what music does he listen to?
What music does he listen to?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ted Nugent
Basic Channel, Pole, Gas, Studio 1, Maher Shalal Hash Baz, ふちがみとふなと [Fuchigami to Funato], The Frogs, Noahlewis' Mahlon Taits, Mama!milk, Quikion, Amoebic Ensemble, 月光慰問客 [Gekko Imonkyaku], Jüppala Kääpiö, Elodie, Yōran, Rich Woodson's Ellipsis, Цyкop Бiлa Cмepть [Cukor Bila Smert'], Harpy, Syzygys, Cioccolata, きどりっこ [Kidorikko], CHBB, Liaisons Dangereuses, Sun City Girls, Brainbombs, Maťkovia, Archbishop Kebab, Dog Faced Hermans, Lucrate Milk, 黒色エレジー [Kokushoku Elegy], Pale Cocoon, Codeine, Idaho, Black Tambourine, The Marshmallow Kisses, 有耳非文 [Arumimihifumi], Al & Del, Cleoma Falcon, 周璇 [Zhou Xuan], Ana Hato, Rita Montaner, Naftule Brandwein, Lydia Mendoza, Noel Rosa, Ρίτα Αμπατζή [Rita Abatzi], Lionel Belasco, The West African Instrumental Quintet, The Wolverine Orchestra, Asmahan, 松島詩子 [Utako Matsushima], 佐藤千夜子 [Chiyako Sato], 杉井幸一 [Koichi Sugii], 藤山一郎 [Ichirō Fujiyama], 二村定一 [Teiichi Futamura], 笠置シヅ子 [Shizuko Kasagi], Ercília Costa, Maud Powell, Django Reinhardt, Guido Deiro, Rina Ketty, Lucienne Boyer, Josephine Baker, 菊池桃子 [Momoko Kikuchi], Especia, Vanilla Beans, مرجان [Marjan], گوگوش [Googoosh], نوشآفرین [Nooshafarin], រស់សេរីសុទ្ធា [Ros Sereysothea], ស៊ីនស៊ីសាមុត [Sinn Sisamouth], João Gilberto, 葛蘭 [Grace Chang], Nara Leão, Dorothy Ashby, Tindersticks and Asphalt Ribbons
not this
Rush Limbaugh
>every slave ship and auction was owned by jews
citation definitely needed
guided by voices - universal truths
aren't we supposed to value these people? i mean, we're bad people if we don't, right? it's really testing me.
Don't judge anyone user :)
No, they are scummy, as you are too apparently
You should value everyone, otherwise you are probably making shitty decisions in your life.
It's not ok to be fat
Based autismo
Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags
it's so bizarre how /pol/ has weaponized boomers like this. like this guy is out in public like this because some neet incel who larps as a nazi memed him into it.
Lol. Surreal almost.
He's right you know.
>le /pol/ does everything
Uh... um..... well... you see.. jews aren't white... yes that's it we are our own race silly
Friendly reminder "pretending" to be retarded is still being retarded.
Yes and no.
Or maybe it's because his demographic has been turned into an insult and punchline by leftists who hate his very existence? Who knows
Political supporters are all uneducated shitbags. It doesnt matter the country or the party, look at Europe or Latin America.
Bernie Sanders supporters are woke
Isn't the feeling mutual?
Jews are white.
sure thing my man it's ok to be white never had a rolling general on /pol/
No way, I'm educated, just insanely petty and tired of being lied to by liberal retards in my younger days
Mostly yes.
le mao
I'm white and working class but i've never felt the need to virtue signal as hard as this guy thinks necessary.
>who hate his very existence
no one in real life cares nearly as much about politics as much as fags on social media and this place think they do
Idiot, it is better to conceal your power levels.
He probably listens to something obnoxious like Magma.
maybe if you buy into every lame strawman argument you come across. iotbw is a mundane statement, opposition to it is anything but. congrats on letting the "nazis" own the very concept, thus radicalizing anyone immediately who agrees with such a mundane statement.
>caring about what happens in your area/country means you're dumb
if you're so much wiser than everybody then why let yourself be governed by your inferiors?
Did you read the whole shirt?
That's great. He isnt you, so stop projecting.
>he thinks whiteness isnt the progressive left's original sin
>he doesnt even know enough about dekulakization to see its modern parallels
pretty lame of you
What about it? You gonna try to gaslight me and tell me only nazis can criticize jews?
don't know what you're comparing to dekulakization but we could definitely use the real thing right about now.
i thought you fags hated when the alarmist left. meanwhile, "THEY HATE YOUR ENTIRE EXISTENCE!"
Parallels? Dekulakization was a state run campaign. If there was any real repression, the people calling for genocide would be arrested.
I am sorry but how the hell did you extrapolate that from what I said? There are a ton of smart people out there that understand politics and are reflexive about it, they are just not political supporters convinced of a fucking dogma they are taught.
Political minions are everywhere, hopefully you are not one of them.
are you denying the left's own rhetoric regarding the sin of whiteness?
>Parallels? Dekulakization was a state run campaign.
and the progeny of the ideals of said state found a home in the us, unfortunately. The idea that people need to die (or become marginalized in their own nations to a high degree) for a utopia to be achieved is leftism 101.
my point exactly
>The idea that people need to die (or become marginalized in their own nations to a high degree) for a utopia to be achieved is leftism 101.
What makes you think that?
Agreed, he isn't me. I'm not an emotional child who got called racist once and now feels the need to wear a stupid-ass slogan to virtue signal to emotional children about how i'm one of the 'not afraid to be white white people'.
> mfw 2020 is going to be Hellworld 2.0 from 2016
I'm always curious when you fags complain about the progressive left, who this even encompasses and what percentage of the population it is. Most of the stuff I see spammed anymore is just screencaps of fake accounts/discords/articles. Or is this just more "neet incel who larps as a nazi" like that other user pointed out?
everything they say and do, mostly
>I'm not an emotional child who got called racist once and now feels the need to wear a stupid-ass slogan to virtue signal to emotional children about how i'm one of the 'not afraid to be white white people'.
lol, that strawman. Do you know what a logical fallacy even is, kid?
>Agreed, he isn't me. I'm not an emotional child who got called racist once and now feels the need to wear a stupid-ass slogan to virtue signal to emotional children about how i'm one of the 'not afraid to be white white people'.
Cool story, bro... nice virtue-signalling.
There is no 'sin of whiteness' you fucking snowflake. Maybe liberals care about that shit but most of the actual left don't give a fuck about Idpol.
>everything they say and do, mostly
Be more concise, please.
>Maybe liberals care about that shit but most of the actual left don't give a fuck about Idpol.
you got that backwards.
leftism has little to to with liberalism
can't wait for the 2020 DNC debates desu. they're always fun when it's a shitton of people scrambling for the prize like maniacs.
it's the same reason the GOP debates were so good.
you're fucking retarded if you think anyone, but brain damaged boomers thought that slogan was anything, but a white supremacist dog whistle.
>cant even say iotbw to completely eradicate the efficacy of the meme
need I more evidence?
Hi /leftypol/
And why is it controversial again? Why cant it be rendered ineffective by simply acquiescing to the mundane premise?
are we supposed to value these people?
delusional tranny
And where did people say you can't say that? Condemnation is not the same as prohibition.
Yeah, liberals are mostly centrists while the left are a mix ML's and Anarchsts who when they're not arguing about who's a bigger counterrevolutionary mostly agree on the fact that idpol simply weakens class unity.
I've never come across a serious leftist who sees any value in idpol apart from dengists who use orientalism at a means to shit on anyone who doesn't think the PRC is a great place.
or these?
What's happening here? Be as less autistic as possible in your explanation please?
Kissless, unfuckable incel.
>There is no 'sin of whiteness'
ummm no sweetie
What every honest, hard-working, Christian man listens to:
if you dont understand whats happening in that picture you might be autistic yourself son
Wow, you sure proved me wrong with your irrelevent image..
They're saying that 4 random black people are indicative of all black people, and are thus unworthy of respect as a whole
Are we supposed to value these people ?
>And why is it controversial again?
I just told you, it was an obvious organized /pol/ campaign to try and normalize white supremacy. God, you're fucking dumb as shit.
Lol. Based
pure projection
>What's happening here?
user spends the majority of his adult life lurking race-baiting threads saving pictures of things he can repost in other threa- oh you mean the actual picture.
Friendly reminder to always egg or punch a Nazi
I really don't. Some people standing on top of desks?
>literally just standing on desks
holy shit they're monsters I'm literally shaking
Are you getting upset because I touched a nerve? Maybe come up with an actual argument rather than throwing insults and we won't have to bring your dearth of fuckability into it eh chap? ;-)
Are we supposed to value these people?
Go back to /pol/, nazi scum.
I also think it's funny that the image they posted is grasping at so many straws that the only picture of Contrapoints they could reasonably use is the one taken by a high speed roller coaster camera lmao.
literally not controversial. The phrase only has power because the left is revolted by it. Their entire platform is based on being able to treat whites as 2nd class citizens and all their property and social position as illegitimate.
Just like the kulaks
No. Fuck that retard.
tactical nihilism
sure, now go and dilate.
>citation needed
again, case in point with nazi retards with their mask off after their concern troll facade fails, the only thing you fucking losers run on is your persecution complex because that's the basis of your ideology. That's why everyone knew what iotbw was when they saw it except for you, and your brain damaged friends.
Do these people really think they are helping their cause when they wear an obviously imflammatory shirt, while being an out of shape wreck?
I bet you're got really skinny wrists ;-)
>not getting upset at people standing on shit is tactical nihilism
reminder that youre myopic retard who regards everyone he disagrees with as a nazi
reminder that you're also an incel manlet who in real life wouldnt dare to say a thing to anyone you threaten to punch in the face
Absolutely no one is persecuting you for being white you dummy
Tactical nihilism? Mate, not everyone has such a viscerally cynical reaction to black people as you do.
>citation needed
the democrats running for 2020 are currently vying to see who has the wokest stance on reparations, you fucking dolt.
Also, didnt I already get on you about strawman arguments and logical fallacies? Try harder next time, it's getting sad.
Are we supposed to value these people?
>the right adapting to the left's perpetual victimhood
glad uncle ted is in prison and doesn't have to see this
Literally nobody in the left gives a shit about it. Maybe some liberals do idk.
Do the people ITT ever get tired of having arguments about race? No they don't. Hahaha. Keep it up guys ;)
>basketball-Americans in the red
Thanks single moms.
>make hot take post on social media for attention
>some dude who doesn't even like you saves it and re posts it online
you're showing him m9
not even worth a (you)
Don't be silly, somebody called him racist once and that was literally like the double holocaust.
A group of girls being on top of tables and disregarding the etiquette of class
I don't know what you think this is proving, user.
Okay. Why did you post that though?
I can't tell if you're actually this pants on head retarded or if this is like some post modern pastiche of someone who is pants on head retarded.
and now you're resorting to personal attacks
why do leftists and redditors always do that?
>actual systemic racism
>actual political platforms
>actual stated goals
hardly the left's whining that truancy/tardy rules in schools are racist because they affect more blacks. Eric Holder literally said that, and a more perfect example of a detached self-inflicted victimhood I cant define.
it got your panties in a knot quick enough, didnt it?
Do you know the context of that to be sure? Or are you just crying because black people are doing something completely inconsequential?
What is he doing wrong?
Because white guilt is a serious problem that leads to white people who don't mean to be racist being racist as all fuck and doing dumb shit like overvaluing random black people who have done nothing to deserve it while ignoring and even being cruel towards, say, southeast asians, because now they're in a racist mindset but think it's okay because they're being biased in a *nice* way towards blacks.
>me: uh
>Fuck of phuong your eyes are slanty so you have a 500 IQ score you fucking cunt, god i hate asians there's a reason you never play main characters in movies
>JAMAL I AM SO SORRY FOR SLAVERY (ancestors did not own slaves)
For the love of god, you pale cunts. You want to address racism? Human nature is racism. When you're a little kid growing up you learn the basic rules of being a person by looking at people who look at you and imitating them. How you show your emotions, what you aspire to, how you pronounce words, all of that, you learn by looking past everyone who doesn't look like you, and looking straight at the people who look the most like the person you see in the mirror. So you white people want to fix racism or whatever?
You own the fucking media, which children are now watching growing up. This means your ethnic group controls culture and can turn an entire generation of black children into promiscuous party-thugs that only aspire to be sports stars and rappers, or glorify the high arts and have every kid in compton clamoring for violin lessons and speaking with a faux-british accent.
This reminds me of the /pol/ meetup where everyone was mexican.
>posts a bunch of selfproclaimed "center of left liberals" to prove how nazis are just as bad
>they still look better than the gang of tranny freaks and pudgy malformed walking basedbeans
go kill yourself assmad tranny
I think the idea is that they're behaving like aniamsl in what appears to be the south african cargo-cult equivalent of a western university.
Because I wanted to ask you if we are supposed to value these people. Come on user, reading is not that hard
So? You're seriously mad college kids aren't in their best behavior?
Nah, all this picture proves is that there are horrendously ugly motherfuckers in both the left and right. It's a pointless argument to have.
>the democrats running for 2020 are currently vying to see who has the wokest stance on reparations, you fucking dolt.
citation needed, they're running on medicare for all you fucking idiot, that's the most popular issue, why don't you start reading news outside of breitbart :^)
what kind of nerd gives a fuck about class or etiquette
It's black people who have been brainwashed by the white media into being antisocial (in the traditional sense of being "anti-society") and it is a tragic thing indeed.
You wrought this. Your music videos, your TV shows, your movies, told them that white people are polite and orderly people who wait for marriage to have sex and follow rules, and black people are cool, disruptive rebels who fuck ten "thots" a day and smoke weed just as often. Yes, your media. Hip hop and all that may have black faces but the producers and copyright holders are pale. So that's what they figured they were going to be.
It's a white country, white people own all the culture. You are directly responsible for how people act. But go ahead and subdivide whites into "totally the jews" and "totally not the jews" based on who is rich and not.
College kids being rowdy?
damage control
universities are for academics, not kids. do you also lack the impulse control needed to not stand on a table?
i guess context is similar to what we are seeing here.
>universities are for academics, not kids
now that's what i call b8
>by looking at people who look at you and imitating them
What kind of weird upbringing did you have where you only admired people who looked just like you? Sounds like you're just made this part up to frame your argument.
>citation needed,
two entire seconds on google later:
no, college girls disregarding the etiquette of class
God forbid people have harmless fun. Jesus what the fuck is western civilization coming to when a Melanin American can - gasp - stand on a desk?! Where is the leftist condemnation of this clearly degenerate and regressive behavior? A black person can stand on a table, but if a white person does it everyone calls him racist! So much for the tolerant left, amirite? God these people standing on a desk is just the perfect proof that they're subhuman and that we need an ethnostate.
Fucking hell, I didn't Pearl Clutching was a professional sport, guys.
Everyone's just living they're lives. Why do you care? He seems happy now, are you against happiness? Are you so bitter that you get upset when people are happy? Why do you care dude? It doesn't affect your life. People are individuals and can do whatever they want. I am just happy that people are happy. Everyones doing their best. We're all basically the same person. No one is smarter or better than anyone else lol who are you to judge? Wow you're soooo smart for judging and criticizing someone. Why judge someone? Why not just let him live his life? Why do you care so much? Im happy for others when their happy. I dont judge
Ummm why are you so upset? You literally have a great life? Why don't you just relax? haha You can do whatever you want in modern society. Aren't you tired of being upset about things you can't change? Why don't you just relax and enjoy life? Why waste your time criticizing others, lol? Why not just relax and stop being upset? Who hurt you? Who hurt you so that you feel the need to judge others instead of just enjoying life and relaxing? Why are you so upset? I'm happy, other people are happy, why can't you be happy? Life is good and everyone's just trying their best to be happy and buy the things that make them happy... Maybe the problem is really with you?? Idk maybe you need to learn to relax and stop being so obsessed with what other people are doing? Why don't you just relax user, and enjoy life? :)
Right back atcha slick
>What kind of weird upbringing did you have where you only admired people who looked just like you? Sounds like you're just made this part up to frame your argument.
not him, but if you feel this way, do you oppose the progressives left's push to brown everything so that people can have idols that look like them? It apparently doesnt matter, so why not favor source material in such cases?
what did he mean by this?
>Jesus what the fuck is western civilization coming to when a Melanin American can - gasp - stand on a desk
That's not an American, and a quick glance at SA sort of quashes your non-argument.
>rapper on tv: im a big dog, a real alpha fuck, i aint follow no rules i dont give no fuck, bitches suck my dick when they see my swagger, old white guy says no but he a fagger. everyone likes me cuz i aint give no fucks, now im a rapper and i'm makin big bucks.
>black kid watching tv: ah, yes, that is my future
>white guy on TV: you dude, class is over, ditch the polite behavior! let's get drunk and play electric guitar, then we'll hit on random girls and laid. turn up those metallica CDs bros!
>white kid watching TV: yeah, that's who I'm going to be when i'm 20.
It's instinctual and subconscious. You absorb culture from people of the same race without intending to.
>Stand on a desk
*Be brainwashed by white media to have a general disregard for etiquette and the common culture, behavior which then sows the seeds for prejudice against them and conflict that sows the seeds for their prejudice against everyone else
it's ironic
Have you been to college?
What the fuck are you even on about holy shit. This has absolutely jack shit to do with those people standing on a desk you paranoid water brained sister fucker.
And what the fuck are you talking about me doing anything? That isn't my media because I've had no hand in creating it, that's the media that white America has bought into.
It's not a white country because we're not an ethnostate you fuckwit. It's a country that consists of every ethnic and social group in the world, which is what makes it the greatest country on Earth. There's no other place that's this fucking neat in terms of how much history is jam packed into our people. And I mean, a lot of that history is negative, but at least we're able to come together and work off each other's cultures to create something new and amazing for everyone.
Besides, American culture is inseparably tied to black American culture, so I don't know what you want.
>progressives left's push to brown everything
Nobody takes those people seriously except people on the extreme opposite side of the spectrum.
oh yeah because when black were completely untouched by whites in africa they were such productive and meaningful members of a civilization.
btw nobody has to "Subdivide" white people into jews and non-jews when jews do it themselves. do you ever read any jewish media? dna testing is very popular among them to see how ashkenazi/sephardi they are.
still didn't answer my question. I literally skipped every class in college and just read the textbooks for the tests. professors are worthless and you should not give a fuck about them. they definitely do not give a fuck about you.
deflection. I didnt ask you whether or not you had anecdotal evidence about who does and doesnt take it seriously.
>Jesus what the fuck is western civilization coming to when a person with Melanin can - gasp - stand on a desk
See how easy that was, user? And A quick look at SA? lmao okay dude. Nah, the millions of people who grew up in Bantu education are supposed to have created a utopia in a single generation using infrastructure designed for 6 million people. SA's not the best place ever, but fucking hell read a history book.
It's not harmless fun, they're risking damaging class property and someone will be having to sit and put his papers or something where their dirty boots where.
i wouldnt care if they would act like that on their own property
The extreme left literally give so little of a fuck about race poltics it's untrue. Leftist are for organising along class lines, dividing the working class into identity groups is detrimental to that goal.
>longwinded feminine sarcastic whining
>strawman strawman strawman
>end with a faggy quip
>*Be brainwashed by white media to have a general disregard for etiquette and the common culture, behavior which then sows the seeds for prejudice against them and conflict that sows the seeds for their prejudice against everyone else
You could've just said 'I created a narrative to justify my hatred of people I'll never interact with'. Would've been easier.
>sister fucker
I'm asian you fuck.
>it's not an ethnostate
Yeah, the upper class is white. Who owns the media, who owns every damn company, who manufacturers, the culture, what color is the owner of every football team, what color is every record producer and director?
It's a white country and the black american culture was manufactured by white people. At some point your people decided black american culture was going to be garbage. You taught these people to be antisocial. You told them that if you're brown you don't follow the rules. Then you also complain that they get arrested too much. Fucking lmao.
And then the few of you that noticed what your same-colored friends in the upper class were doing said "uh, that's not our people, they're....uh...JEWS! yeah." fucking lmao.
I'm making $160k a year as a programmer in a flyover state where the cost of living effectively multiplies my wealth. What are you doing?
the words "left" and "right" have lost all meaning in Anglo countries. give up and let them burn in idpol.
Wow, what an asshole for tripping her. I hope he got what he deserved
>I'm making $160k a year as a programmer in a flyover state where the cost of living effectively multiplies my wealth. What are you doing?
again explain why I should give a fuck about students standing on desks
i interact with white people every day.
you have a long history and present tendency to destroy the cultures of anyone who isn't you and replace them with ones you find more suitable. in fact, your ethnic group is renowned for waging war simply to convert countries to your preferred political system.
its actually her. thats a girl
Jesus. Are people here really such dweebs?
Because the underlying cause of that is also the one that's going to get them jailed for smoking crack in class and getting into fights.
White people telling them that was what black kids do.
And then white people will say "wtf black people are being arrested too often, this is problematic" as more white people manufacturing culture publish another film or music video where black people don't follow rules and that's a good thing
It literally is harmless. The desks are cleaned daily. It is entirely inconsequential.
>girls standing on desks is proof that blacks are bad.
lmao dude.
and now that I think about it, the best counter argument would've just been to repeat what was said back to whoever said it. The ridiculousness speaks for itself.
lol, lets just gloss over the insanely high murder rate, and the push to deprive whites of property based on the same justification that their entire existence is illegitimate. And if you actually know anything about SA, you'd know that the vast majority of the population streamed in after whites made it inhabitable, and said foreigners were coopted by -gasp- communists who used race the same way they use class
>ad hominem
You sure showed them!
okay, but I do not give a fuck about kids standing on desks and disrupting class. in fact I encourage it.
If you couldn't extrapolate an answer from that response, it's obviously no.
I'm not sure who exactly you're referring to here. What percentage of the population is this?
of course, and even better that the one's disrupting pay little to nothing to be there, right?
You can still be a sister fucking retard regardless of race, see pic related.
And again, it's not a white country. If anything you're just proving that this country is still racist when it comes to positions of power.
Keep talking about how white people taught black people to be anti social, I guess. You have nothing to prove that but okay.
Mate I'm not saying white people haven't done stupid shit, I'm just saying you're a racist fuckwit as well.
Sorry, but being offended by random kids not being well mannered is dweebish behavior.
>Who owns the media
>the culture
>every record producer and director
cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.
>And then the few of you that noticed what your same-colored friends in the upper class were doing said "uh, that's not our people, they're....uh...JEWS! yeah." fucking lmao.
why do you think jews aren't a distinctive people? they've always been separated culturally and even ethnically from europeans. you can easily tell even by their facial features.
it seems like you're on some weird cope about the fact that rap is a jewish creation, "colour" doesn't mean much at all. a turk that stayed inside for a few days and got pale is a lot different from a swede.
more tactical nihilism
>It literally is harmless. The desks are cleaned daily.
what if someone had a class right after them? and a table can break quite easily when 200 pounds gorilla puts her entire body weight on it. Not to mention that they're disturbing the peace of class
This for fucks sake. Have you people never been in school?
it's Stonybrook, a public school in long island. everyone is paying little to nothing to be there.
>Leftist are for organising along class lines, dividing the working class into identity groups is detrimental to that goal.
the idea is to organize along class because it makes for the perfect us vs them strategy. The old Left stopped at class because nations were too homogeneous to undermine racially. That's changed.
>your argument is bad because... ummm.... ur dweeb
you're embarrassing yourself son. Just stop talking already
lol let's just gloss over the underlying reasons as to why the crime rates are so high and just take the cop out answer that it's because they're black. I also don't agree with how they're going about reclaiming land.
The communists in SA used race as a political point because blacks were treated as second class for their race. And I mean, if you really want to go down that line, racial divisions and class divisons often go hand in hand. It was fucking big dicked Lyndon B Johnson who said how easy it was to convince dumb poor racists to hate blacks instead of the industrialists who put them in their position.
>attitude doesn't matter only isolated actions do
Only a white person could be this dense.
You must be white.
It's almost like your sort have an innate urge to destroy organized society.
>It's not a white country
>it's just racist so white people control everything
>Keep talking about how white people taught black people to be anti social, I guess. You have nothing to prove that but okay.
>White people produce all the culture portraying and glorifying blacks being anti-social
The "Ashkenazi Jews" nazis focus on too much are genetically, physically, and in name, GERMANS. 0.1% middle eastern DNA from their mothers side isn't going to make the difference between the noble, soulful aryan chad and the vile, greasy rat like jew of right wing propaganda. You are the same as them. They're your people, the rich part of your people. The white upper class. Own up to it cletus. Your people have been and still are deep into the industry of destroying the culture of others and replacing it with nonsense you find more suitable and exploitable.
Every black crime is the fault of how whites treat, portray, and raise blacks.
What argument? You're just demonizing kids for doing what kids do.
>more tactical nihilism
more non arguments
>You must be white.
nah probably just a nigger trying to justify his fellow nigger behavior
You're trying to get a straight answer from people that have a completely delusional idea of reality It's funny, they claim all the shit they post is just "larping as nazis" or some shit, but when it comes time to about real opinions none of it is ironic anymore. It's almost like, yep, pretending to be retarded is no different than being retarded.
>You must be white.
>It's almost like your sort have an innate urge to destroy organized society.
I am literally on your side nigger. read the thread before shitposting
Their behavior has nothing to do with you, so you are being a dweeb by caring about it
Those desks are designed to take weight, 200 pounds isn't going to do jack shit you dumbass racist lmao. And I mean, you keep going further into 'what if' hypothetical to make standing on a desk seem heinous. What if it was a party, or an end of the semester celebration?
If someone had a class immediately
afterwards than sure, it was rude of them, but that's really the extent of it. It was rude.
more pearl clutching
>lol let's just gloss over the underlying reasons as to why the crime rates are so high
let me guess, some fallacy about socio-economics? Excuses as to why even the richest blacks are more criminal than the poorest whites? Some other pathetic excuse?
>The communists in SA used race as a political point because blacks were treated as second class for their race
No, they used it because they wanted to destroy the current government. Communists dont care about people. If they didn they wouldnt have ruined a nation that provided a higher qualify of life than they could, even for 2nd class citizens.
>It was fucking big dicked Lyndon B Johnson who said how easy it was to convince dumb poor racists to hate blacks instead of the industrialists who put them in their position.
It was also lbj who said he'd have the nigger voting democrat for 200 years in regard to his plans for the welfare trap. He didnt care about them, he wasnt interested in manipulation.
my argument was that it wasnt a harmless fun, you responded by calling me names
i guess im a dweeb for caring about innocent people being killed somewhere thousands of miles away too since that has nothing to do with me
then show me that white youth are as or more disruptive and dysfunctional in universities/colleges than blacks.
not even worth a reply, pic related.
What a man
>i guess im a dweeb for caring about innocent people being killed somewhere
Oh, do you care about black people or Jews being killed?
>then show me that white youth are as or more disruptive and dysfunctional in universities/colleges than blacks
I'm not claiming they are, I'm claiming they should be.
>Their behavior has nothing to do with you,
lol, unless they're committing crimes, then it's all whitey's fault
Mate I could say your attitude is indicative of all Asians being obtuse dumasses but I'm not because that's not how that works.
>greentexting the sentence instead of addressing it because my claims fall apart under scrutiny.
It was harmless fun.
Trump supporters are uneducated inbreds who vote against their own economic interests
way to admit you're just an anti-civilizational anti-white
Not an argument
But nazis were actual socialists. They were also feminists who wanted Medicare for all. And they were weebs. Also, vegan. And pro-abortion.
I don't recall Hitler being too much interested in free markets, gun rights and Christianity.
>Oh, do you care about black people or Jews being killed?
gee that sure does sound like massively feeble deflection
do you think talking about Jewish actions instigates murder? Or is it the inability to criticize them?
>Every black crime is the fault of how whites treat, portray, and raise blacks
All hatred directed at blacks is due to the shitty behavior of blacks, nobody likes you, not whites, not asians, not hispanics, not even other blacks
>on my side
>encourages this
Obviously you aren't. All races in civilized society should act civilized or you're going to be living in brazil.
>shake that booty
>trash that dudes stuff
>we're so fucking cool
>country: is a shithole
How is a country where whites control the government, the media, health care, academia, transportation, food production, etc, not a country controlled by whites
The left wing: america is diverse. it's just racist so all the brown people in the lower class are unfairly denied that opportunity. (okay, but white people are still running it)
The right wing: ya see here, and ya see here son, let me tell ya, these people they look like germans, and ya'll gotta know, they have german names, and ya'll see, they talk like germans and act likes germans. but i tell you what son and i tell you, they're what we call back south, "the jews". (you are a moron.)
>Excuses as to why even the richest blacks are more criminal than the poorest whites?
Woah hey JonTron how are you doing? Can I get a link backing this up?
>No, they used it because they wanted to destroy the current government.
If by 'wanted to destroy the current government' you mean the Apartheid government then yes, that's true. The current SA communist party are just a bunca weirdos no one gives a shit about.
>It was also lbj who said he'd have the nigger voting democrat for 200 years in regard to his plans for the welfare trap. He didnt care about them, he wasnt interested in manipulation.
I wasn't saying LBJ wasn't a scum fuck, I'm saying he's right about how easy it is to play racists like a fiddle.
Ooops, you didn't answer the question. Try again
You care about other people being murdered... Does that include blacks and jews?
now "all" might be a bit of a stretch, but Jewish slave slips were a real thing.
lol a poster itt already alluded to "the real reason" blacks in SA murder so much, and I shut him down before he stared making his excuses.
So yes, a large percentage of leftist believe that, and many more would pay lip-service to it if put on the spot.
What the fuck is going on in this fucking thread?
Somebody please fill me in.
When blacks are in control of a country they burn it to the ground, see all of Africa and Haiti
> nazis were actually socialists
Lmao shut the fuck up Stephen Crowder. You are not well versed in world history
>The right wing: ya see here, and ya see here son, let me tell ya, these people they look like germans, and ya'll gotta know, they have german names, and ya'll see, they talk like germans and act likes germans. but i tell you what son and i tell you, they're what we call back south, "the jews". (you are a moron.)
jews dont have german names nor do they act or look like germans, you really dont know anything about this at all do you?
I've personally seen tables break in such cases so you're wrong to generalize like that, not to mention that completely breaking it is not the only damage you can cause by standing on it with boots, you can easily scrape it or something. It's just a retarded thing to do that no one above the age of 10 would normally do, you can nitpick all you want
Dont know to what shitty school you went to that you saw people jumping on tables during a celebration but given that you called me a "dumbass racist lmao" its quite obvious that you're black so that explains it
/pol/ hive mind is trying to infiltrate/mu/
This is misdirection, we are discussing the above video.
I'm not saying it isn't necessarily controlled in majority by whites, I'm saying that it isn't a 'white' nation because there are more than just white people who make up the culture.
America is a diverse nation that is also pretty racist, I don't think that's a controversial statement. You can look at even our super recent history for proof of that.
I can't tell even what you're arguing for here other than esoteric Third Position bullshit.
Jews aren’t white. They have in group preferences and they breed within their people because they are committed to their mysterious bloodline. They are not European people and have never seen as European people. It’s absurd to claim otherwise.
you can't even claim to like half of civilization or white people. I've heard all about the turner diaries.
Isn't this guy complaining about being accused of being complicit in what his ancestors did? So why is he attacking all Jews?
that wasnt me
yes i do
This is what's REALLY going on.
America has ALWAYS been a multi racial society. Maga shitheads are uneducated af
>Kids standing on desks
>Innocent people dying
The two aren't comparable imo.
why are the blacks acting like shit
it's almost like role models who glorified shitty behavior were propped up by "somebody", and then "other people" treated them like garbage for ancestral people to light a fire rage under that
surprise you get crime
Oh yeah, I forgot, they're not germans. Germans are all 6 feet tall, broad jawed, blue eyed, blonde haired, and very handsome.
Some of these "jews" might be germans, but it can only be that the rest of them are british.
>it's not a white nation
>it's a diverse nation controlled by racist white people
Nice that we agree
>someone has a different political opinion
leftists are literal mental children
>yes i do
Prove it.
>Can I get a link backing this up?
FBI stats smart guy. are you the same user who asked for source of other mundane claims like the dem nominees debating reparations?
>If by 'wanted to destroy the current government' you mean the Apartheid government then yes, that's true
Thanks for accepting the basic premise. The apartheid states was superior to the current one. The communists flooded SA with poor, violent, unskilled masses, and murdered and tortured the native blacks who found prosperity in a nation that objectively owed them little.
but hey, at least the poor, stupid, and unskilled foreign masses got the vote. That's what matters because lip-service to democracy wins support
I'm not reading all that, faggot. Give me a tl;dr rundown. Spoonfeed me NOW.
My point is that it doesn't matter beyond it being mildly rude. It's entirely inconsequential to the point that I guarentee the white guy in the picture has thought about this less than you have. Literally rent free in your head my dude. I never saw people do this at my highschool, but I've absolutely seen rowdy shit even at my current Uni. I'd go crazy if I let every minor thing inconsiderate people did bother me. By the looks of it you already have.
I'm also white, lmao but okay.
>import africans
>they act like africans
Stormfront infiltrated /pol/ and made casual racism seem like the status quo. This has since spread to other boards, and this is partially why this MAGA shit exists
/pol/ doesn't want you to know this, as every time it's brought up, the thread soon dies...
I didnt compare the two, i made an analogy to show you how painfully stupid your argument that someone is a dweeb for caring about things that do no affect him is
Stop voting against your own economic interests retard
>i made an analogy
Which is a type of comparison
Pretty spot on take m8
/pol/ is a malignant cancer in our culture
the FBI stats are thrown off by sports and hip hop which give great status to people who do little to deserve it
Lincoln wrote that the European man was always intended to be superior to the others; that the country was for them first and foremost. Are you telling me /ourguy/ Lincoln was wrong?
Yea Forums was always casually racist
only newfags straight from reddit trying to rewrite history claim differently
that's a lovely fantasy. You seem like the type to present your opponents argument for them because your strawman arguments dont work on real people too well.
That's a claim that requires proving.
If you care about people dying somewhere, you're an empathetic guy. If you care about what some kids do in their school, you're a dweeb.
Yeah but can you link it? Because I googled it and found nothing, and people googled if after Jontron said it and found nothing.
>The apartheid states was superior to the current one.
Oh you're one of these types. oof. Listen dude, those mooi lekker Afrikaans women aren't going to fuck you.
Poor, violent, unskilled masses? Holy fucking shit dude. I mentioned Bantu education earlier, but fucking Christ. Imagine being so delusional that you see an example of a state designing an education system to ensure that people will only ever be able to work unskilled jobs, and then to blame that on the people who stopped it. Jesus fuck.
>at least the poor, stupid, and unskilled foreign masses got the vote.
Get rid of the foreign part and that makes up the GOP voter base.
See Nice /pol/ misdirection
>our culture
>billie eilish and 69 takashi threads
cringe white boi, shut yo mayo ass up.
>You seem like the type to...
Nice strawman
See Evidence is there.
>no argument
thats what I thought. Go back to Yea Forums in 2007 and write nigger, you'd have even less redditqueers jumping down your throat than today
>It's entirely inconsequential
I already explained you the harm in doing that so no it's not entirely inconsequential. The rest of your post is a personal attack
i've seen a lot of rowdy shit in my uni too but never grown up or nearly grown up adults jumping on tables
Yea Forums was always racist, it's just that more malignant racists saw that as an opportunity to convince people of their mind poison.
What does that have to do with jewish slave trading?
Did you know that the CSA had a jewish secretary of state? A first in many ways
>>no argument
It was already posted here Can't you read?
>malignant racists
this is redditspeak
leftoids use the same words all the time, like bots regurgitating canned lines.
I feel empathy for the people that need to be around double digit iq specimens that feel a need to get on a table for no reason at all
>infographics are arguments
so /pol/ makes the best arguments you're saying?
But in this case it didn't cause any harm, thus making it inconsequential.
More personal than attacking people's race for standing on a desk? Boo fucking hoo dude. It's such bullshit that we can't even make racist generalizations without people resorting toad hominems.
Do you go to fucking BYU or something? Drunk retards jumping on tables is a staple of American, and presumably world, college culture. I've noticed that the types of people who tend to do that are exclusively white men, but do you see me making a long diatribe about how all white men are scum because of that?
>import irish
>they act like irish
>treat them like people
>accept them into the folds of your society
>100 years later
>nobody can tell who is and is not irish
>import africans
>they act like africans
>huh, no shit!
>they're always going to act like africans
>hey africans, you're fucking african, not us
>you shouldn't even act white you animals
>100 years later
>"fuckin nigga gib me yo wallet bix nood"
>"oh no black people are so horrible i hate them"
Wow I love discussions about music
All political extremists try to subvert. Do you think that the left hasn't engaged in a ton of subversion?
Okay, champ.
>like bots repeating the same line
you tried.
Is this willfull ignorance? be honest
>Do you think that the left hasn't engaged in a ton of subversion?
Like what?
>its whitey's fault blacks are criminals, have low IQ, are bad parents, cant hold down jobs, cant excel in school
oh no no no no
>I know the perfect way to deflect the NPC meme
>I'll copy the meme exactly
>but get this, get this, ill add a maga hat
No. The far right has far more billion dollar corporate dark money funding structure and financing propaganda than the left does m8
>I'm unable to recognize that systemic factors lead to a cycle of poverty and crime, and that blaming it on race is a lazy cop out
oh no no no no
I mean... historically America wasn't very nice to the Irish either. Not quite slaves, but practically.
>Nice strawman
No, I didnt say you were, I didnt assume you were. I said "you seem" which leaves you open to deny or confim it.
a short-lived raid that was less effective than your average reddit raid was not responsible for casual racism on Yea Forums.
>Oh you're one of these types. oof.
lol what a faggot. What, you "cant even" or something?
>Imagine being so delusional that you see an example of a state designing an education system to ensure that people will only ever be able to work unskilled jobs
Why are you a racist who hates native bush schools and education tailored towards non-whites? Even the black in SA say that whites "forced education upon them" and it isnt their culture.
I fail to see how any of this entitles foreign black commies to anything in SA, anyway.
>its whitey's fault blacks are criminals
Well, they criminalized them
>have low IQ
Based on whites-created testing systems
>are bad parents
They have fewer support systems
>cant hold down jobs
Because whites control the workforce
>cant excel in school
Because funding goes to white schools instead of black ones
The left has subverted major universities, the pr department of major corporations, most media including the moderation teams of most websites
>the schools they go to are underfunded
>the media they're exposed to, made by whites, encourages poor behavior
>whites are likely to fire or just not hire them
>do this for hundreds of years
>act surprised when black people are not doing so well
>meanwhile, literally africa
You dont know whether it did or did not, the point is that acting in such way is not harmless and not how any civilized person that understands the consequences of his actions should
>Drunk retards jumping on tables is a staple of American, and presumably world, college culture.
Drunk retards jumping on tables? Yes
Drunk retards jumping on tables in class? No. Drunk retards wouldnt attend classes in the first place
You could make it less easy, lmao. You call me a bot repeating in-speak, and then immediately repeat in-speak. Mirrors are a good investment.
Burnouts are dumber than trumpers. Fuck off
This is an /x/ tier take. You cant prove this
>No, I didnt say you were
Sweet then address the argument, and avoid what I "seem" altogether
>average reddit raid
>blacks do badly on IQ tests because whitey made the IQ tests
there is no racial component to IQ tests, there aren't even written words in most of them. try harder, there always 1001 excuses for why blacks cant measure up to the other races, its pathetic.
I repeat: Jews. Aren’t. White.
>import africans
>they immediately force their culture unto the new world and introduce chattel slavery to the colonies
>proceed to ruin the nation before it was founded
>continued to own more slaves than whites, per capita, until the practice is outlawed
Thanks a lot, scumbags:
How so?
Also The Left is not one person btw
The testing systems are legitimate actually.
At measuring how well someone has been educated, usually starting from a young age (just being read to will bump your IQ up by a few points), and how little they have been screwed (diet affects IQ pretty dramatically. so does your parents smoking and drinking.).
Guess what happens to black kids
>dad drinks
>mom smokes
>not a book in the house
>first words are fuck whitey
>skips school for the first two grades because fuck whitey
>black man on TV: fuck whitey
>whole family in unison: fuck whitey
>Based on whites-created testing systems
how come jews and asians have higher iq than whites then?
>implying neo-cons or neo-libs are in anyone's economic interests besides billionaires
> conflating neoliberals with the left
> you
Most trumpanzees are uneducated boomers who vote directly against their own economic interests like retards
I don't need to adress a claim like 'South Africa was better under Apartheid' because just saying that is already a counter argument. It proves in a single sentence that you're not arguing in good faith.
They forced Bantu education down their throats. Actually read about the legislation I'm referencing here. I don't mean literal tribe education, I mean an education system created by whites to force upon blacks with the purpose of keeping them ignorant.
>Sweet then address the argument, and avoid what I "seem" altogether
I did, I called it the fantasy it is, and you've yet to provide evidence that said fantasy has tangible merits. You then went off on a tangent about how you dont know what a strawman is.
We're now here.
>the left is not one person
Do you mind applying that standard to the right?
beep boop trumpanzees
beep boop against economic interests
imagine being this much of a repetition-bot
Because whites have a systematically oppressed sub-class of their own dragging the average down. Jews and Asians in the US have no such counterparts. They're treated very well by our society, because jews are just rich white people, and asians are their favorite race. Israel's actual average IQ is pretty average and if you discount asian attempts to skew results by not testing their poor (china is super fucking guilty of this) they also come out pretty average.
Neither do you lmfao dude come on. Take a step back and listen to what were talking about here. This isn't some assault case or someone stealing, it's people standing on a desk in a mostly empty lecture hall. It is entirely inconsequential by any metric.
Drunk retards being loud inconsiderate fuckwits in general. I've also seen plenty of idiots disrupting class with dumbass pranks in lecture halls with several hundred people. The one in the picture has like maybe 10. The class is more than likely over. It's rude, but beyond that absolutely meaningless.
Time have only proven the wisdom of the bantu education act. I'm not sure what your point is. Blacks arent entitled to white people.
>said the whitefolk
>At measuring how well someone has been educated
Again, this is just a white paradigm, but I think you understand this
>I called it the fantasy
Which is not a proper retort as there's factual basis
>you've yet to provide evidence that said fantasy has tangible merits
Did you investigate the links? I don't think you did.
>You then went off on a tangent about how you dont know what a strawman is.
You mean when you substituted an actual, logical argument with what I "seem" to be?
Quote me where i didn't
Imagine being dumb enough to vote republican in 2019
>white libs : u gotta be dumb not to vote fo dat!
No one is entitled to anything except for life and happiness, my cynical dude.
If you're talking about the whole farm thing, then it's a nuanced situation that doesn't have a clear answer. I don't really agree with either side regarding the solution, but I also understand the underlying reasons for it. That's called having empathy, you should try it.
>You mean when you substituted an actual, logical argument with what I "seem" to be?
I'm sorry you're an autist, but it's obvious that wasnt an argument, it was a musing. Again, sorry about the autism.
>IQ tests are racially biaaaaaased
And if you gave a culture fair IQ test to a black kid who grew up in white America he would still do poorly
And for some reason nigerians who live in britain often score higher than most whites! Almost like it's because a black kid in the US is pounded down into the ground and a nigerian in the UK is given every opportunity to succeed.
Unless you want to start testing for muh emotional and physical intelligence
not him but israel's average iq is lower because of the large arab population within it.
he was talking about asians in the west, not china
>not a single counter argument to the IQ question
thanks reddit, you really made this easy as fuck for us. go make another "das the white paradigm!!" post as if thats a real argument
Except no one said that.
> gets called out for voting against their own class interests
lol trump supporters are uneducated af
Have you heard of a bell curve? The Nigerian diaspora represent the top of it and don't represent the average black IQ
>I'm sorry you're an autist
Nice ad hominem. That's two logical fallacies thus far. You are doing well!
>not a single counter argument to the IQ question
Except the one I just made?
>post as if thats a real argument
How isn't it?
>jews are just rich white people
how do you say shit like this when they themselves say otherwise? its not some secret, they're very transparent about it.
maybe you should learn something about a people and their history before constantly naming them in loaded contexts
>nigerians who live in britain often score higher than most whites!
lol imagine believing this
They arent entitled to white education, they arent entitled to white technologies, and get this: they arent entitled to white medicines.
Africa would be better off had it been managed with such perspective. In 2050 they're going to encompass 25% of the world population, all burning fossil fuels and bumping uglies all day long.
I'd rather have sense than empathy. Like the common sense that tells me that since every single pre-colonial african empire subsisted on slavery, they all deserved to be destroyed by western colonialism. Prove me wrong.
it's lower because you have more average jews instead of exception immigrants even if you exclude the arabs. average jews and arabs being closely related, it doesn't really matter.
asians in the west are all immigrants, so they're a cut above the average. "jews" in the west are rich whites with a smidgen of middle eastern heritage so they score higher.
a bell curve represents a trend, not its cause, and it changes in response to the data found in reality.
why wouldn't they say otherwise
white people have been keeping royal bloodlines pure and using it as a point of pride for ages
The Nigerians who immigrate to Britain tend to be very high ability, just like the Indians who immigrate to America and now have the highest household income across ethnic groups in America. They're not representative of their respective populations as a whole.
>Nice ad hominem
you're the one who thinks a musing was a strawman, and wont abandon your now disproven premise in favor of moving on.
Maybe you should see a professional.
>literally no argument
>expects white people to vote for people that literally want them dead, oppressed, or replaced by browns
there is no worker or class solidarity you faggot, a black blue collar worker will absolutely vote against a white blue collar worker based entirely on race. your communism worker solidarity is a complete fantasy
asians were systematically oppressed in the US too so your argument doesnt make sense
And how exactly do you think iq tests discriminate against blacks? Elaborate
When did I do that?
The bell curve does not represent a trend. You dont seem to have any idea how statistics work
>whites allow black to preserve their traditional culture (and even fund it) instead of taking up the white man's burden, which is generally accepted as being a racist concept
how terrible!
I never said its an assault case or someone stealing, you just keep running in circles here with your strawmans
>you're the one who thinks a musing was a strawman
That's because you are backpedaling when I called you on it. I would recommend playing safe the first time around and not opening yourself up. Then you wouldn't have to blame me for your mistakes
>your now disproven premise
How so? You never answered me if you read those links I gave you.
I doubt you have.
can someone explain this pic to me
White technologies. fucking hell. White people collectively didn't create technologies. Specific white people did. I find it fucking hilarious that because your own life is mediocre, you have to cling to the achievements of people with a similar skin tone as if it reflects positively on you or anyone you know. Fuck off.
Also, imagine being such an unapologetic sociopath that you think not giving other human beings medicine and technology is a bad thing. Who hurt you to be this fucking hateful?
The thing is, you have neither sense nor empathy. You're just a empty husk of hatred and ignorance.
I don't need to prove you wrong because you didn't say anything remotely provable or quantifiable in the first place. Are you seriously simultaneously this smug and THIS stupid? Like, what do you want me to prove wrong? That people shouldn't have been senselessly murdered and enslaved? Okay, here I go:
'We shouldn't destroy people because at the end of the day every single human being by default is worth something, and the only way forward is to work together towards a common goal'
See how much easier life becomes when you don't use your own bitter rage as fuel?
>That's because you are backpedaling when I called you on it.
backpeddled? I met you head on and I pointed out the distinctions you're too ignorant to pick up on.
>How so?
referring to your insistence that a musing is a strawman
As for the rest, you only proved that sf attempted a raid. I was here for a long time before than, and it was always "casually racist" as the fags would say
>Nice ad hominem. That's two logical fallacies thus far. You are doing well!
right there
>entitlement to happiness
Wow that's a huge ass strawman argument. You sure do spend a lot of time formulating the piucture of the evil racist badman in you head, huh?
"White technology" is a colloquialism, not a personal claim of ownership. There, was that so hard?
>That people shouldn't have been senselessly murdered and enslaved?
They're savages who built massive empire based on selling others. Why is it so bad that they reap what they sow? Am I to weep for mansa munsa's legacy?
>met you head on
But it's not necessary to point it out at all. it'd be like me claiming your are just /pol/ doing damage control because of what I posted. But no, I haven't said that
>referring to your insistence that a musing is a strawman
I believe it is, you are trying your best to call it a musing. You won't fool me
>I was here for a long time before than
Why? Why are you still here?
Sorry, not seeing where I said he his argument was incorrect because of that. Care to rephrase?
>You won't fool me
Are autists incapable of being fooled or something? does it have to do with not understanding humor, or is that why you dont know what a musing is?
Yeah. People should be happy by default, and it should be the common goal of man to achieve that. I don't know what made you so sad to find that notion comical.
Mate the only strawman is the one you've made about black communists lol. That isn't an image of a racist I made in my head, I literally quoted the absurdly hateful shit you said.
And bullshit, cunt. Don't try to back pedal and claim it's anything other than you trying to take collective credit for other people's work. Nobody uses it as a colloquialism you fucking mongrel. It's human technology, not white technology. You've achieved nothing of note in your life and are only finding pride in your skin color because there were people with similar skin who did cool things. Go do something with yourself so you can be proud of your own achievements.
This implies user was being funny
>Mate the only strawman is the one you've made about black communists lol.
You mean the fact that they ruin where they migrate? What of it? You endorse necklacing, too?
>That isn't an image of a racist I made in my head, I literally quoted the absurdly hateful shit you said.
lol, do I really need to point out the paragraph worth of shit you pulled from your ass?
>And bullshit, cunt. Don't try to back pedal and claim it's anything other than you trying to take collective credit for other people's work.
not willing to let go of that strawman argument just yet. huh? That's okay, you can chew on it for a little while longer
The rulers of those nations did that in the same way King Leopold killed two million. Should we've murdered everyone in Belgium for that? Of course not. What about the English for what they did in India? The Germans for what they did during the war? America in general? Nuance, my dude.
I have no steak in either side of this argument, I just saw that quote and it made me laugh, carry on.
>White people collectively didn't create technologies.
In a way they did. White people that did create those technologies were able to do that because of the conditions theyve been provided by other white people.
Why didn't you call other user out for it as well?
>What about the English for what they did in India?
destroyed the racist caste system that would have survived to this day? Or do you mean creating pakistan and giving the muslims a permanent foothold? I agree that was bad.
>The Germans for what they did during the war?
Nothing particularly wrong with what they did starting off. There's a reason zionists groups like Lehi sought an alliance with the Nazis.
> America in general?
The natives were even more savage than the africans, and were one of the most prolific slaveholding groups in the west. They deserved it, too.
>You mean the fact that they ruin where they migrate? What of it? You endorse necklacing, too?
Holy shit you're talking about strawmen. No, dude, I don't support people being killed in general, but keep arguing in bad faith.
>lol, do I really need to point out the paragraph worth of shit you pulled from your ass?
You literally said people aren't entitled to medicine or technology. I don't know what interpretation you expected people to make other than that you're an absurdly hateful person.
>not willing to let go of that strawman argument just yet. huh? That's okay, you can chew on it for a little while longer
I looked up 'White Technology' to make sure that wasn't a phrase used colloquially. It isn't. You're using it to refer to the collective technology of several different racial and cultural groups as if they're an amorphous blob of achievements and discovery. There's no context in which one could reasonably use the phrase 'White Technology' or 'White Medicine' and not be referring to discoveries made by whites as a collective.
I was dunking on you for being an unnuanced fuckwit who not only doesn't understand that whites aren't a single group, but that the achievements of white people don't reflect on you.
>No, dude, I don't support people being killed in general, but keep arguing in bad faith.
why are you defending commies again?
>You literally said people aren't entitled to medicine or technology.
And? What about that is racist? It's naturalism/humanism if anything. Our technology and cultural practices are like a cancer that destroys indigenous practices, or even worse, meshes with indigenous practices which produces inadvertent effects like the depopulation of dewgong or other traditional food sources
>not only doesn't understand that whites aren't a single group
that's a hell of an assumption made based on the referral of western medicine and the like as western.
What caused you to have this much hatred for your fellow man? Is it that their skin color scares you, or do you really just not care about anyone further than yourself? Like I'm actually curious how a human can end up like this.
>destroyed the racist caste system that would have survived to this day?
I was more talking about the few hundred years of brutal occupation that ended with a man made famine that killed millions
>Nothing particularly wrong with what they did starting off. There's a reason zionists groups like Lehi sought an alliance with the Nazis.
I was more talking about the whole starting the worst conflict in human history, and the systemic rounding up and murdering of minorities, but ok.
>The natives were even more savage than the africans, and were one of the most prolific slaveholding groups in the west. They deserved it, too.
God almighty you are just comically hateful. I'd imagine being this angry at people all the time would be caustic to mental health. Seems that's a correct assumption looking at you.
I was more talking about America's 300 year history of treating people inhumanity that continues to this day, the genocide of 300 million people is just one part of that.
>What caused you to have this much hatred for your fellow man?
where did I say I hated anyone, faggot? None of what I said requires you to hate anyone, but viewing such events as the UK's occupation of India as exclusively evil and without merit does indeed require you to blindly hate the British.
And not only hatred, it requires a fair bit of ignorance, too.
>the genocide of 300 million people is just one part of that.
holy shit, the morons who say 100 million are pushing a comically over-inflated number already. I'd like to see you start backing that nonsense up
Hard to imagine the blind and frothing hatred required to be fooled into believing the US genocided 300 million people. It's staggering
>why are you defending commies again?
Not everyone who opposed Apartheid was communist, and I specifically said I didn't support the current South African Communists but okay, I guess reading comprehension is really this hard.
>Our technology
There you go again, dude. You proved that I'm not strawmanning. It's not YOUR technology, nor is the technology of anyone you know. You don't have collective ownership of discoveries made by people who look like you, you human mulligan.
>hat destroys indigenous practices, or even worse, meshes with indigenous practices which produces inadvertent effects like the depopulation of dewgong or other traditional food sources
God it's a great thing that modern racists don't want to bring back indigenous practices cough *Völkisch bewegung* cough.
People say 'Western Medicine' because there are differences in how medicine has been historically approached in parts of the world. We also say 'Eastern Medicine' not 'Asian Medicine'.
I don't hate anyone, I hate how the British treated the Indians overall. Colonialism is bad regardless of who's doing it.
And you're wrong, my dude. Saying that the Native Americans deserved to be genocide, or that the Nazis didn't do anything wrong is hateful. There's no reason to say any of that if you posses empathy.
> 5 million when coulombs arrived
> Less than 300,000 by the time of the American Indian wars.
I don't believe it was genocide in the sense of rounding them up and shooting them within 5 years, it was genocide over the course of several hundred years. The British, French, and Spanish are also culpable, but America is the place that jacks itself off over how free it is while also continuing what those other nations started.