What should i get????

what should i get????

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The cheetos ofc

cheetos nigger nothing else

more cheese

For the cost of a bag of Cheetos you could get yourself some bread and good cheese which you will enjoy much more

but does it have more cheese?

Hot Cheetos are very overrated. Are there the puffy ones? What's the green bag in the top right corner, looks promising.

yeah thats prob a good idea, do it op

Finally Yea Forums has some taste.

Chips are the tastiest things in the world. Probably all I eat.

Fruits and veggies
Stop eating garbage food

Hot cheetos with lime>>>>>>>

how is this music related????

hot cheetos EASY
there is only one thing superior to them, and it is pic rel

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How is it not?


doritos cheetos or fritos

Grim as fuck cheetos

I'd go with the Fritos. I've been on a Flamin' Hot Cheetos kick for a week and it's given me the rankest fucking butt gas I've ever had and my shits are even worse plus they look like that tube chorizo you get at the store got infected by the Thing.

Cancer for you son