Twice thread!

Twice thread!

Attached: Imperial Defender.jpg (419x610, 322.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

In this one crossword puzzle I did not too long ago, there were a number of words that stood out to me like Twice thread and Nice thread!

Attached: - -.jpg (1024x892, 95.57K)

I love Jihyo

Attached: Jihyo kicking Momo.webm (1920x1080, 1M)

For me, it'd have to be the Top 10 Alternative Win Conditions in YuGiOh!

Attached: _- -.jpg (355x241, 40.28K)
I forgot what these two were supposed to be

Attached: Dami.full.199002.jpg (1334x2000, 428.16K)

Attached: 1633060435538.jpg (735x624, 69.85K)

Salutations, my frens!
I hope you're all doing most excellent over there today at this one start of the week we find ourselves in!
Hopefully the "CASE OF THE MONDAYS" hasn't been all too HECKED for you there and that you've been able to partake in just a few of those cozy partakings there!

> But why the heck would she kick her... that's just kind of rood!

Greetings to you there, my frens!
I pray all is welll with you there today and that it's been a bit of a cozy start of the week for you FILLED with Blessed partakings!
Anything quite cozy happen there today?!
> Also, holy Jimmy-Jams!

Attached: Mina12.webm (268x380, 1.07M)

>-9 sec

Attached: Dami 1g9i0o4w20p71.jpg (682x1024, 67.93K)

> For our first Jimmy-Jam of this Twice thread, I give the frens this quite cozy but also quite POWERFUL KJimmy-Jam from the Dreamyfus who have their comeback right around the corner!

Attached: JimmyJamsYoohyeon1.jpg (1141x750, 212.14K)

> Are you aware that when Spain found both El Dorado and the Fountain of Youth that all they found was a collection of KJimmy-Jam CDs which they couldn't even utilize yet since they didn't have a CD player?! For any interested frens, post THREE numbers [1-515, 1-537, 1-384] and receive THREE videos in the form of a Jimmy-Jam, SmartBoi video, AND a Meme!

> CLASSIC Doobingo-er!
I pray that all is going most cozily for you over there today, my fren!
Any of those EPIC partakings I've been hearing about going down there?!

Attached: Dubu52.jpg (1348x902, 149.27K)

>bad case of the Mondays
>couldnt sleep last night
>so tired this morning
>sat through a 1h30m meeting with my camera on because everyone else's camera was on
probably go to sleep early tonight

Attached: Dami.full.249578_smaller.jpg (682x1024, 52.48K)

> Another RARE card has once more graced us here tonight!

And that RARE card is of course a NEW card that I think could be quite a POWERFUL one to add to your Decks for your next duel!

> OOF...
The CURSED Mondays do appear to be taking place for some frens theren... heck...
Fair enough if you need some snoozies there, my fren!
> I don't want to keep the fren from partaking in those if he needs them at some point!

Hopefully we can still manage to have a few of those BLESSED times here together though to at least put off the Monday heckery, my fren!
Did you almost fall asleep during the meeting? kek

Attached: Defender of the Forests.jpg (419x610, 305.36K)

> The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It's a folksy and sort of rockin' Jimmy-Jam from this one Ukrainian band of folks that seems to have a whole variety of different instruments there including a hecking bagpipe!

Attached: DubuSalute.jpg (536x493, 58.68K)

Attached: Spooky Dahyun.webm (1920x1080, 581.56K)

Attached: choo n doob wink.webm (1200x1080, 1.35M)

They must be going on some sort of SPOOKUMS hunt or something like that!
> Although I don't know many HAUNTED beaches out there... usually it's just old and run-down buildings!

Attached: TheTriumvirate1.jpg (949x676, 94.48K)

> Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: Since it's a Monday and sometimes the frens have a case of those, I figured this one CLASSIC Jimmy-Jam would be an appropriate one along with the POWERFUL live version of it!

Attached: DubuJimmyJams6.jpg (552x828, 38.51K)

FRENS is dood, wat nu?

Attached: 1637398354429.jpg (960x1200, 119.77K)

Greetings to you there, my Blessed dooderFRENSFren!
I hope all is going most excellent for you over there at the start of this NEW week we find ourselves!
> Anything EPIC going on over there like perhaps some RARE movie viewings, my fren?

For me though, it must be said, it was a bit more of that mappies vidya today which was something cozy enough I suppose!

Attached: Mina25.jpg (1196x750, 161.63K)

strict jihyo

Attached: 1631953588805.jpg (1366x2048, 159.63K)

chilling at home now,doing the usual, studying n shiet, I should cook something simple now, less spicy today because I'm feeling it now

Attached: 1637833052282.jpg (1200x799, 83.16K)

> The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It must be said that I do have a few of those Jimmy-Jams from a couple bands here that are quite BLESSED so I figured we could partake in a few of them starting with this one!

Attached: JimmyJamsMomo2.jpg (654x486, 61.11K)

> Studying you say there, my fren!?
Is it about cattle in those 1800s times perhaps?!
I heard you were all about that stuff back in the day to be fair!

I just hope that you're able to finish up that studying sooner or later to embrace some cozy times with not so much SPICY stuff there so you don't OOF on us!
Some frens can't handle that sort of stuff to be fair!

Attached: Mina153.png (1200x800, 637.84K)

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Attached: Jihyo chasing Momo.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

hierarchies are important

Attached: 1628681075945.png (492x474, 228.54K)

nah, that class is in the bag, I need to prepare the final for the urban centered one...lots of material..

Attached: 1641851734003.jpg (738x1200, 126.65K)

> Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: Here's another Jimmy-Jam from a band with a BUNCH of those BOPS I think we can partake in here alongside the green one with some other Jimmy-Jams here or there!

Attached: DubuJimmyJams5.png (1080x720, 546.96K)

Attached: chae this party suxx.webm (608x1080, 895.23K)

Nice shot of her cleavage here.

And here I thought he was going to be an 1800s bovine expert or something!
> Well, I guess this other field might have a bit more going for it to be fair!

But this urban-centered final here, when might said time be there?
I'd be hecked with these schoolies folks at this point now!

I do remember the fren studying like HECK there before for his other finals so beats me when that would actually be because he was doing that ALL the time!

Attached: Mina129.jpg (683x1024, 81.68K)

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elven archers fire! (not fire really, more like release idk)

Attached: 1635029087863.jpg (1050x700, 162.32K)

Attached: Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu archery.webm (1920x1080, 1.41M)

it's the eyes, the eyes!

Attached: 1634852491574.jpg (2731x4096, 1.11M)

for me, it's PurePosting with the frens

Attached: minhee-1488649.jpg (900x1200, 174.17K)

What? It's true. She has a cute mole on her left one.

Attached: gywrvguohxm61.jpg (640x800, 106.4K)

I'll guess in 3 weeks, maybe May, depends hoe much i can read before feeling safe

Attached: 1642979331997.jpg (2048x1365, 196.41K)

they say fire in the moovees tho

Attached: 1636927347128.jpg (1366x2048, 638.48K)

Greetings to you there, my Blessed MinheeFren!
I hope all is going most excellently over there for you tonight!
Anything of particularly BLESSED note going on, my fren?!

Attached: Mina46.webm (270x480, 512.41K)

Here's an update on Sri Lanka police in Ukraine and he's delirious

Attached: 07e7961e50912f5386c2a9e118ccdc28.png (1238x1240, 805.89K)

>Sri Lanka police in Ukraine

Attached: 1633395949478.jpg (688x993, 84.4K)

Thanks, I was eagerly awaiting an update on this.

Attached: Jihyo making Momo dizzy.webm (1280x720, 390.44K)

Three weeks is a HOT minute and a half to prepare for that stuff there, my fren!
I reckon you'll do just fine like the last ones there, especially if it's actually something interesting there!
> Like I said, the fren was quite into his bovine education there so perhaps this is like PEAK studying!

Attached: Mina37.jpg (750x750, 129.12K)

> The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: What I'd say is a bit of a BOP from that one MUSE-ical band album that wasn't the best received one but still managed to put together a few BOPPIN' Jimmy-Jams!

Attached: DubuJimmyJams7.jpg (608x674, 115.89K)

Attached: Momoabs2.jpg (2304x4096, 1.32M)

I got 8.5 and 9 in the last ones, but the classes were pretty fresh in my mind, lets see now..

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Attached: 1640147336049.jpg (1080x1350, 296.47K)

That's still passing though, my fren!
That's what counts!
> And heck, I imagine there were some folks who just barely scrapped by and you blew them out of the water!

There's always those few folks who just do MEGA OOF on those examinations for whatever reason...
BUT you won't be one of them, my fren!
> I want to believe!

Attached: Mina80.jpg (1668x1112, 206.97K)

she fit!

Attached: 1625376056106.jpg (1317x2048, 442.2K)

I want to lick the sweat off her abs.

Attached: DfQdYS6U0AIAAHY.jpg (848x1200, 229.24K)

merry christmas!

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Attached: 1622844688896.jpg (960x1200, 131.52K)

Attached: Chaeyoung goggles.webm (1920x1080, 408.13K)

> Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: If the frens were looking for a bit of a CLASSIC Jimmy-Jam from back in the day, then you might've just found one right here with that one radio band who seems to have a number of BOPS!

Attached: DubuJimmyJams14.jpg (648x1000, 83.77K)

10-10-10 for the 10/10s!

Attached: 1639767495871.jpg (1489x2048, 525.42K)

Attached: Nayeon buckteeth.webm (1920x1080, 298.34K)

> But there's just so many 10s... how in the heck are THE NUMBERS going to be able to manage that?!
Oh wait, they did and here's some videos for you, my fren! A CLASSIC

Attached: Twice6.webm (626x539, 1.91M)

the big coat looks cute

Attached: 1627737282643.webm (1090x678, 1.73M)

Attached: 1622342982282.jpg (1289x1080, 253.86K)

Can't we try and keep it cozy in here?
There's plenty of sexy kqt threads on Yea Forums to post that stuff in..

but this is the only cozy thread. :(

Attached: Yoohforyou7.jpg (740x925, 92.9K)

For me and the other Blessed frens, it must be said, it's all about the cozy as heck times and some wholesome as heck PurePosts!
> So I most certainly understand the feels there, my fren!

Attached: Mina137.jpg (500x750, 88.53K)


Attached: 1633065860397.jpg (275x275, 18.53K)

> The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: A Jimmy-Jam with some FEELS to be sure and also from that one slippy band that a few of the frens are about and one fren has been dipping his toes into to see what they're all about lately!

Attached: DubuJimmyJams8.jpg (593x671, 119.46K)

Attached: 1635183503917.jpg (1080x1350, 201.16K)


Attached: Chaeyoung confused.webm (1266x1068, 1.54M)

but thats how i roll

Attached: 1632110311639.jpg (253x317, 12.87K)

it's a super light dubu

Attached: 1619171186373.jpg (720x720, 61.47K)

Attached: 1636795517038.jpg (225x225, 10.91K)

Sure, but I'm still going to post Momo's bosom.

Attached: celebrity-twice-momo-s-beautiful-boobs-uqxdCp.jpg (1200x1799, 228.42K)

why shadilay of all songs had to be memed..

Attached: 1647234545385.jpg (1080x1920, 143.22K)

But how does one roll so light and free, my fren?
Clearly there must be some sort of strategy to this sort of thing, perhaps some ADVANCED file editing there or something!

Attached: Mina174.webm (438x650, 1.41M)

Attached: 1626827755850.jpg (682x1024, 93.05K)

But have you heard of kpg, my fren?
> Maybe even /trash/?
I think you'd be much happier there to be sure posting all of that to your heart's content since they're FAR more accustomed to that sort of stuff there rather than the cozy frens who like to have Blessed times here!

I'm trying to help you find your true enjoyment, my fren!

Because it most certainly had the meme potential built into it, my fren!
> Also because it's by a band called Pepe kek

Attached: Mina138.jpg (600x800, 43.87K)

post her soul

Attached: 1627068861921.jpg (379x581, 92.19K)

>not using feathers to edit

Attached: 1637124245404.jpg (487x444, 24.97K)

looks like timestamps finally work in embedded videos, or did those always work?

Attached: 1634775060390.jpg (96x96, 4.08K)

> Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: I do seem to recall those vengeful band Jimmy-Jams being on the agenda for tonight and if you were looking for a POWERFUL BOP from them, then this is the Jimmy-Jam for you!

Attached: DubuJimmyJams15.webm (566x648, 2M)


Attached: ibyqx229p8m51.jpg (1000x1500, 149.49K)

I think those might've worked for a while there, my fren!
> Perhaps it's that one fancy Yea Forums extension thingy there that was making them all sorts of wacky for you or something!

> Let me give it a whirl and see what happens!

Attached: Mina5.webm (480x480, 891K)

poke jihyo is versatile

Attached: 1637508939767.jpg (960x960, 135.89K)

I liked that metal version

Attached: 1637415753505.jpg (900x1200, 142.55K)

it should work all the time but ircc they stopped working for a while, who knows

Attached: 1632541533652.jpg (1080x810, 100.17K)