ITT: Musicians in prison right now

>Literally told 14 year old girls to record sexually explicit content and say, and I quote "I'm only 14 years old, only 14 years old, and this ass is only 14."
Its like a comedy skit that career suicide is so blatant

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The age of consent is 12 in my country so he literally did nothing wrong

i miss this lil n*gga like you wouldn't believe

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That actually makes me wonder what's going to happen in California where they shill illegal Mexican immigration but there's a huge gape in age of consent between those cultures.

Your country is degenerate.

free my n*gga 69

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>he thinks aoc has ever mattered in commiewhornia

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or what?

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or i'll call you an incel

im shaking in my boots!

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t. jap



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he's not really a musician more like a cover one and he deserves to be in jail for what he did lol

You have to realize it's wrong right? There must be some people protesting to increase it in your country?

Hollywood is full of pedos, everybody knows this. Hollywood is it's own weird insular world.

sounds unironically based desu

What was the first age you masturbated user?


they play much more than hollywood

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There you go. 12 or 13 is the age that young people finally want to experience something sexual. But culturally its not accepted in your country because of laws and that's fine. We're all products of our environments. Of course we all have our morals too. I'm 21, but would never fuck a 12 year old even though it's legal. Because 1: I dont find them attractive and 2: i cant relate to them because they're still kids in my eyes. But not innocent kids. 12 or 13 year olds that have sex know exactly what they're doing. 15 or 16 though? Oh hell yeah that's fair game.

you are so stupid.