This playlist I made is so good i think its one of the best, don't stop me now is really good
This playlist I made is so good i think its one of the best, don't stop me now is really good
It's Shit.
>normie core
>using your real name
is this b8
if not get out
no its not
i like my name tho and this is not normie
>Ariana Grande
>Post Malone
>Over rated Queen
How the fuck to people enjoy something like this? Seems like something you would put on to torture someone.
your just salty that i have good taste
>OP's pic
>good music
>can't even (you) correctly
this is really good b8 i applaud
Best b8 I seen this year, good work ‘gabe’, needs more pic related though
your just hating baka
>using broken Japanese
i bet that guy with the bat is you lol
It's blatantly obvious bait, but the standards are so low these days it's impossible to not get a bite
I actually can't tell if you're such a newfag or baiting at this point, please leave Yea Forums and Yea Forums. Go back to r*ddit and twitter
Underage b&
how is this bait mii guy baka?
i'm not leaving your just salty
this is obvious bait you guys are such fucking retards
your just mad at my opinion
Did your gf cheat on you with Gabe?
damn dude that playlist is sick ngl do u ever listen to taylor swift
i'll give her a listen
You're right, Gabe. I'm sorry.
thank you