ITT: only the most talentless or talentless hacks
ITT: only the most talentless or talentless hacks
you start
Syd barrett
Neil young
Bob Dylan
they're all pointing..
at your trips
You've got to be a fucking retard to post this.
at who?
>Syd Barrett
Trout Mask Replica is one of the most innovative albums of all time.
The early TVU albums are some of the most influential albums of all his. His solo albums are also good. Metal Machine Music basically invented harsh noise.
Syd is underrated, Piper at the Gates of Dawn is the best Pink Floyd album. His solo albums are good.
Neil Young has more above average albums than I can count on both hands.
Dubi Dam Dam is a great song.
I'll give you this one.
Nah, Blur and Gorillaz are both GOAT
This thread is a fucking joke.
>Syd barrett
Magically the moment Pink Floyd moved away from their Barrett era style, they became pretentious and boring to listen to.
>Nah, Blur and Gorillaz are both GOAT
Look at the list of writers and producers associated with those groups. Carried by talent.
>Bruce casually mentions in an interview with Nicko present that he still prefers Clive
>Blur and Gorillaz are both GOAT