Unpopular opinions about music, I'll start first. Kawaii metal Is actually decent and underrated
Unpopular opinions about music
I think music overall is overrated
is that a fucking honkler minus the clown uniform
Fuck off and give an actual unpopular opinion
no fuck you retard
I would have to agree if it wasnt for how much music means to me, everybody's life story is diffrent, but music has always been a part of my life (even if I'm just now getting interested in music)
I like posts like this
Kawaii metal is what? Babymetal? If so that meme stopped being funny five years ago
All black music is terrible and I don't just mean that in a racist way
Yes, it was a meme and people joke alot about it but I still think it's a decent subgenre to metal in general. Finally for once other ethnicity are actually taking interest in metal
Black sub cultures in music has always been bad but as children grow up around these types of people they grow to enjoy the type of garbage being fed to them
if you think stupid japanese gimmick shit is the only non-white metal then you’re the definition of a tourist
I never said that other ethnicities havent been interested in music, what I'm saying Is it's never been as mainstream as kawaii metal
>music actual was meant to be metal my bad
Devo is underrated
Thats not unpopular anywhere outside of Yea Forums, maybe not even here
all groove metal is really just metalcore
There has seriously been no new music worth listening to in the past 10 years.
nigger I've never met one person outside of this board who genuinely likes Devo for there music that isn't Whip It
i hate posts like yours
ween fucking sucks
Ocean man is their only good song
Ocean man is trash
Listen to Mutilated Lips on the same album
You have that reversed buddy
Listen to Bananas and Blow or Shamemaker. Shamemaker is the best rip on Blink 182 ever
Ocean Man is a ridiculously obvious ripoff of Virginia Plain by Roxy Music
Arctic Monkeys is alright. The only reason Yea Forums hates them because of AM and their popularity (normie band).
Nah, metalcore is a broad catch-all term for music that’s not quite pure metal or not quite pure hardcore. Groove metal should fall under that umbrella. It feels like the metalheads and the hardcore guys invented pretty similar genres at nearly the same time, but neither scene compares notes so the separate names stuck.
Wtf I love devo and I'm in real life
Car Seat Headrest
David Bowie
Jack White
Not ringing any bells?
there’s plenty of decent music in the last decade but you failed to name a single one
jam bands are good
Depression Cherry is the best Beach House album.
MBV is better than Loveless
>mbv better than loveless
i disagree, that being said, it's a worthy successor and everyone that shits on it is just being contrarian
I would have to disagree with this statement, ocean man is more catchy and can actually keep my attention
this is Devo’s best album by a hair
all my friends and gfs hated em, except two guys who were into punk and the engineer dads of a few friends.
Electioneering is good.
hardcore techno is the highest IQ genre