ITT: Apple Music or Spotify?

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apple music if you pay for music

apple music


i would use apple music if the app wasnt dog piss on android

soulseek / torrents.

I pay for spotify and use that primarily, but use apple music to listen to uploaded local files for things not on Spotify

apple music & soulseek. apple music does a better job in the library department

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applemusic has no cap on the amount of songs you can download or albums you can save

spotify does

also apple music quality is better and its genius playlists > spotifys playlists

on top of that theres an additional 15 million songs on apple music and a lot of exclusive stuff on apple music spotify does not offer

they even separate music by genre on itunes

the only real place id say apple loses to spotify is if you have windows or not an iphone because duh

is it much worse than the Spotify app? because the Spotify app is also dog piss

Fucking neither, you stupid normie.

i get hulu with my spotify subscription. any student who isn't using spotify is a tard

Anyone who uses streaming deserves to be lined up and shot


Artists barely get any money from streaming also the quality is bad.

It steals from artists, streams songs in poor bitrates, and encourages passive exploration of music rather than active. On top of that it feeds the already overfed major record labels further, rather than support independent artists.

Apple Music

Apple Music has Joanna Newsom
Spotify doesn't
And it's better to be rich enough to buy physical copies of music all year round (I am not - which is why I use Apple Music)

>streaming quality
it’s a lot better than youtube and i have millions of songs at my fingertips anywhere i go. eat shit fag0t

>better than youtube
thats not saying much you know that right.

>better than youtube
Ah yes, youtube, the universal benchmark of audio quality
>i have millions of songs at my fingertips anywhere i go
You listen to the same 15 indie artists as everyone else, you don’t need millions of songs everywhere you go.

If I paid for each and every album I would have by this point spent thousands and thousands of dollars and I’m not that wealthy. So fuck you.

>paying for digital media
jesus fucking christ normie get the fuck out.

Imagine thinking the point of this is advocating for paying money for music.

uh oh we got a real live avant teen audiophile on Yea Forums. it’s your insecurity that makes you this way, i hope you conquer it

So someone paying for a convenient steaming service should be shot, but somebody who pirates their music shouldn’t? Kill yourself.

Why would someone so passionately declare that someone should be lined up and shot because they don’t illegally download?

You couldn’t project harder if you tried.
Piracy and streaming have almost exactly the same effect for independent artists. Musicians do not subsist on 0.00005 cents per stream. You may as well pay them nothing, well, you are effectively paying them nothing. Your subscription fee is really going to royalties for the millions of people who listen to Billie Eilish and Ariana Grande.

Not the user you were responding to. I am just saying that you could have said albums you like for free on your phone. Paying for the service just increases the horrible monopoly that streaming has on the music industry.

I’m not suggesting that I’m supporting any artist through paying for a subscription, I’m paying for the convenience
Through torrenting? Or what method are you referring to

You’re paying to be a lazy fat pig waiting for the liquid slop he listens to to rush enter his trough so he can consume it like the consumerist wad of fat you are. Be my guest.

Torrenting or soulseek. You can find most stuff that way.

samsung music

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That’s an interesting, extremely exaggerated way of making yourself feel better about a lack of convenience

Imagine being so obsessed with convenience you’re willing to rot your brain and support a gluttonous industry in the name of it. This is how the world dies, with pleasure seeking and laziness.

Rot my brain? Laziness because I don’t care to illegally download? You’re insane, try and sleep off some of that angst

Yes goy! It is all fine! Just pay 5 shekels a month and enjoy your shitty bitare music! Oh the artist? Don't worry they are getting their 0.01% due!

Keep being a consumerist farm animal, do what the major record labels and streaming industry want you to. Consume. Buy. Purchase. Keep putting your money into the hands of billionaires because you’re too much of a slob to learn how to get what you want without propping up an exploitative and vampiric system.
This is exactly why you deserve to be shot.

You’ve convinced me to cancel my subscription, when can I expect musicians to start being treated fairly and streaming platforms to crumble?

SeeAlso this is some of the edgiest shit I’ve read today, clearly you’re too young to be on this sight

Spread the word. Also go to music shows as that is where the musicians get the most money out of their work.


Clearly you’re too illiterate to be on this site, you braindead faggot.
Acting as if individual persons don’t matter in an overall movement or ideology is just cute.
If you’re genuinely serious about this, talk to other people about streaming being a disease. Get the message onto social media or out in public in person. Go to live shows and support bands in that way, buy their merch. That’s how they exist, not fractions of pennies per month.

theres only like 15 genres on apple and they consider "alternative" a fine umbrella genre for anything that they havent labeled rock, electronic or pop, eg 90% of what's posted here

not to say spotify is better but you're stretching how good apple is

I already do. And it was sarcasm it doesn’t matter in the slightest whether I stop paying for it or not, obviously

>pleasure seeking and laziness
how ironic of you to call him out for that when all you do is sit in your mom's basement and steal music
>Don't worry they are getting their 0.01% due!
and 0.01% is greater than 0 you piece of shit. either you purchase all your songs and albums, making you hypocritical about consumerism, or you pirate all your music, making you hypocritical about the lack of support for artists by streaming services
>edgiest shit I've read today
>lazy fat pig waiting for the liquid slop he listens to to rush enter his trough
>This is why you deserve to be shot
kill yourself leech piece of shit

>Go to live shows and support bands in that way, buy their merch.
>implying I don’t
What an incredibly self righteous faggot you are

>how ironic of you to call him out for that when all you do is sit in your mom's basement and steal music
Your seething projection only fuels my laughter.
>and 0.01% is greater than 0 you piece of shit
Oh yes thank you Mr. Fat Label Owner for my 0.05 cents this month, I can totally survive on this money.
>either you purchase all your songs and albums
I don’t.
>making you hypocritical about the lack of support for artists by streaming services
My point is either way independent artists don’t get support, so why take the route that supports already rich mainstream artists and labels and costs money at the same time?
>kill yourself leech piece of shit
After you die of obesity, sloth.
What an incredibly impotent cuckold you are.

>Acting as if individual persons don’t matter in an overall movement or ideology is just cute.
They simply don’t. An individual ie. 1 subscription does not matter at all. Stop pretending to be that retarded

Absolutely, because mass boycotts aren’t made of individuals, they just magically exist and appear out of nowhere.

>maybe acting like an incredibly hostile 15 year old edge lord will convince people to change their ways regarding this issue I’m passionate about addressing

It’s clear that people like you have no interest in anything other than slothful convenience so why would I try to reason with you?

>why would I try to reason with you?
>continually attempts to prove point in an aggressive manner

>why support artists when I could not support them?
>you faggot. why are you supporting these artists even in the slightest?
>Your seething projection only fuels my laughter
>After you die of obesity, sloth
how embarassing

A collective of an individuals with a particular motivation, sure. But your boycott needs to gain a lot more traction. There’s absolutely no point in one person taking it upon themselves to stop streaming music right now out of principle because it isn’t going to do anything

>Haha.. okay?
>Remind me to not invite him to our parties anymore.. plus he smells.

Because I find it funny, shooting down your pathetic cries of “b-but it means i can be lazy!”. Either way, the argument is being put forth not for your benefit, but for whoever is reading it. Anyone with a more than a few brain cells can maybe put two and two together and judge for themselves if streaming is really worth the consumer subscription at all.
>>why support artists when I could not support them?
Here’s your mistake: streaming doesn’t support artists. Going to live shows and buying merch does. Get your head out of your ass.
>There’s absolutely no point in one person taking it upon themselves to stop streaming music right now out of principle because it isn’t going to do anything
Yup, we should all just kick back and continue streaming and wait for the great boycott to happen. Any day now. Because movements magically materialize out of nothing and don’t start with individuals. I’m getting hungry, anyone have some chips? I’m just gonna watch some Netflix while we wait for the boycott to happen.

How long didja take for you to cook this stunner up, buster?

Spotify is cheaper for more artists at near equal sound quality and their app very rarely fucks me up. I think it’s a no brainer unless you are a zoomer addict to the new travis scott etc

Spotify is gay

Sure, keep calling a legitimate way of obtaining music, and the most popular current method lazy. You feel so much better about stealing and organizing it yourself but it’s meaningless. Like everyone should make it their duty to sift though illegitimate copies because it’s the industrious thing to do.
>Yup, we should all just kick back and continue streaming and wait for the great boycott to happen. Any day now. Because movements magically materialize out of nothing and don’t start with individuals. I’m getting hungry, anyone have some chips? I’m just gonna watch some Netflix while we wait for the boycott to happen.

The point is it’s a lost cause. If it helps you sleep at night that’s wonderful. If you think you’re going to make a difference you’re delusional

Yeah except not everyone lives in California, New York, or Chicago, and/or can afford to go see a show you delusional retard. Keep on spouting your nonsense, you're not going to change anyone's mind. Don't you have a street corner to be harassing people on?

>haha he's a pig xD
>it's funny xDDDD

>keep calling a legitimate way of obtaining music, and the most popular current method lazy.
The argument that it’s for convenience absolutely is lazy.
>You feel so much better about stealing and organizing it yourself but it’s meaningless.
Hardly the reason I “feel better”, if at all. But hey, delusion is fun!
>Like everyone should make it their duty to sift though illegitimate copies because it’s the industrious thing to do.
There are dozens of automatic song tagger programs that rip metadata from musicbrainz and discogs. It doesn’t even require effort anymore.
>The point is it’s a lost cause.
Because of lazy bastards like you.
If you can afford to pay for spotify but can’t afford to see a show once every few months what are you doing with your finances? Also, if you don’t live in a country or city with regular shows, hardly means that you can’t purchase merch online. I don’t live in any of those cities and that’s what I do. The sheer lack of effort you’re willing to put in tells me enough I need to know about why you use streaming services.
Real spicy, this one. Bet it took a lot of brain power huh?

>The argument that it’s for convenience absolutely is lazy.
My argument is also that I currently don’t own a working pc and can’t torrent on my phone and therefore can’t utilize your illegal methods. Now I suppose you’ll tell me how I should buy a replacement PC with my rent money just so that I can torrent music and transfer it to my phone to use during the day just so that there’s one less Apple Music subscription. Also I’m glad you agree it’s a lost cause

>My argument is also that I currently don’t own a working pc
Get a job and get a shitty thinkpad for a $100 or some shit. Again, laziness is the root of all your problems. Sort yourself out buddy.
>Also I’m glad you agree it’s a lost cause
It’s a lost cause with you because you’re a jobless fuck. In the grand scheme of things it hasn’t even become a cause yet.

>spotify: $60 in one year
>bus ticket to chicago and back: $60
Are you serious? Keep assuming you know everything about every person that pays for a streaming service. All of them are fat and lazy right?
>If X method of acquiring Y product is the most reliable, affordable, and legitimate way of doing so, you are a fat, lazy pig and any unnecessarily more convoluted and more expensive way I have of acquiring Y product is objectively superior.

Are you really so stupid that you count traveling to other cities to see shows as part of the point of the seeing shows argument? Just throw yourself in the latter category and buy merch on webstores you stupid fuck.
>any unnecessarily more convoluted and more expensive way I have of acquiring Y product
It’s funny because piracy is free and streaming costs money lmao

You’re a retard. I have rent and several other monthly expenses to pay for after working a full time job. Thanks for the NEET perspective on life though, glad we got that input

>i work a dead end minimum wage job and therefore can’t afford basic commodities like a computer, it’s you who are a NEET!
The absolute state of streamcucks. I can’t even bother to argue with you anymore, your living situation is too laughably pathetic for it.

Reading comprehension is 100 there, buddy.
Sorry, if I wanted to be a scum sucking leech then yeah let's all be pirates! Cast away matey!
Plus, my point was that even the cost to go to a city to see an artist that I care about, disregarding the cost for the actual ticket of the show, is the same price as multiple years worth a streaming service. Keep moving the fucking goalpost though.

>basic commodity
>I have no real argument so bye lol
You really are sheltered, aren't you? Even still you choose to be a scum sucking leech. Laughable.

The damage control is amazing. You have multiple people telling you why you’re stupid now. And spoken exactly like someone who has never fended for their self and lived on their own. The cost of living here is very high. And you’re telling me to go out and by a computer I don’t actually require right now so that I can pirate music. Give your head a shake you absolute moron

Rebecca Black
2TB HDD (2) Everything in FLAC

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>Reading comprehension is 100 there, buddy.
It’s funny because I was poking fun at the fact you missed my entire point and were arguing against an addendum to it.
>Sorry, if I wanted to be a scum sucking leech then yeah let's all be pirates! Cast away matey!
You still keep believing that your money is going to the artists you “care about”, it’s so cute. Your naivety is like a communist’s.
>even the cost to go to a city to see an artist that I care about, disregarding the cost for the actual ticket of the show, is the same price as multiple years worth a streaming service.
Then don’t and support them via webstores? Your point is moot. Stupid fuck.
>You really are sheltered, aren't you?
Not my fault you didn’t pay attention in school and now work the fryers at Mickey D’s.
>You have multiple people telling you why you’re stupid now.
As we all know, popularity has always dictated quality.
>And spoken exactly like someone who has never fended for their self and lived on their own.
More like someone who knows how to live smart and not like a mentally retarded teenager reminiscing their high school days
>The cost of living here is very high.
Move somewhere cheaper.
>And you’re telling me to go out and by a computer I don’t actually require right now so that I can pirate music.
No, you should buy a computer so you can have basic household appliances like normal people do. You absolute poverty stricken retard.

spotify because i can just download an ad free unlimited premium apk

>just move somewhere cheaper away from everything you know hundreds of miles away! Just buy this unnecessary appliance!
Hopefully you’re able understand how real life works soon enough, your parents surely don’t want to take care of you forever. And with that astounding amount of ignorance I had the displeasure of reading through, I’m going to sleep

>my life sucks. i can’t afford basic shit. i work at a dead end minimum wage job.
>i could start fresh somewhere cheaper or i could keep living in absolute filth
>i’ll stick to the latter
Cute how offended people like you get when the stupidity of their life choices is pointed out. Nighty night poorfag, don’t let the bedbugs bite.

>Then don’t and support them via webstores? Your point is moot.
Those are awful bold words for someone who is not only chastizing others for legitimately streaming music, but also admitting to stealing music himself
>now work the fryers at Mickey D's
Nice projection

>Those are awful bold words for someone who is not only chastizing others for legitimately streaming music, but also admitting to stealing music himself
You’re acting like I don’t purchase music I like from artists I support in both digital and physical forms as well as buying merch and participating in fundraisers. I spend plenty of money on music. I also happen to pirate most of what I listen to. Sucks to suck eh?
>Nice projection
Poor deflection.

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>I also happen to pirate most of what I listen to
>Well I do support artists but also I steal lol
I rest my case
>>Nice projection.
>Poor deflection.
I don't work at McDonald's.

>I rest my case
You never had any, because I was advocating for that from the start.
>I don't work at McDonald's.
Of course you don’t, you’re just a different flavor of minimum wage cage operator amirite? Semantics are fun!

>Steal your music. It's the right thing to do.
>Semantics are fun!
I knew you were going to say that. I'm a student, dumbshit.

>If you can afford to pay for spotify but can’t afford to see a show once every few months what are you doing with your finances?
What the fuck is this point? How am I supposed to find music that I'm interested in by going to shows every few months if I want to support the artist in the most substantial way possible? How do I figure out what music I like?

Aside from the argument that "oh, the artists only get like .01% of a cent per stream, you might as well pirate" is retarded as fuck, how many artists do you pirate from and then buy their merch or physical releases? I'm willing to bet it's 1/10 or even 1/100 of it if you're one of those enormously pretentious RYM users with 20k ratings under your belt.

For those of us who live in the backwaters of a country, I guess we should just get fucked if we want to go hear music huh? I live in NC, it's a 6-8 hour drive to Atlanta for me which is pretty much THE ONLY PLACE in the southeast that artists come to more often than not. Sometimes I'll get lucky and be able to go to something in Asheville or Charlotte, maybe even Knoxville, but some of my favorite artists either play only in New England or West Coast - what the fuck am I supposed to do? Buy a 150$ red eye flight, land and fork over another 40$ minimum to hear them play, catch another 100$ redeye back home? I could MAYBE do that once a year at most, and I'm lucky in that regard. Most people can't do that shit.

>It's the right thing to do.
You’re right, it isn’t. Paying billion dollar companies to steal it for you is the right thing to do.
>I'm a student, dumbshit.
How’s high school?
You completely missed the entire basis of my argument. Go back to the beginning and try again.
>how many artists do you pirate from and then buy their merch or physical releases?
The ones I like. I have a fairly large CD and vinyl collection as well as several band tees and posters. You know fuck all about my physical collection.
>I'm willing to bet it's 1/10 or even 1/100 of it if you're one of those enormously pretentious RYM users with 20k ratings under your belt.
Swing and a miss, I don’t even have an RYM account.
I really implore you to go back to the start and read my argument, it’d do you good to not assume things.

I like Apple Music more because you can add your own music to it and have it available in the cloud. As a library tool Apple Music is far superior, but Spotify has better recommendations and for you playlists, so I actually pay for both.

Google Music

they are just both dog puss I use soulseek

>steal it for you
>How's high school?
Rub your two brain cells together a little harder and you might realize that I'm in uni. Not that you would know what that is, alone in your mother's basement.

Implying what, pussy?
>you might realize that I'm in uni.
Maybe to you the average brain cell count is 2 but anyone else would have realized I was poking fun at the fact you said student without specifying what level of education, leaving it open for me to mockingly call you underage. But hey, nuance is hard.

get with the times old man. unironically cringed at your response

>I really implore you to go back to the start and read my argument, it’d do you good to not assume things.
Your argument is a lot of asinine words about how the music industry is evil, streaming is evil, etc. all to give yourself a justification for stealing from people. It's worth zero consideration as a serious topic.
Its convenient that you missed the central questions to my post but that's okay, it's clear youre just going to dodge, deflect, and spew hot air to the rest of us.

There is a lot wrong with streaming and [THE ALGORITHIMS] as they stand right now in that talentless hacks like Greta Van Fleet can be pushed to the top while they co-opt Led Zeppelin's aesthetic for their own devices. There's a lot wrong with the music industry as a whole as it exists right now. But piracy doesn't help even if you pay into the pockets of the select few that you like (you never did manage to say how many artists you've pirated from).

I like how you did focus on the one hypothetical of you being one of those pretentious RYM douchebags, but don't worry, you're still a pretentious thief trying to grandstand on whatever moral high ground you think you have.

imagine thinking that streaming is evil. it literally only benefits smaller and upandcoming artists. do you really think that half of the artists you listen to know would have even been discovered had they not been uploaded online for all to hear? you can literally become an overnight celebrity from your bedroom and a mac book, go back 20/30 years and this was most definitely not the case. you had go through a studio, hire a manager, book show after show hoping that someone important would notice you. streaming is the best thing to happen to the music industry, end of story.

Zoom zoom zoom
>all to give yourself a justification for stealing from people.
The justification is not for stealing, but for boycotting. If you’re rich enough to buy every album you want to own, be my guest. I have nothing against that. Piracy is simply the cost efficient counter to streaming.
>you missed the central questions to my post
Because I’ve already covered what happens if shows are too expensive or inconvenient to go to. Again, reading is a virtue.
>But piracy doesn't help even if you pay into the pockets of the select few that you like
It absolutely does. A cent less into streaming is a cent less into a ravenous industry.
>(you never did manage to say how many artists you've pirated from).
Easily in the thousands. Many I don’t even have an interest in, just for the sake of building up torrent tracker ratio. Of course, probably only about 90-95% of them are worth my time. That’s who I support.
>I like how you did focus on the one hypothetical of you being one of those pretentious RYM douchebags
I was just focusing on that middle paragraph in particular. Because I had already addressed the other two previously. Funny how you end up focusing on that though.
>you're still a pretentious thief trying to grandstand on whatever moral high ground you think you have.
It was never about the morality of theft my dear. Keep deluding thyself.

Believe a little more and you might start advocating for unicorn rights.

Implying that Spotify or Apple Music is stealing it at all, leech.
>nuance is hard
I'm aware you were making a 'joke' you faggot, too bad it actually wasn't funny or nuanced at all


>Implying that Spotify or Apple Music is stealing it at all, leech.
From the beginning of the streaming fad artists have been calling it theft. Do you not remember when Taylor Swift moved from Spotify to Apple Music? Your knowledge of the history of this argument is impressively shallow.
>too bad it actually wasn't funny or nuanced at all
Too bad backtracking doesn’t save you face here.

actually respond to my argument, smoothbrain

>It absolutely does. A cent less into streaming is a cent less into a ravenous industry.
Who do you think distributes the music to the streaming industry you enormous retard? Unless you're buying stuff only from bandcamp and other alternatives, you're purchasing shit from people who take their own substantial cuts from the merch/phsyical releases you are buying.

>Paying for music
Anyways, Apple

That requires you have one.
>Who do you think distributes the music to the streaming industry you enormous retard?
Labels and artists. Why does this even have to be asked?
>Unless you're buying stuff only from bandcamp
I actually am, as well as via webstores run by bands themselves and physical copies at shows.

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Is that you, you miserable bald fuck?

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>Taylor Swift
>Implying I care about what a basement dwelling thief thinks about me
Have you not yet noticed that you're the only one shilling this inherently wrong and morally flawed ideology?

Even when trying to smile you look like you’re cringing. What’re you hiding behind those eyes, old man?

And the point flew over his head.
>Have you not yet noticed that you're the only one shilling this inherently wrong and morally flawed ideology?
Have you not yet noticed you’re the one shilling megacorporations that only exist to feed on a dying artistic industry with the help of useful idiots like you? Your attempts at moral superiority by autistically shrieking about theft are impotent at best.

I'm out having brewskies with the guys, what are you doing?

Killing time at work. Listening to music. The fact you have the time to shitpost on Yea Forums while claiming to be out at a social gathering leads me to press X to doubt.

>press X to doubt.
holy cringe

I'm getting pussy and you're arguing with strangers on the internet. Fat L

Epic /r/cringe bro.
You’re getting a hell of a lot of pussy, tippity tappity typing on your phone. Have fun with your shiny head.

I'm gonna go now bud, i got a couple babes waiting for me in my 2019 Dodge Challenger. Enjoy your night wagie!

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Hahahhaha look at this beta male straight out of a cuckold porno trying to flex his beer gut. The absolute state of amerimutts.

>apple music quality is better

Wrong, and this is the reason why I don’t even consider switching to Apple Music.

Attached: spotify vs apple music.png (558x536, 57K)

You left out the bit where apple uses 256kbps AAC and spotify uses 320kbps MP3. Very different compression formats there. Also lmao at “dard mode”.

ok, for those who do not use spotify or apple music, which app do you use to play your files on the go?

On my phone I use Neutron since I like parametric EQ but I don’t use my phone anymore. My WM1A does the job.