Who's your favorite LGBT musician?

Who's your favorite LGBT musician?

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the fish maN

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Jonsi of Sigur ros. His music has such an immense sense of movement and grace but also intimacy and comfort. It’s like the bliss of coming out and and realizing your true identity. Plus he’s cute
Time to evacuate the thread

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Nothing he’s been involved with past 2002 has been worth listening to.

Either Wendy Carlos or Arca

based and chandlerpilled

Both John Lennon and Lou Reed have been known to have homosexual tendencies.

Name a more futuristic and innovative electronic producer

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you xylo no fi lo you so based user
and yeah jonsi is cute af :)


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*not really
He’s LARPing

Will Toledo
Tyler The Creator
Sidney Gish

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i think he shat on Eastman's sexuality too much for being gay himself

I really like how 2/3 of them are gay and the only one who looks likes he’s extremely gay is actually straight

Who are you to question her identity? Bad goy

Lou Reed

Hey guys I'm not gay, I play football. I accidentally clicked this thread because I thought my mouse was hovered over the hot girls thread. Well, since I'm here I had a question let's say hypothetically I had gay thoughts (lol yea right) and I found my close friend attractive (ew gross) and one day we had sex in the back of my car after football practice (I would puke...the only thing I bang is chicks with big you know what I'm saying lol) but we didn't kiss. Would that be gay? We were wasted and while we were banging we kept calling each other fags. It's almost like a parody of when we bang chicks (remember this didn't happen). So that wouldn't make me gay right? Just a jokester?

depends, were you the bottom or top? if you were the first then yes you're gay

Keep posting gay musicians so I know who to avoid in the future, thanks

No princess it's only gay if you kiss.

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it's all hypothetical bro but I'm bigger than him so I guess it would be me forcefully shoving my cock in and out of his ass (ew so gross man) but it's hypothetical

oh and jamie

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It’s not gay if your eyes are closed and you’re pretending you’re reverse pooping

>while we were banging we kept calling each other fags
the mental image of this is fucking absurd
>reverse pooping
this is the first time that i’ve seen anal sex being described as this and holy shit i can’t stop laughing