
>I'm Looking Through You
>In My Life
Name a better 3-song stretch on any Beatles album

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> Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
> With A Little Help From My Friends
> Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

Got to get you into my life
I want to tell you

This wtf

Sexy Sadie
Helter Skelter
Long, Long, Long

You Never Give Me Your Money
Sun King
Mean Mr. Mustard

on the same album:
in my life
if i needed someone


happiness is a warm gun
martha my dear
i'm so tired

>Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End
Get fucked OP.

>golden slumbers

I Want You
Here Comes the Sun

>no reply
>im a loser
>baby's in black

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why girl?

also Anthology version of I'm looking through you > rubber soul finished product

Girl is amazing

I cant.

>Paperback Writer
>The Ballad Of John And Yoka

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This album SUCKS



Eleanor Rigby
I'm Only Sleeping

Hello Goodbye
Strawberry Fields Forever
Penny Lane

murrican albums doesn't count.

Imagine thinking with a little help from my friends is a good song hahahaha!!

All Together Now
Hey Bulldog
It's All Too Much

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>all together now
Jesus fucking christ


No Beatles song is good. Anybody who has enjoyed the Beatles for one moment is a bad person.


I can do you one better and name a four song streak:

>Yellow Submarine
>She Said She Said
>Good Day Sunshine
>And Your Bird Can Sing

>albums don't count

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Not American albums

They're still albums, in the beatles name, so it counts brainlet

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