this nigger's fanbase is as retarded and delusional as kanye's
This nigger's fanbase is as retarded and delusional as kanye's
Why's Kanye's fanbase delusional? He's the greatest artist of the 21st century.
stay mad
I have a feeling that this album is going to be real good
> Why's Kanye's fanbase delusional?
> He's the greatest artist of the 21st Century
you just answered your own question
How come Yea Forums is so bitter every time they see a successful black artist?
asume the quality of a project/album just by some fucking snippets and proceed to claim is the AOTY or something like it
its not the artist, its the retardedness of his/her following
he’s just buttmad at an artist using DAW, he’s probably a contrarian NEET from /pd/ or something
(c)rap isn't art
Too much of a good thing I guess
We arent. We just know that rap isnt music.
Serious question: when does this nigger-faggot get arrested for child rape?
Kill yourSelf like your beloved Kurt cobain
mid 2011
Kill yourself like your beloved Edgelord chester Bennington
>Peopple call me racist for thinking Hip-hop is for retards
>Enjoy multiple black musicians
It's not my fault I'm not a subhuman retard
>claims some guy is a edgelord
>post something a edgelord would post
now that's a delusional statement if I ever saw one
Because 99% of rap fans are mentally handicaped
imagine being so intellectually bankrupt that you insist that a musical genre isn't "real music" because you don't like it.
imagine being so intellectually bankrupt you insist in believing any of those comments were said seriously
plus he's gay
Rap is just as legitimate of a genre as any. And it's definitely the most interesting genre at the moment if you look beyond the surface level. If it preceded rock and was introduced by white people, it wouldn't even be put into question.