How old were you when you realized he's a genius?

How old were you when you realized he's a genius?

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12, i grew out of it a few weeks later

16. Then realized I was fucking autistic for even thinking that at 19.

13. Then I graduated high school

never, bc im a dumb fgagot. also becus he support trump. fucking racist ass uncle tom ass nigger.

please leave

>graduated high school

it means he stopped thinking kanye was a genius when he graduated high school (i.e., 18)

i get it bro... but no

heres your (you)

>falling for the "kanye is another dumb negro rapper" meme

His parents are both professors. He's been awarded multiple art scholarships out of highschool. He began his music production career coding in 7th grade and wanted to make a soundtrack for his video game. He worked 10 years in Parisian fashion houses as apprentice and was personally tutored the head of the Masters at Central St Martins (the elite school of fashion, has tighter entry requirements than Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and Yale. Alexander McQueen is one of the many famous students). Kanye owns multiple patents for innovations. He's an incredibly bright man.

He never fails to speak his mind even if it hurts his career if he thinks he's doing the right thing. His"controversies"include: speaking against homophobia in the industry, speaking against Bush's botching of Katrina, speaking against rigged award shows, speaking against the lack of integrity in the media, speaking against the price gouging and elitism of the high fashion world.

Don't let the MSM spread the narrative of him being stupid or crazy. The man has unparalleled success in every field he has ever entered from music to art to fashion to business.

Don't let the MSM push a narrative of him being an elitist. His entire career has been dedicated to his fans and shunning personal gain to preserve integrity.

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>Thinking this paranoid schizo is a genius



Some genius people are famously known to have paranoid/schizo personalities


If Kanye was born in literally any other circumstance, I have full confidence he would be exactly where he is today.

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14, when I first heard Yeezus.

>fucking racist

>tfw you realize the only way you can be like Kanye is to bee yourself

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after a song about bleached asshole turned out to be kind of good so 25 or something. Oh also i used to listen bound 2 for hundreds of times ironically until i realized that there was nothing ironic there anymore

good job all making the same exact joke retards

he rapped over some daft punk and his lyrics are shit and that was done before then what else, braggy-dee brag ordinary bull shit over who cares beats.

based and redpilled

Kanye is an actual prodigy that yall are lucky to witness in your lifetime
if you cant see that i feel bad for you

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The word genius is used to often.

He's talented but

>is probably a guy who really just wanna make music and chill
>muh genius, muh kim kardashian
Honestly I pity him, that guy actually just wanted to make music and chill with his senpai. But it‘s like everytime drama is hunting him and it‘s all a stupid image.

Kanye is just an autist, who wanna chill and make music.

>implying he doesn't have an entire team of songwriters making his stuff

When I first heard Jesus Walks at 8 years old


why him though
we all know an autist with this background and they end up living normal lives
maybe he got idk...

Mozart was pretty talented user

there's a very narrow line that separates the genius from the insane. kanye, however is definitely in the latter category.

God look at all the pathetic Kanye shills. MBDTF was 9 years ago kids, everything he's done since has been utter shit

I actually used to hate on him, specially Graduation Kanye. then he did Good Fridays/MBDTF and it all clicked


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college dropout was his only good album

>speaking against the price gouging and elitism of the high fashion world.

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those are resellers, you dumbfuck
retail price is like $200 and he's actively trying to drop more to fuck resellers up


This. Kanye betrayed his race by virtue signaling is support for Trump

I was three years old... when u and i moved to the Chi...

I like this post. Thank you.

All of these are correct

what do blacks even have to betray

He has no control over private sales, all his shoes are around 200-220 which is the same as Jordan’s


have sex

>not being 12 and bumping Pharell Williams while cycling and fucking redbone pussy after a Gambino concert and then watching 80's cartoons.

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have sex

which was last year
yeezus is still unfinished crap though

calling someone racist and calling a black person a n****r in the same sentence

Yea Forums in a nutshell

good post, this is why ive been loving ye for years

fuck off reddit

nigger is inherently unracist at it's core though.

you've literally been brainwashed into thinking calling people nigger is racist.