This playlist I made is so good i think its one of the best, don't stop me now is really good

This playlist I made is so good i think its one of the best, don't stop me now is really good

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 6.26.41 PM.png (2202x1076, 1.46M)

It's Shit.

>normie core
>using your real name
is this b8
if not get out

no its not

i like my name tho and this is not normie

>Ariana Grande
>Post Malone
>Over rated Queen
How the fuck to people enjoy something like this? Seems like something you would put on to torture someone.

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your just salty that i have good taste

>OP's pic
>good music
>can't even (you) correctly

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this is really good b8 i applaud

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Best b8 I seen this year, good work ‘gabe’, needs more pic related though

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your just hating baka

>using broken Japanese

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i bet that guy with the bat is you lol

It's blatantly obvious bait, but the standards are so low these days it's impossible to not get a bite

I actually can't tell if you're such a newfag or baiting at this point, please leave Yea Forums and Yea Forums. Go back to r*ddit and twitter

Attached: Measuring+lurking+in+funnyjunk+internet+pinkies+_a1f4d4b5f2cdfc31c33ecda0b585.png (200x200, 49K)

Underage b&

how is this bait mii guy baka?

i'm not leaving your just salty

this is obvious bait you guys are such fucking retards

your just mad at my opinion


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Did your gf cheat on you with Gabe?

damn dude that playlist is sick ngl do u ever listen to taylor swift

i'll give her a listen

You're right, Gabe. I'm sorry.

thank you