Want to expand my music taste

Want to expand my music taste.
Post Yea Forums core.

Attached: The Feminist Mind Virus, not even once.png (447x2726, 1.02M)

Or post genres and the best artists within each genre.
Or any flowchart or whatever

Check the sticky

Fucking find it yourself
It's not hard

wtf went wrong she went from like an 8 to a 2

Attached: mu essentials 2k19.jpg (2428x2468, 1.64M)

art school....

>theres actually some great albums on here

we’ve failed our girls. we let this happen. some people claim that there’s women to blame but i know.... it’s our own damn fault

I’d post that clip of Sam Hyde going on about the mind virus that is feminism but I’d rather not attract the pedo spammer.

post the avant math chart

you are absolutely retarded if you think her choice of personal expression has anything to do with being appealing to misogynist men like yourself

Attached: 1551403501626.png (2500x10000, 3.77M)

preach it sister, problematic af praying emoji

rich "punk" girls are so ownage...

this is a societal problem, not an individual one

use rateyourmusic.com

don't do this op

Terrible post. Use allmusic or discogs instead, they’re much more respectable

like what?

discogs is fine but allmusic is braindead retarded


after you have sex

Typical rym tranny

not misogynistic im sure most people would agree she looks like shit lmao

they mindlessly give almost everything a good rating

no one who isnt a misogynist would comment on her level of attractiveness when they werent asked to...

cringe but actually redpilled. she doesn't base her appearance around whether or not you faggots find her attractive.

have sex incel

nobody asked you to complain either yet here you are


ableist pig

never understood why people post this, most of these albums are shit

i love sex

it's probably just avant math god posting it without his trip

then have it

People have to know what your music taste is right now to be able to post music that might expand it (not that you should even worry about "expanding" your taste).
Besides, it's pretty much impossible for anyone but yourself to help you do that, since you want to be exposed to new things, but there's no knowing what kind of new things you'll like and dislike, considering they're new to you.
How is anyone but you supposed to know what new (sub)genres/artists/albums will appeal to your specific likes and dislikes?

k bend over babe

shut up you stupid beta male nigger lover. bow down to me. i am the king and this is my castle. you and all your friends at your local antifa beer garden can fuck off and die.



What did her pants mean by this?