what does he listen to?
What does he listen to?
Other urls found in this thread:
ariana grande
imagine dragons
Jewish kike nigger beats
U2 - Beautiful Day
The same shit I listened to when I was a doomer. I'm still jamming post-punk.
Kendrick Lamar
People need to stop making these silly boomer/zoomer OCs
alan watts
Mazzy star
so being a brainwashed drone like the 1% want you to be is what passes for self improvement now?
just go eat healthy, educate yourself, and work on a farm
>and work on a farm
>muh hard working nature-attuned farmers
Only Filipinos work on farms.
Billie Eilish
This, but unironically.
people who post wojak horoscopes should be gassed
Fitter, happier
More productive
Not drinking too much
Regular exercise at the gym, three days a week
Getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries
At ease
Eating well, no more microwave dinners and saturated fats
A patient, better driver
A safer car, baby smiling in back seat
Sleeping well, no bad dreams
No paranoia
Careful to all animals, never washing spiders down the plughole
Keep in contact with old friends, enjoy a drink now and then
Will frequently check credit at moral bank, hole in wall
Favours for favours, fond but not in love
Charity standing orders on sundays, ring-road supermarket
No killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants
Car wash, also on sundays
No longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows, nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate
Nothing so childish
At a better pace, slower and more calculated
No chance of escape
Now self-employed
Concerned, but powerless
An empowered and informed member of societ, pragmatism not idealism
Will not cry in public
Less chance of illness
Tires that grip in the wet, shot of baby strapped in backseat
A good memory
Still cries at a good film
Still kisses with saliva
No longer empty and frantic
Like a cat
Tied to a stick
That's driven into
Frozen winter shit, the ability to laugh at weakness
Calm, fitter, healthier and more productive
A pig in a cage on antibiotics
you really want to put your life in the hands of the people in the top 1%?
It never ceases to amaze me how people, ESPECIALLY the zoomer generation, fail to see the irony/sarcasm completely.
>le im just pretending to be retarded
There's a difference between trying to troll and humor, do you even know what satire is?
no i have never heard of satire
I think they're just genuinely numbed to demented things that nobody could possibly take seriously because they've been toddling around with a tablet and an internet connection since they could walk.
It's myopic, but on the other hand, there are so many weirdoes on social media (the natural sooner habitat) that you shouldn't look too closely.
Fucking phoneposting, I have become the cancer
>you really want to put your life in the hands of the people in the top 1%?
Rich exploitative farmers?
No thanks.
Modern day popular culture want's it's humour as political and in your face as possible, people just don't get jokes with any kind of subtlety
zoomer humor is centered around irony wtf are you out of touch boomers talking about?
what's wrong with me for fucks sake
Scandinavian electronic beats like The Knife and Royskopp
This is even more pathetic than the doomer, holy shit. I'd rather be friends with the guy who gets fucked up on trash beer than this gaylord.
thats the point
based and pilled
Motivational anime soundtracks as he fantasizes about all the self improvement he will never achieve because he spends his days posturing.
Album was mostly average, doesn't hit as hard as Modern, and the loss of Rostam is felt, especially when his debut was so good.
Rich Man, Unbelievably, NYJB are decent but all could be improve with an extended cut
I hate how every single one of these has an agenda. This one is subtle but it’s there. Fuck you, let people live the way they want to live.
there are good lifestyle choices and there are bad. If we all increasingly make bad lifestyle choices guess what starts to happen?
>This one is subtle
C'mon user