He thinks being elitist is bad

>he thinks being elitist is bad
>he thinks being pretentious is bad
>he thinks something not catering to him or being exclusionary is bad
Never gonna make it.

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go away

Seethe harder, faggot.

Based post. Elitism made this board great. Without it, all we thave is rap and kpop.

only plebs are anti-elitist because they know their taste is shit deep down

Don't talk to me


Post your top three bands and we'll see if how elite you really are.

Elitism is bad, it's incel behavior tbqh

>ranking artists
>having a "top 3"

Attached: happypepe.jpg (500x495, 60K)

There’s nothing wrong with any of that. There is something wrong with frogposting though you troglodyte

>not having favourites

Attached: 084.png (300x256, 102K)

Taken to it's logical extreme, this position implies the only thing you should listen to is Merzbow

I think all of those things are conducive to art and art discussion though.

>T-tell us y-your taste so I can m-make fun of you!!!
Get back in your locker, virgin.

>muh logical extreme
>Misinterpreting what I said
You too.

>implying anyone here cares about your 'pinions


Listening to Merzbow exclusively is the natural progression of this line of thinking, though. No matter what you listen to, there will always be something out there that is more exclusionary, more avant-garde, more extreme.

shut up faggot

>Haha elitism is good. Fuck plebs.
>T-this is not about m-my t-taste

>he still thinks merzbow is extreme
oh im laffin

I was fucking your mother as I was writing that

If you think the point is to become as elite and extreme as possible then you don’t understand what OP is saying.
>merzbow is extreme
>merzbow is exclusionary

>Merzbow is the most exclusionary, avant-garde, extreme music possible

lol zoomer detected

No, I'm saying that being exclusionary and elitist within a genre or niche is the only way to perfect it, not to listen to the most exclusionary thing out there. None of those things mean unlistenable, either, and merzbow is none of the things you listed. But you're just a retard trying to look smart when you know jack shit. It's pretty cringe and you should consider suicide.

Are you just gonna whine for the whole thread?

>Merzbow is not exclusionary
These responses completely validate my conclusion. If you want to listen to exclusionary and extreme music, you will condemn yourself to a perpetual game of one-upmanship with the hipster crowd, because, as I said, there is always something less accessible and it inevitably becomes a competition.

We’re not remotely being remotely elitist by saying Merzbow isn’t exclusionary. He’s the Radiohead of noise music. You’re just an entry level faggot.

A work by Merzbow has no chance of chart success and most people will not listen to it. Use a dictionary and look up "exclusionary."

Nice goalpost moving, but no. What you said proves me right. The more exclusionary and elitist a genre gets, the better, but not everyone has interest in that niche. Merzbow isn't extreme by noise standards and there is plenty of more extreme noise work. This happens in every genre, though, and such elitism isn't (and can't be) measured through sheer extremism and unlistenability alone for every genre. Everyone has genres they're interested in and elitism makes said genres better. It's not a progression to the most avant garde where you listen to different genres until you reach noise, but a process in which every genre is refined and new genres are created through exclusion. You almost got it, but you're retarded.
Most people won't listen to noise in general and most people won't listen to a lot of things. Excluding normies isn't the only way to be exclusionary.

Imagine being so shallow that chart success is your measure of exclusion.
On that note, how the fuck does chart success make Merzbow the most exclusionary or elite artist? Because that’s clearly what you implied in your first post, you airhead.

True, maybe Merzbow is not the most extreme-sounding music in the context of the noise scene. However, there are music scenes that are even more extreme and exclusionary than harsh noise. If you believe that exclusivity means better music, than you are will seek out these scenes, and become more and more detached from the "normies".

This is you OP

Attached: 371-3710439_wojak-soy-memes-png-wojak-face-mad-soy.jpg (320x310, 76K)

Also, it's funny how this thread has completely devolved into people saying that Merzbow is extremely accessible and basic as fuck, which was not the point in the first place.

What, just because you say so? You need to get it through your head that "it sounds bad xd" isn't exclusivity.

The metal community is a prime (ostensibly the best) example of this. Their constant shitflinging and hate for each other has improved metal and spawned a number of new styles that only come about through their constant arguing. There's metal that's umlistenable and harsh, yes, but there's also melodic and simple metal, prog metal, metal with electronic influences, metal with folk and traditional influences, and so on. By excluding each other and refining their own definition of what IS metal, many masterpieces have been created.

Believing that all music is equal and elitism isn't bad is the real soi opinion, but keep posting shitty memes.

Based 2bh

>all music is equal
Yes... it is. All music is worthless. It's up to the listener to determine how they value the art. Whether you're listening to Bach or Ariana Grande, you're just listening to a bunch of sequencing noises that have no practical value.

I did not say that Merzbow sounded bad, I said that he was extreme. My point is that, if you want to listen to extreme and exclusionary music, you will keep becoming further removed from the dialogue of popular music, and I believe that it is a exercise in futility. I agree that music scenes can create masterpieces. However, we do not consume entertainment for the sole reason of appreciating the author's craftsmanship. There are other reasons, such as cultural transmission and the desire to learn about the world. Personally, I enjoy music that is made in intermediary zones between genres and combinations of different styles.

Elitism and pretentiousness is its own form of vapidness and will make you equally stunted and worthless as being a mouth breathing pleb.
Enjoy the prison of your ivory tower built upon foundations of quicksand, tho.

Are you speaking from experience because "Enjoy the prison of your ivory tower built upon foundations of quicksand" is the most pretentious thing I've ever read.

>>he thinks being elitist is bad
It sure is obnoxious
>>he thinks being pretentious is bad
Well that depends. If your talking out of your ass about shit you don't actually understand as if you do, then your being pretentious and that's bad. If your knowledgeable about the subject and some cuck calls you pretentious out of insecurity, then your actually not and it's alright.
>>he thinks something not catering to him or being exclusionary is bad
Has anyone ever actually argued this? What's an example of non exclusionary music that tries caters to everyone? Even focus group approved pop music tries to aim for specific demographics.
Wouldn't the idea of exclusion also undermine elitism since elitism implies a sort of objective good that everyone should be able to hear while exclusion implies a relativity between tastes? (Some people just can't get into X just like some people into X can't get into Y, but others can appreciate both or neither)