Blood-bag found at the scene.

Attached: 4996F2CC-723E-4072-B0CC-C16F157B8A16.jpg (750x1139, 94.64K)

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that's a purse you autist

And it was totally just a coincidence that Biden made a statement regarding gun reform right before this happened.

Dude, I can’t stand right-swingers man

Hes a left winger faggot

wow the lady pouring the blood to the right made my jaw drop, they're getting really sloppy with this shit

No shit? Did you even watch the video you fucking dipshit? The purse is stepped on and then blood starts pooling out.

It was the same thing with sandy hook, remember all the videos there used to be about that before they were banned? remember the father laughing right before he realizes he’s being filmed and then starts fake crying? lol

You fucking conspiracy pedos are the fucking worse. Go eat alex jones gay frog ass

You have to be 18 to post here, also; fact check little buddy, Alex Jones was correct, there was chemicals in the water actually making frogs asexual, maybe you should’ve paid attention to what was actually being said
hahaha. 3:09 check it out

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No, they didn't, you mental fucking midget. Jesus fuck you alt-right mutherfuckers are the absolute stupidest pieces of shit!

Frogs have the ability to change biological sex when there are not enough males in the population. A fact that Jurassic Park got correct. The chemical, Atrazine, doesn't make frogs gay, nor asexual, you fucking moron. It forced the frogs to be transsexuals, which is a natural function of frogs; the chemical just caused it to happen when it wasn't required.

I’ll pray for you even though God doesn’t exist

You know what they call somebody that thinks everything is a conspiracy? Fucking retarded. Like you. You are genuinely retarded.

What a fucking moron. “There’s no blood until they stand one one place on a blood bag”. Nah the blood is pooling where they lay down because that’s how fluids work.

Be honest, you try to “know” something other people don’t know because you’re insecure about being dumb and failing out of community college don’t you?


You have to be 18 to post here.
Be good little boys and keep believing everything you’re told okay :)

What? Lol. Did you even watch the video?

Tldr u mad bro

lmao are righties so fucking detached from reality that everything is fake to them?

Total coincidence....

Go be a disingenuous twat somewhere else. Thanks, kid.

Loool bunch of fuckin masked chinks roaming around in an “emergency life or death situation” play acting. could have told me it was a b movie filmed in gookland or spicville studio. so obviously fake. whoever organized this stupid piece of gay ass crap should be killed! Also it’s allegedly Jew York?? so even if it were real WHO GIVES A FLYING SHIT HAHA DIE JEWS BURN IN HELL!!!!!!

When fake Jews come up with fake news it’s a COHENcidence kekekek

Deboonked! The chemical actually changed the frogs' biological sex!!!!11

Attached: tenor.gif (220x129, 11.98K)

Yeah, it’s only a shooting, it’s take to take pics

i thought we got rid of all the qanon fags? cos if you aren't one, then wtf is this new breed

keep believing everything everything you're told by the people who tell you everything is fake :)

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Qaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo

cntrl c, cntrl p, save
ty for your meme

im retarded nvm

These guys rigged an entire election and didn’t leave a single shred of evidence for any of trumos lawyers to take to court, you think they’ll be sloppy enough to leave a blood bag at a fake shooting?

You’re scared to even spell Trumps name lol kys gay boi

awww, is somebody trying to pretend the spamming and grifting worked when in reality they were just pissing in the ocean of piss?

Attached: 1639445710063m.jpg (450x1024, 71.81K)

not a shred at all

Attached: 1648036287138.jpg (384x1024, 100.08K)

no one believes you idiot, Yea Forums is mostly lefty you're barking to the wrong tree

Lol go away shlomo you clipped dick little kike!

Weak bait is weak (and fake).

Attached: 404 (4).png (377x430, 777)

Yeah, what IS with this new breed? Stop infecting this site with your newfaggotry

did you actually watch the video? and after he started adding 6+3 =9 and then got 6 again from it? and added 5551 to get 666? you kept listening after that and thought yeah this guy knows what he's on about?
you kept listening after he paused the video saying the woman was 'squirting blood on the floor' and then said watch she;'s going to do it over here and then paused the video??
cos that's where i turned this cunt off
fuck the media, but fuck the other side who only listen to antimedia, which newsflash nigger, that shit will misinform you just as much

Careful with sweeping generalizations. This video is obviously horseshit. Have you ever heard of well-poisoning?

On a related note here’s a ‘Jewish Gematria’ for beginners video but I bet you aren’t a beginner, Moshe;)

take your meds

Kill yourself

Wasn’t Arizona the state that had the big partisan funded audit that ended up finding more votes for Biden?


Arizona is the state leading the way in child sex trafficking from South American shithole countries

that meds don't gonna take itself.


can you back up that claim with a reliable source

Hurr drumpft durr

Good thing youre already overdosing on them dumb faggot nigger

>this triggers the trumpturd

You know of other places Joe and Hunter get the kids they rape from?


Unlike the unsourced shitty meme posted as “evidence” above

Do I look triggered to you?

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lmao @ goyim sheckleberg and his little hat friends in this thread trying to discredit op by calling him names and sending fake news links, just shows how weak and scared you are

op is based truthseeker and big noses seeth
That’s Trumps own DOJ that hates the democrats more than anyone else on earth, saying its bullshit

Meme better loser! Oh wait you can’t cuz you are a brain dead leftist jew shill kekeke

Staged! Same as Fake Floyds supposed "death"

Sir this is a Wendy’s

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Best part about the upcoming war is that afterwards we get to hang all you nazi faggots again

Stfu grammar nazi

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Yeah everyone needs to realize that rednecks are stupid. They're legit homoerotic and are the first to say dumb shit.

But they are just a false flag. Hurr of course I believe the narrative. That dad is an actor. I'll say it again that dad is an actor. You don't have to work that hard to get into character if your baby just got dead