't revolve around it; there are plenty of counterweights on the Eurasian continent.
communism is good
> have nothing rational to contribute
It's not that; it's just that you're probably very likely a lost cause. You've been led to believe that anything right of center is evil/bad/-phobic/blah blah blah when it fact that's where *actual* compassion, justice and opportunity lie.
mindbogglingly based
*wipes tangy mayonnaise on this post*
*backs lincoln continental over this post*
Ah, you ruined it with your silly assumptions. You're implying something that I vehemently oppose. Facts don't lie on the political spectrum and the left-right narrative is oversimplified nonsense because real life is a complex process.
Seriously, you can stop posting now and making nonsensical assumptions about what I think about any wings.
>Gender means what social role you play
dude... look, I'm gonna be honest. I've stopped reading after that. When you've decided to quit pretending you actually believe whatever bullshit you're spewing, you can come back to me. I think that's pretty fair. Deal?
Did you just decide that you weren't going to even try and listen to people one day and that argumentation and education are bad things, huh?
But let's be honest here... I'm PROBABLY right about you though, lol, aren't I...?
And answer my question, by the way.
Uh... well, user, ultimately it's a very simple thing we're discussing here but since I get the feeling it's a bit complex for you, I'll summarize:
> topic of gender/sex (there are two: Male & Female)
> "Gender means what social role you play"
t. So to answer your question, yes lol, after the six words you used which were complete bullshit, I decided that I wasn't even going to try and listen to anything more you've said since, well, it's probably bullshit haha.
Answer my question and keep in mind that this wasn't made out of thin air but the roles in question were observed and studied.
>171 replies
>49 posters
Also explain this as well
>The distinction between sex and gender differentiates a person's biological sex (the anatomy of an individual's reproductive system, and secondary sex characteristics) from that person's gender, which can refer to either social roles based on the sex of the person (gender role) or personal identification of one's own gender based on an internal awareness (gender identity).
>Neil R., Carlson (2010). Psychology: The science of behavior.
i'm sorry, shit, what was the question again? i feel like i may have already answered it but perhaps I wasn't clear enough. my bad, if that's the case.
> Also explain this as well
Ok, my response to that is that it's convoluted bullshit lol. Why, just because someone has a series of degrees or letters after their title, must I automatically accept it as though it's hard, concrete fact?
Also for whatever it's worth (and yes, I could be bullshitting too, of course [that's for you to decide] but I'm not), I have a 4 year bachelor degree from a very liberal leaning college in a major city. As soon as I learned to think critically, my fucking mind was blown by how easily it is for those with "esteem" and reputation to lie to others. It should be a goddamned crime, practically.
If gender is removed entirely from sex, then what is even the point of it being a term? What is the limit on what you can identify as?
Also, do you also replace the actual definition of racism with institutional racism?
muh political struggle in muh online space
's rully imporn't mmkay 's wurl wor three mmkay
Yea far-Right parties tend to do that - Franco, Mussolini, Hitler, those countless el presidente generals in Central and Soutb America etc.
Why do you act like this doesn't also apply to far left?
Never mind, it was a fair response to his post, but generally conservative ideals is to have less government(sure they aren't always consistent), but liberal ideals are much more pro-government intervention. It's just objective fact.
yeah it's almost as if authoritarianism relies on the state having a monopoly on violence or something
I'l hand it to the left: since 2016, they grabbed the term "fascism" when nobody was looking and threw it at the right, where it has stuck. I swear to God the last time I heard that word before 16 was in The Beautiful People...
only in your liberal phase? are you dumb? obscure music is for everyone
Funny how the murican retardation has completely switched the meanings.
Back in late 1700s conservative would've wanted to preserve monarchy, aristocratic system etc.
And no matter how you spin it, right to own firearms, freedom of speech etc. are at their core very liberal ideas and were unheard of in majority of the known world back then.
But now, todays US conservative wants to preserve those old liberal ideas while current day liberal is, who the fuck even knows.
well aesop rock is good let's be honest
all music is for everyone
Two far-left faggots, sitting on a tree:
i know. pretty crazy. i'm conservative (by the modern day left's standards, a "fucking nazi X-phobic, etc.etc. etc.) but I don't exactly know what conservatives conserve...
I prefer the name Right Winger (and no, for the record, I'm not a neo-Nazi or homophobic, xenophobic or transphobic... because freedom to be who & what you want to be are TRUE right-wing ideals... [less GOVERNment, less control])
why wasn't this answered famo
seriously these people all need to shut the fuck up I miss when this board was only about music and you could actually use this website without it being ground zero for teenage political pseuds debating each other in every thread
why has this become a secondary /pol/
i feel like they like Muse
>the reason musicians aren't capitalist
moron, the market, its logic and the commodity form have penetrated every aspect of our lives. Musicians play their part in the dance more than many. See how they sell themselves, brand themself, have 'looks' muscians have been on the front lines of self-commodification fro 50 years. Only later with digital social media was the average person able to similarly reduce themselves to a product (though for free). To speak of musician as anti capitalist, this ia an ignominy.
Yea Forumscore, but unironically
plus anything on r/indieheads
don't touch muse fag, it is my favorite snob music
I feel you man
can you shut the fuck up with your dumb ironic speech we are in Yea Forums you fucking retard
Seriously. Why cant these clowns stay confined to their shit board, why do they have to spew their toxicity to the whole god damn world!?
> people who are interested in politics can't be interested in music, too; or a combination thereof
wasn't saying that ya big pussy
money is needed in this world to survive, so musicians need some marketing for their creations.
> ya big pussy
HAHAHA that is genuinely funny lol.
I hope I get to say something to someone today and end it with, “ya big pussy”
You’re pretty funny, user.
Yes I understand that self-commodification and branding has been taken up as a method of profit maximization. This does not make it less revolting to me. I hardly blame them for doing this, they are morons in a much greater game, however they have also been pioneers in the habit of self-reduction for the sake of marketing purposes, they have helped the logic of capital along its path downward into human psyches, helped reorganize human relations and personalities around its directives. Forgive me for not taking the claim that 'musicians are anticapitalist' seriously.
If you're talking about all of politics, I would agree, if you're talking only about right wing politics then lol nigga please
Lefties deserve to have rush limbaugh blared through their windows for eternity for breaking the "no talking about politics" rule forever and now FORCING people to be political.
negro government is the biggest murderer in history. History tells us that when shit goes wrong they kill a few million at a time like it's nothing. I ain't taking my chances
Some parts of the right wing do. Not all of it. Do you even know what moderation is. Not only that but are mostly at fault for denying facts as well.
>actually fucking doing anything
hahah no, liberals literally do nothing and then go cry on twitter about "violence is never okay". leftists are the ones actually doing what you mentioned
Pretty much. The reason for the number of self-identifying Neo Nazis & White nationalists as there are today (and in reality, it’s still an extremely small number) is because of the amount of lefties & liberals virtue signaling SO loud & often through INSISTING that someone who isn’t exactly hardcore, radical leftist simply MUST be a “fucking Nazi!!!” that the often times innocent people they’ve used to try and make themselves look oh so righteous & saintly have just been like, “alright, fuck it then. You wanna call me a Nazi, homophobic, xenophobic, etc etc? Then fuck it: I am.” They’ve essentially been, as you’ve said, almost forced into that identity as a way to piss off the loud, annoying leftist.
>what do liberals listen to Yea Forums
The sound of baby seals being killed.
Today's Liberals, unlike their ancestor Liberals, have zero sense of humor and live meaningless lives stripped of all fun and happiness. And how can they be otherwise? To buy into today's Liberalism is to embrace concepts like everyone is a victim, if you don't think like we do, you must be silenced, if we laugh, it must be at someone else's expense, or it means we are not concerned about all the evil in the world, and so on and so forth.
Liberals' biggest problem is they can't fucking lighten the hell up! Their very ideology prevents it.
Well that's not exactly what I mean, you got the point mostly with the first half, which is basically even being neutral is being evil to them. That shouldn't make you run down the right wing spectrum though but it IS a reality that does happen.
The way I view it is this. I stayed the same, in the "middle", the left sprinted the fuck away from me further left. Even a lot of liberals who haven't moved left with the screechers are viewed as far right these days. The left's own worst enemy is itself.
Gotcha. And strangely enough, by yesterday’s conservative standards, I’m today considered a liberal. Crazy.
It's literally you faggots that are afraid of /pol/ who always say the most extremist and ridiculous shit in these threads (which you often make).
Delete this thread. Politics is ruining so much things, and this is a prime example of it. Can't you just enjoy anything without bringing up politics? Do your political BS in of /pol/, fags. I'm ashamed of your immaturity, those who started this debate.
Oh trust me faggot, it's mostly your fault.
Like I said earlier, I only ever see these complaints in threads that troll the left, never the opposite. I get it, Yea Forums is left leaning, but you should keep that same energy. Also, music can be pretty political and musicians are pretty openly political today.
What music do you listen to?
Maybe politics is inside music, but I generally don't care about it when it is occurring inside my music. You can enjoy highly political music without listening to the political speech. The only reason I kinda dislike RATM sometimes is because they're commercial and repetitive. I can listen to Kunts by Korn without being put off by the lyrics, because I focus on everything but lyrics in music, and in fact, people should focus on everything in music, lyrics being optional to focus on.
For musicians making political posts or speeches, I couldn't care less either. It's their opinions.
As to my favorite music, I love, love, LOVE quirky to extremely weird bands like Primus or Melt-Banana. I listen mainly to rock, metal, electro(mostly synthwave or electroswing), and aforementioned. And I listen to it like it should be listened to, for the music, not for the speech, although lyrics can be interesting at times as well.
I use to be non-partisan but every single person who identifies left of center has demonstrated to me over and over again that they will side with the very institutions they whine about the moment decisive action is needed. They have pissed away my respect or sympathy if bad shit starts happening.
>why would I believe people who spend their entire careers observing, studying and critically writing about the things that I have no idea about and am too lazy to make a quick Google search because I don't want to pierce my little comfortable bubble full of prejudices, surely they're wrong or at very least are not even worth my time and effort to understand what they're doing
Yeah, really makes ya think
fuck siamese glass cats
Daily reminder that these things are right-wing:
>fascism/ultra nationalism in general
>religious extremism (including ISIS and other Muslim extremists)
My point: these things don't have that much in common, so you shouldn't call yourself a right-winger (or left for that matter), but be more specific.
Don't forget
how is globalism right wing?
you are 100% right user
I meant current (liberal) globalism, sorry. Oh and obviously
> assuming because I or others don't follow the formula for "fact-finding" that you've been taught and blindly subscribe to, said others are incapable of critically thinking on their own or referencing alternative sources that your Godly Google that you so firmly trust doesn't give top rank to
> can't imagine for a second that people with certain credentials can't be corrupted, paid off or have biases
Lol and you accuse ME of living in a comfortable bubble. Talk about hypocrisy...
this has never happened, ever.
are you crazy?? Fascism is NOT exclusive to teh right. Fascism can be left-wing, too; just as much as it can be right-wing.
Actually, fuck it: nothing of what you've listed is exclusive to the right wing. They just as much can be left wing, too.
Guess what: the most famous fascist ever, Hitler? Left-wing.
What does MatPat’s wife Stephanie listen to?
Do you think she’s a liberal?
look it up blumfkin
Fascism is ultra-nationalism. Nationalism is right-wing. There is nothing nationalistic about left-wing politics.
Yep, you're retarded.
I like wu tang ;~;
Everything is a conspiracy to you, huh buddy? I wonder what your sources are, Info Wars perhaps?
let me guess: soros, vuvuzela, cultural marxism etc.
Nazism is just another form of Marxist class warfare, in this case it has the Aryan race as the proletarian and the Jew as the exploiter class.
against me
This. High IQ statement. Esoteric ultra nationalism based on scientific racism is literally the same as Marx criticising capitalism, wanting a moneyless and stateless society and the dictatorship of the proletariate.
Better music than rightoids
>Guess what: the most famous fascist ever, Hitler? Left-wing
Fucking cringe
Beethoven was a liberal.
This thread is embarrassing. This is why I don't go to /pol/ - 18-year old autists shouldn't have a say on politics.
BTW if you didn't know, I meant this post in sarcasm.
based frogposter
Honestly, it's pretty amazing how you guys are able to distance yourselves from things that didn't work out well when they have your literal ideology stamped on their name. He was obviously a socialist, but only for an "Aryan" society.
>Fascism is ultra-nationalism
Haha, are you stupid? Wait... you are. of course you are...
> Yep, you're retarded."
Wow. Imagine being this out of date on your info. It must have been pretty easy to indoctrinate your soft, feeble brain over the years...
I guess there's no arguing with lost-causes like you so I'll just say, "Yep! Ya got me!" Great job of using your stock, buzz word accusations...
Riveting response, user. You have successfully shaken my faith in everything I subscribe to and caused me to reverse all my ideology to yours.
Joseph Goebbels admitted that the difference between national socialism and Marxism was "quite minimal".
Sorry bru but it's laughable leftoids think they can call anything cringe in their meltdown era
The funny thing is that the Nazis made May Day an official holiday in Germany (it had been celebrated unofficially for decades before that).
Muslim extremism is generally left-wing. Just like black nationalists are left-wing. If you start calling those things right-wing you'll be disowning most of the modern left-wing voter base.
literally have fucking sex
The PLO used to be funded by the Soviet Union in olden times.
As if. There's no real capitalism in China. Private enterprise is considered a privilege granted by the CCP, not a right, and it can be revoked at any time. Also they still have five year plans and extensive top-down management. Most Chinese companies like Alibaba and Tencent are also fronts for the party and the army, they're not really companies in the normal sense.
You’re right I’d much rather be living under the Amazon-McDonalds conglomerate earning corporate good boy points
I stumbled upon this thread at just the right time to see this response.
China is literally a socialist market economy. They are the second largest recipient of foreign direct investment in the world. No truly communist country would allow such a large amount of foreign investment in their domestic market. It's basically state-controlled capitalism since the economic reform in the 90s. The laws of supply and demand govern the local market, and while the government technically owns all enterprise, the economy essentially functions as if it were a capitalist system.
this user is unironically correct.
One example of this is the infamous ghost cities. These are built because of state planning quotas that mandate X number of construction projects a year, regardless of whether there's any actual need or use for them.
roll'n for kkk wizard
>having political leanings
you absolute faggot
The Decemberists
The Killers
AJJ (Andrew Jackson Jihad turned full SJW)
Modest Mouse (only the new music)
Sufjan Stevens (I do too)
Radiohead (only Pablo Honey)
Wu-Tang Clan
>Wu-Tang Clan
This is weird because they dudes seemed pretty smart. You'd think Wu-Tang would have been hip to the con by Democrats.
Getting paid to not see it is big business.
Wu-Tang clan is just used by millennial white-bois to be "hip" with the cool kids.
huh? go on please...
true, good point.
they listen to whatever their dominatrix tells them to listen to
The day you all wake up to the Jew and stop willfully blinding yourselves is the day we start on the road to utopia
the sound of their parents yelling at them to get a job while they say they will but they just sit around waiting for Bernie’s free money and telling every republican they’re a nazi
marx won't let them buy Funko Pops
I like CHVRCHES and people called me a fascist.
I listen to jazz, classical, hip hop, progressive rock/metal, and random artists from other genres that I'm a tourist in.
Why do conservatives have such shit taste in music generally speaking?
I listen to mostly 80's music, the music of my youth
Tyler the Creator, but only Flower Boy and his upcoming album
as a Antifa Supersoldier who collects nazis scalps I listen to mostly 1930s soviet style music
>Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Democracy DOESN'T work.
>Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Unions and Republics DO NOT WORK
Tell me what the tenants of socialism are aside from "gubmint BIG" and "welfare"
My tastes have normified since i stopped caring about politics
Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic class interests because their politics are dogshit
>who unironically vote against their own economic class interests because their politics are dogshit
A lot of people who vote republican do that but why not sympathize with them the way you do with lower class minorities instead of treating them like this? Do you realize part of it is also the way you treat them? It's not just about money. Liberals and leftists have been like this for as long as I was aware of politics. It went from smug superiority complex to pure hatred.
Sometimes you have to call it as it is . Americans have zero class consciousness
the Vietnamese literally did this though faggot
>A lot of people who vote republican do that but why not sympathize with them the way you do with lower class minorities instead of treating them like this?
Because I only empathize with people who are not destructive to others
That's a good point honestly, DPRK had no intention of actually implementing the system though, maybe at first actually I don't know. I remember reading about the original war with the backing of China and Russia but I don't remember too well.
I don't actually have a WWII obsession like most people either so I'm no 8off expert, but why don't you tell me what his economic policy was? It seems like even today, a lot of white nationalists are for socialism but with a homogeneous society only.
This. The deranged MAGAcult base is becoming unstable and hostile to non Christians , non whites, lgbt & women
>Americans have zero class consciousness
Shitting on poor uneducated whites doesn't seem like being very class conscious to me.
That's a bit dramatic. The world isn't black and white. They see it the same way the other side, but you should know better, shouldn't you?
he literally privatized more of the economy than the Kaiserreich or Weimar Republic ever did.
>but you should know better, shouldn't you?
You cannot save someone who deosn't want to be saved
Nothing wrong with shitting on cucks who vote for their own deindustrialization and wage stagnation.
>a lot of white nationalists are for socialism
that doesn’t matter because the whole point of white nationalism is to stop socialism. it doesn’t exist for any other reason, it’s just a way to get white workers to blame black workers instead of their boss for the shitty quality of living.
That's insane leftcult talk. It's pure projection. And seriously reddit/twitter. I'm trying to have a serious discussion but you really don't belong on Yea Forums. This is the left version of Qtards.
Obama won the last election, twice. People were more voting against the left than for Trump, at least the deciding factor that could have swung either way. You guys are really hurting your own selves. I feel like it's so easy to move poor whites to vote Democrat but the way you act makes it so hard. Trump is probably going to win the next time too.
This. They are uneducated shitbags who vote against their own economic interests
liberal is a sloppy term that has different meanings for different sides.
im likely to vote for Bernie, Tulsi, and green party if the other two fail. progressive left.
i listen to metal (Matriden), crust (Skitsystem-Stigmata), and any electronic music that is bass heavy (sidewalks and skeletons - sleep paralysis).
>Obama won the last election, twice. People were more voting against the left than for Trump, at least the deciding factor that could have swung either way. You guys are really hurting your own selves. I feel like it's so easy to move poor whites to vote Democrat but the way you act makes it so hard. Trump is probably going to win the next time too.
Non sequitur
Lol even if some shit Neolib like Biden gets the nomination , the Dem candidate is likely to win 2020. No way trump is winning back the rust belt with his shitty tax cut bill and more outsourcing
>Obama won the last election, twice. People were more voting against the left than for Trump, at least the deciding factor that could have swung either way.
>You guys are really hurting your own selves.
You mean *you* guys are hurting yourself. Revenge Politics is pretty selfish and hurts everyone.
I mean of course right? Couldn't possibly happen. Except the same reasons they voted against the left have been doubled down on since instead of reflecting on where you went wrong. And this way of speaking isn't helping. But then again it might be too late anyway.
>You mean *you* guys are hurting yourself. Revenge Politics is pretty selfish and hurts everyone.
What do you mean?
>What do you mean?
In reference to the effects of Revenge Politics
So what’s your favorite Swans song guys? For me, it’s Blind
I don’t really give a shit, trump supporters hurt themselves when they vote for him
>Revenge Politics is pretty selfish and hurts everyone.
revenge politics this time around was more selfless and aimed at harming the political establishment. they have lost legitimacy. this is like slaves allowing the owners plants to rot in the ground. they go out of business, taking you with them, but hopefully opening the door for honest actors to change shit. people like Bernie sanders or the Justice Democrats. the democrat and republican parties are design to fuck us, so is we are going to get fucked anyway, we might as well fuck them back.
I assume you're accusing me of being a trump supporter? That wording is confusing.
Maybe, maybe not. Some people may have been affected economically worse, some better, but I'm sure they love having their own bully who finally stands up to the left and doesn't back down. As much as you hate him is as much as the team he's playing for loves to have him on their side.
Probably just whatever genre they’re into
>I assume
Sounds like a problem, much like you assuming The Left is one person?
>revenge politics this time around was more selfless and aimed at harming the political establishment
And, as I said, this was harmful.
>we might as well fuck them back.
Not really. It's not productive. Learn the system and how to exploit. Don't try to destroy it
>people like Bernie sanders or the Justice Democrats
What's wrong with these people? They're fine.
> they finally have a bully to stand up to against the left
Love how the right plays victim complex persecution politics when they control most branches of government. Why are they so afraid of “the left” boogeyman when the status quo and the ruling class aligns with trumps policies?
>Sounds like a problem, much like you assuming The Left is one person?
Then what are you saying, because if you weren't assuming that then you literally just said the same thing I did back to me. How am I assuming the left is one person? It has an identity, does it not? Look at the quick responses I got, it was quickly validated.
>because if you weren't assuming that then you literally just said the same thing I did back to me.
So did you learn the error in your logic?
>What's wrong with these people? They're fine.
nothing is wrong with them, i like them. they are a correcting force. the election destroyed the establishments legitimacy, not the systems they used to get power. groups like the justice democrats are using the system to take power from corporate politicians.
>this was harmful.
sometimes its tactically efficient to get hurt.
>Look at the quick responses I got, it was quickly validated.
The same happens when "The Right" is attacked here. Don't be blind
Fair enough
Hitler's economic policy was definitely against trade unionism (a traditional stronghold of syndicalists, communists, socialists, etc.) but focusing upon a corporatist state where the economic concerns of the industries became the concerns of the state. Hitler did nothing to redistribute the wealth or break up massive companies in Germany, because their interests (profiting) had a clear route through any war that Hitler was to start.
Every social policy that the Nazis implemented was to further the goal of building an Aryan society. Fascism, and to an extent Nazism, have been attributed to being Third Positionism, by taking social and traditional values from the right but at the same time collecting industry together in the grand pursuit of the racialized state.
I cannot do this justice in a Yea Forums post however, so if you want to understand the fascist economic policies, look at some stuff regarding Mussolini's ascent to power and the immediate post-1933 Nazi state in how they harnessed corporate interests for their idealized Aryan state.
This. This debunks the Nazis were socialists meme
Because it doesn't. Trump has no power. He's getting blocked at every turn. But that has nothing to do with what I was getting at. The left has dominated the social discourse for a long time, and right wing ideology shunned and shamed. People had to be quiet about their politics, while liberals and left wingers would openly support their beliefs and harshly reject conservatism.It's pretty amazing that leftists deny this, but America has moved much further left this decade. And it's become much more authoritarian. No one stands up to it like Trump. Honestly you guys will go ape shit for any Republican candidate going forward, and they are most likely not going to be able to take the heat. I have to be honest, I thought Trump wouldn't last very long at all, because he would step down. Very few people in the world can take as much shit as that. Even if it is deserved.
no honestly, what are you on about
Uh. No. Nationalism and fundamentalism of any sort is generally right-wing because of the massive overlap into modern conservative values by a global standard. Things like being against LGBT rights, against women's rights, being in favor of some variety of ethnic purity/cleansing/forced removal/segregation, being in favor of using religious ideals as a basis for governing. I have no idea why you think any of those could be left-wing when the entire platform of the left in every country has been the exact opposite for decades now.
>no honestly
Well, you were using the same offensive logic as you thought I was. So was this a mistake or an intentional double standard?
>what are you on about
You were validating your opinions based on reactions on Yea Forums. But the same thing happens in the inverse here. So why do you discard that data?
I'll take your word for it. I remembered reading something about him having socialist policies but I have such a shitty memory that I don't recall any of it.
If any Dixiecrat ran, he would have my vote. Trump doesn't stand for shit, and if you think how he's been conducting discourse is an acceptable standard for the president to act just because he "stands up to the left" then you need to take a long hard look at your moral condition.
>same offensive logic
I was? What specifically.
Buddy, I am not speaking for myself, but I guess I do have a bit of a sympathetic view of them. I'm advocating for treating them better and being more understanding so that they can vote smarter.
spain plz
i hope the far right starts an uprising when trump gets impeached so we can just drone strike their delusional asses off the face of the earth
Yea, truly the "moral" side
I listen to a lot of indie rock / post punk like Modest mouse and Jeff Rosenstock. Been trying to get into metal lately and have consistently listened to indie pop.
t. voting for Bernie or Warren and think Marx has some good ideas
Fair enough.
You're genuinely misinformed and insane.
>the underground/avant-garde music scene is also 100% white,
Wow a madman said something, then it must be true!