I love lolis Loli thread

I love lolis Loli thread

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I love Ginger-chan sad out of all of the stick lolis she got least amount of art compared to the black one.

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>I'd stay there personally
Same. If I ever get house money, I'd definitely buy out there.

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Daily reminder that lolicons hate pedophiles

You are not welcome in our community :)

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But pedophiles love lolicons!

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>Same. If I ever get house money, I'd definitely buy out there.
Alright then hope you get there soon. So what else are you up to funny?

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Kys pedo

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Pedophiles hate us newfriend

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Not all lolicons are pedophiles and not all pedophiles are lolicons but some pedos are lolicons and some lolicons are pedos.

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Twin catbro recommended me a sorting program (Eagle). So i've been sorting my loli collection. Pretty fun. It's still a mess but at least when i download pics it tells me if i already have a duplicate or not.

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>of COURSE im not a pedo, i just jerk off to cartoons of toddlers drawn by japanese pedos and frequently employ pedophile memes

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Who are you quoting?

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Ironic lolicons unironically say shit like this

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Nice mental gymnastics you got there buddy.

I also love lolis.

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Project harder dr pizza

I like cartoons of sexy young children
We're not so different you and I

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>Twin catbro recommended me a sorting program (Eagle).
>So i've been sorting my loli collection. Pretty fun.
Oh alright nice I'm trying to organize my Loli stuff on my phone. I tired sending all the Loli pics I have on my main phone to my new phone but when I tried that and started downloading it just became a mess.
>It's still a mess but at least when i download pics it tells me if i already have a duplicate or not.
Oh nice that's good to keep the file size low.

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I mean is it hard to believe someone can like Lolis and not irl?

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3dpd is nothing new, but the moralfag superiority complex shit reeks of reddit

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>muh FICTIONAL toddler clitoris

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I suppose it's possible, but it just doesn't make sense to me. Lil girls are so cute.

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No laptop yet?

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Just say yes or no faggot don't act like your smart when your not.

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>No laptop yet?
It's coming soon...just not now till then I got a new government phone like 2 weeks ago and I been cunny posting with that. That's why you been seeing new Loli pics from me.

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>uoh child belly erotic xd
Kill yourself

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Ironic lolicons have a hateboner, almost an obsession for pedochads

Yes or no stop acting like this is redit your not going to get updoots here.

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>It's coming soon...
Ewww... You sure you want a laptop that cums?
>That's why you been seeing new Loli pics from me.
I've noticed. Can't wait to share my collection of furries and fembois with you! Your favorites, right?

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Ironic unironic what ever you want to call me I just like 2d Loli. I don't care if another Loli bro likes real Lolis and have irl Loli videos on your computer just don't hurt real lolis yourself is all.

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