How high did these 60's hippies get on cheap weed? lmao

how high did these 60's hippies get on cheap weed? lmao

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Not everyone is about getting as high as possible

high as shit mon

Lower tolerance m8 they didn't have the dank kush we do now

The LSD evened things out.

that’s a cigarette. plus they smoked a higher volume. joints were fat as hell, and you smoked a couple with your buddies.
This is also true. Average dose at the time was about 200-250 mics where as now a street tab is 100 if your lucky. more like 80

Like if you spread one really good medicinal joint over 24 hours, but you had to smoke a joint every 2-3 hours.

You get a tolerance to LSD to fucking quick. You can not take it back to back and actually think you'll trip balls all the damn time. LSD is a once a month thing at most, like most other psychedelics

1) your tolerance is basically gone after a week
2) Hendrix did heroic doses
3) hush up you

Some of those guys were taking acid literally every day for months to years at a time

He may have taken heroic doses, but it doesn't mean he took LSD regularly. He mainly popped pills and smoked weed, which work every time.

Lennon got so depersonalize from excessive LSD, he let Sgt. Peppers happen

>doesn't like sgt pepper

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who the fuck gets a tolerance to lsd?


>once month
4x a week easy, the weed also helps

My favorite acid casualty is the lead singer of 13th Floor Elevators. They were taking acid every day for like four years. They'd only ever practice, record, and play shows on acid

>tfw my current bandmates dont do drugs
>one already went to rehab
> the other never for into it
We’ll I’ll just keep doing my thing then

>not alternating between lsd and mushrooms to dodge tolerance

Weed is terribly addictive! Try some fentanyl instead!

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That nigga was on so much acid. lol weed, my nigga are you for real?

LSD tolerance rapidly builds within the first few hours of consumption. After just two hours, re-dosing will have little to no effect on the experience. This tolerance can last for up to two weeks before it wears off completely. It is therefore advised to avoid re-dosing entirely.

Furthermore, there is a cross tolerance between LSD and Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms). Taking LSD on Day 1 will mean taking Psilocybin on Day 2 will have little to no effect. The same also applies vice versa. Two weeks must be given for the cross-tolerance to completely fade.

>favorite acid casualty
>not the textbook definition of acid casualty

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Yeah but you can just up the dose. Acid is insanely cheap and you don't need to do that much to get high.

Taking LSD once a week is a fucking waste of LSD, or any Psychedelic.

Actually Roky was out from the shock treatment he got when they sent him to psych ward.

Depends on where you are. One dose can be anywhere from $2 to $50 and quality can be anything from Pure LSD to pure designer substitute and anywhere in between.

Calling bullshit on this, I took shrooms day 1 and lsd day 2 and hit it me hard as fuck both times

>LSD is a once a month thing at most,
For a short time I was taking LSD once a month and experiencing very little tolerance buildup

meant to say once a week

>op's pic is of a guy who overdosed

That's not Brian Wilson


Not the same guy
Can confirm. Took LSD and got fucked. Decided to quit using drugs. a few days later, drank all my alcohol (a few shots), smoked a bowl and took "3g" of shrooms, all I know is it was a bunch of stems and caps that'd worked months before. The shrooms didn't contribute as much as the alcohol. So fucking disappointing.

You must've had a weak batch. I took about an 8th of shrooms and then took 3 tabs of lsd the next night and had an insane trip

Doubt it but ok

Doubt away I guess. I hadn't touched either one for a few months beforehand so maybe that's what was going on.

Nice lie dude

Per ounce still cheaper than weed, and stronger too.

I have no idea how strong the tabs were but it literally happened idk what else to say

True, but you can smoke weed daily and be high all the time. I know 60 year old women with their medical cards who vape THC all day every day and remain high all day every day.

Cheap weed? Go stick your hand in a jar of LSD then wipe it on your eyes lmao

Get on jimis level

Either it wasn't LSD and you got lied to or you're lying because its clinically impossible to trip hard on both back to back.

thc vape aunt meme when?

I aint buyin it and now I have to read some fucking science - FUCK YOU SCIENCE

Now that you mention it it could've been research chems because it was a lot different than trips and the guy I got it from was fucking weird


I think 2C family don't get a tolerance from LSD and shrooms. 2CB maybe?

Maybe. There was a point where everything was color shifted and had a green tint and it looked like I was viewing reality at a diagonal angle. Idk what does that.

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LSD always provides stronger cross tolerance compared to shroom. So if you take LSD a week before a shroom trip it’ll be much weaker. If you do shrooms a week before LSD it might be weaker, but not much. In addition LSD tolerance goes back to baseline about 1-2 weeks after dosing. Shrooms is closer to 5-8 days. It’s due to to lsd being serotonin and dopamine shaped as opposed to one or the other.

60s weren't about weed lol, it was lsd. Psychedelic rock....psychedelic....
Weed was more for 70s boomer rock, people would smoke weed to Mississippi Queen and Slow Ride and Black Betty shit.

I've always wanted to try LSD and shrooms, but I'm scared that I will get hooked and want to be tripping all the time. I have a very addictive personality. I started smoking weed everyday and now I want to be high all the time. I'm high right now. I'm afraid that attitude will escalate to psychedelics or other drugs. I don't want to be an addict.

thank you for actually being educated in this fucking mongoloid thread

"ThEsE gUyS dId AcID eVeRy SiNgLe DaY!!!!!!!!!!!!"

retards who say this have no idea how drugs work and have at most taken these drugs a handful of times. musicians and artists in general wildly inflate the frequency and amount that they take and 16 year olds believe it and pass it on as much as they can until it becomes somewhat of a legend that people treat as fact

ofc there was heavy psychedelic usage, but anyone who has actually had first hand experience, and most importantly, done some actual fucking research would know that a lot of what is said is bullshit

also not really sure that anyone mentioned this but we live in a golden age of drugs rn and i love it

youll be fine, acid's tolerance will physically not allow you to get addicted as youll just eventually take some and not even feel it. also just the nature of these substances arent the type to make you addicted, if anything they can help with addiction. weed is a muuuuch different story. people vastly underestimate how addictive weed is because "it cant kill u!!!!!!!!!!!" or cures cancer or some shit. im willing to argue weed is one of the most overlooked addictions out there, just look at all stoner culture and think about how normalized that is

I'll admit. I'm pretty severely addicted to weed. People lie about that shit. It has very addictive properties. I have to be high to do anything now. Go to work, sleep, make food, go to the store, etc.


100% i feel that my guy, but it is very good that youre acknowledging its a problem instead of "U CANT B ADDICTED 2 WEED!!!1" and just ignoring it

look to see if its actually really negatively effecting your life tho and make rational decisions based on that. i would smoke daily for a while but eventually the brain fog i had became reallly bad and it was hard to socialize and do schoolwork. thats when i decided to just cold turkey it and quit and now i smoke very sparingly

honestly if youre at a point in your life where weed isnt really doing that much harm dont stress too much, when it does become one then you should worry. it seems that a lot of your distress over it comes from this sense of shame of being an addict. just remember a lot of that is very societal-ly inflicted and that being reliant on something to get you through life isnt something to be shameful of

try quitting for a month or two just to see if you can, thats what i did. when i did end up having the willpower to just stop i felt muuuuch less stressed in my usage knowing that its just something that im doing bc im young and bored and want something to spice life up. once again tho if its negatively affecting your life quit that shit. good luck user

Doesn't work that way. At least not for LSD and psilocybin. Something about the experience is self-limiting and I've never known any fan of either substance that ever wanted to take it more than once a week. You'll still "trip" if you do but it won't be as strong or as enjoyable and you'll spend most of your time feeling stupid for not waiting longer.



honestly if youre at a point in your life where weed isnt really doing that much harm dont stress too much, when it does become one then you should worry. it seems that a lot of your distress over it comes from this sense of shame of being an addict. just remember a lot of that is very societal-ly inflicted and that being reliant on something to get you through life isnt something to be shameful of

good point here, many people are technically addicted to things like coffee or the internet (even social media normies) but that usually doesn't negatively impact your life

Its not doing any harm at all. I just moved out of my parents house, and I'm single. I'm working at a record store and living in a cheap apartment in the hood. I don't have a girlfriend so I'm always bored as fuck when I get home from work. I live alone. Smoking and listening to music keeps me entertained and makes me feel less lonely. I still do my job fine and pay my bills, so I don't consider it harmful right now. Just a fun diversion.

>chokes on own vomit and dies
Should have stuck to weed

yep, realized recently that im severely addicted to my phone but its not bad at all, im more connected to people and the world than ive ever been before and my social life is amazing

see then, when looking at it from an objective it REALLY all that bad? ofc i dont want to be one to encourage smoking weed all day and doing nothing, if you feel like its not making you motivated to do more then its different but from what i gather, theres literally nothing wrong with just unwinding after being a productive member of society (working at a job) and doing something to kinda numb the pain of life yknow. boomers will come home after work and pound beers while relaxing and no one gives a shit about that or questions it really

btw a record store job seems cool, where are you located?

>i dropped acid everyday for 2yrs straight baby

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i don't get the hate towards nbomes. i've had some of my best trips on 25i. but yea that shit could kill u

It doesn't feel as clean as LSD or shrooms. It's a much more bumpy ride but not in a fun way.
Also it made me puke every single time.