Politicians you want to fuck

Politicians you want to fuck

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horse fucker

Be careful what you wish for user, these things are literal demons

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All I see is teeth

This bitch is a hoe!

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eva kaili

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The beautiful AOC.

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Bind and gag!. Would love to Mz Adren bound and gagged tight!

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Ain't no such thing as a good looking politician because they are all ugly on the inside

Rita Maestre

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Esther Ouwehand

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God i just want her to sit on my face and call me her special boy

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New Zealand is the most cuckolded nation, on EARTH.

In the wake of the Christchurch Massacre of 2019, when Brenton Tarrant murdered 51 Muslim worshippers at a mosque, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern - pictured at left - wore a traditional Islamic dress to address the nation. New Zealand is not an Islamic country.

Had 51 Jewish worshippers been massacred at a synagogue, would she have twirled a menorah and sported fake sideburns? Or, had 51 worshippers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster been killed, would Jacinta Arden have donned a pasta-strainer on her head? New Zealand, and its residents, are even more pathetic than fellow cucked nations Australia, Canada, England & Sweden, and that's saying something.

>buh-buh-but she's shuh-showing SOLIDARITY!

There's a very good reason that state and church should always remain separate, but you didn't learn that in school when you were busy sucking hundreds of dicks, did you?

>tl;dr: if you can't read a few short paragraphs of text, you're as terminally-stupid as a fucking Maori, and they're very fucking stupid

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Timoshenko in her prime was god tier.

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Politicians fuck me everyday mate

Good taste user

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Second pick would be mommy Poklonskaya

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Would look great on her knees ready to pound her throat

Would totally have thrashed ol Cindy back in the day

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Croatias last President

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would love to get her under that desk to feel what she could do with that big sexy mouth

Yeah, me too!

Somewhat related. I'd hit it.

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she looks like she'd be a kinky slut bent over railing her from behind

It's a shame she likes clunge.

Amen to this one, she's got that wild look

with a big mouth like that she'd probably deep throat on a cock slapping her face

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sexy milf vibes

What's wrong with her teeth kek

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definitely has some cuteness to her

Absolute dunce, but mama mia.

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needs to have that mouth used like a fleshlight

who is this white politician?

Amber Olivia Carlson

never heard of her

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Bro wants to fuck Margaret Thatcher

She won't be able to resist him.

congratulations, you just worked out how the thread works, even though op was clear enough.

Dude take it back. You shouldn't refer to me with such derogatory words.

People have forgotten who she is

You got disc? Would like to have a conversation with you as you seem knowledgeable.

BS this was the president.

Damn shes a hottie

Fuck JA?
What with a cactus?

Meghan Schroeder, Pennsylvania State Representative

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Would bounce her on my cock like the good slut she is

Clarice Schillinger took my virginity in high school.

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Cortez, colinizers from the Old World and hypocrite.
Pic, her at border in empty parking lot with lots of photographers.

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No Mommy Sinema?

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Sorry but there ARE some geniuses out there

Maybe she was just really upset she couldn't find her car.