Hello, I would like to purchase a radiohead hoodie

>Hello, I would like to purchase a radiohead hoodie
>"Sure, what size would you like that in?"
>...E-extra large, please

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if you're an adult male over the height of 5'6" and can fit into anything less than XL you have the body of an adolescent boy and need to start eating and/or lifting

i don't see how this is music related though. you probably just wanted someone to respond with this exact comment.

5'7" XL is fat as fuck

XL Recordings lmao


You don't go to the clothes store and ask for an extra large sweater you fucking idiot. Have you ever been outside? Literally noone has ever been in this situation.

t. 110 pound 15" shoulder span pasty manchild who shops at the gap and listens to odd future

I’m 6ft tall 145LBS Chad American with pure Celto-Germanic genes

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Pipe down you wide bastard

how about the merch table you fucking retard cuck bitch

>6 feet
>145 pounds
literally the same body type as a 110 pound manlet. exercise you delusional retard.

bro how tf did you get a picture of my high school music teacher


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tell me how i know youre american

You should exercise. Specifically cardio.

im 6'3 200lb and i wear a medium/32x34 jeans

as a sports bra?

Unless you're a bodybuilder there's no reason you should be over 200lbs. Your body does not function better lugging all that extra mass

Meant for

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I wear XL and im not that fat
XXXL is where the lardos really start

One time I saw a 5x t-shirt. It was like a tarp.

>I'm not that fat
Then we have our work cut out for us, don't we my sweet?

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i have 180 pounds of just lean mass lol i'd have to cut off an arm to get below 200

what are you 7 feet tall

Why do you do this?

Subject matter hit a bit too close to home

you are either fat or on steroids. end of conservation.

i’m 5’4” (i know), 140 pounds and i lift regularly. you are skinny as fuck.

also, for bodybuilders/lifters reading, should i cut or am i at a good weight given my height?

You're average, literally in the "should I bulk or cut" noob lifter deadzone. Do either, but just commit to one or the other. Bulking now would be easier obviously and make it a bit less difficult to cut afterwards, but that's all a matter of whether you'll actually follow through with dieting

i see. just to be clear, am i speaking to someone who’s on any kind of gear?

Hey you’re 5’4 in case you didn’t know

6'5'' 210lbs.

XL is the only thing long enough for my chad figure.

Coping this hard xD

I'm 168cm (5ft 6in) and 120lbs
male btw ;_;

Bruh you're the size of my mom

>6 1/2 feet tall
>only wears an xl
how narrow are your shoulders?

I'm a 5'5 guy when I wear heels...

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5'10 140 lbs here

>ITT Manlets
wew 5' 11'' master race reporting in.