Well this disappeared REAL quick...

Well this disappeared REAL quick. Cant have a black shooter ruin the bullshit narrative Liberal fucktards have been using for years to oppress whites.

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ehh, I think the real takeaway here is 2A and guns are not the right way to go. Remember, race is a spook. No war but class war.

America has too many guns.


Wow, one black shooter is justification for your racist theories?



Hope there’s a picture of the nigger when they find his body with a hole in his skull

Guns have too many americans

The majority of "mass shootings" are ignored because it's black on black crime.

Politicans use gun violence as a fear tool to get votes hence why the media only pushes shootings that middle and upper class people are victims of.

Your average middle or upper class voter doesn't care anout gang violence but they do care about them randomly getting shot or their kids getting shot.

Being the victim of a mass shooting is less likely than you dying in a car crash.

The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

- European user

yea, yea, the profits of the arms dealers shall not be infringed

Weak bait.

>opposes second amendment
>apologizes for niggers
next you're going to tell me that love transcends age or whatever.

it's true though. 2A is just a monetization strategy, nothing more

Old news

Weak bait.

If it is b8 its the based kind cause he is correct.

What? The shooter was known to be black since day 1. And this shit has not disappeared at all, every time I open my phone I am bombarded with this garbage.

Why do rightoids think they are such snowflake martyrs? Its cringe af.

Yes because illegal weaponry doesn’t exist.

Samefag. Weak bait.

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It will get swept under the same rug as Chicago's crime statistics.

It's on the front page of CNN and Fox News.

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At this point, it's like the shill is reading bullet points and samefagging.

larp harder discord spammer.

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>Free speech is a monetization strategy for twitter and youtube

See how retarded that sounded?

What do you mean? They're not going to let this tarnish their rhetoric. Five bucks says this ends with a stand off, the shooter will be killed, and BLM will spring in to action with "peaceful protests" screaming that if he were white they wouldn't have shot him.

So he's a "Person of Interest" If it was a white guy he would be "Actively searching for Suspect"

>bonus for larp
>bonus for dogwhistle partial quote
>bonus for truly retarded demographic analysis

Are we playing republitard bingo?

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No war but class war

Under no pretext!

America has too many niggers

Five bucks says you suck at guessing and attempt to do it a lot because it gives you access to more REPUBLICAN BULLSHIT in the form of speculation.

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

That won't happen in America. Every home will be a Waco. The hegemon know this. They will do everything they can to take our guns away. They will never succeed.

You seem hung up on “red team jewish”, when democrats all signed this same bill with overwhelming 98% support


Shhhh you’ll hurt his little brain, he can’t go off script

one black shooter? try looking this up, most mass shooters are black

It's easier to be an anti-government whacko than to get a college education.

Is that intentional, you think?

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You mean Jewish

>didn't mention T


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"disappeared" as in plastered all over the fucking internet and msm?

The prove him wrong.

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When I heard about the shooting, I was certain that it had been that faggot dressed as the Joker posting here the day before, saying he was gonna do something and to watch the news...

Wasn't even aware it happened. Stopped paying attention to the news long ago.

There are plenty of retards on all sides. Any intelligent person understands the benefits that a well-regulated government provides, as they enjoy them every day. It's very easy for a government to forget its purpose and become tyrannical, though. How many times must history reveal that fact? Why isn't that something we should rightly fear and prepare for?


>It's very easy for a government to forget its purpose and become tyrannical
The issue here is that we're already on that path, but the tyranny has come financially and economically, which renders guns obsolete. "Don't bring guns to a money fight".

>my “college education” includes degrees that include but aren’t limited to: gender studies, race studies, art history
>my “higher learning” does not include trade schools such as: mechanic, plumber, electrician

Found this on Newsweek about a video the suspect posted. Yet it wasn't until 3/4 of the way through the story he was finally identified as a black male. Wtf?
>the footage posted in the YouTube video shows a Black couple being racially harassed by one of the bigoted white aggressors on the train.


>2A is a relic of the past, no civilian needs to own guns, you can’t fight the military anyway
>arm the Ukraine civilians now, yassss babushka you show putlers army

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yes, yes it is.

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those kinds of people are the same people who would not stand up to defend their own country if putin launched an invasion of the United States, preferring to immediately surrender

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Shut uo you ass. Its all over the news. Go back to your Mommy's basement.

you are promoting the idea that ukraine needs to have guns for civilians to defend itself... and post this image of an npc supporting ukraine
just how retarded are you

because I dont care about ukraine, one less slav makes the world a better place and ukraine is doing a good job at getting itself and russia killed

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Yes, the accusation of the left disagreeing with guns and militias is wrong, they absolutely LOVE armed militias in other countries (Ukraine, Vietnam, Afghanistan) but for some reason an armed populace in America is a backwards redneck concept, etc.

I believe the burden is on you to prove you know what all middle- and upper-class americans are thinking about gun violence.

You are fucking retarded^3 to be demanding I disprove your fucking made up fantasies.

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Ukraine should be a fresh lesson on the importance of an armed populace. If more people were allowed to carry, crime would go down. But crime is big business for politicians...
way fatter envelopes come from mobsters than unions. Keeping that southern border open is crucial for payments received from the Cartels.

>My lack of formal education is due to the existence of non-marketable knowledge.

Morons have no place to hide, fool.

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you got nothanggggggg