New Tyler album title revealed
Tyler the Creator - IGOR
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Lol look at this bulbasaur motherfucker basketball american
I thought the name of his bf was Wyatt.
If I was Putin this would make me decide to go full nuclear on Murrica finally.
isn't this Igor?
clearly a Frankenstein thing going on
Wow, he actually felt the need to slap the fact that HE WROTE ALL SONGS GUYS on the cover?
Oh yeah and I forgot:
MAY 17th
yea that's pretty cringe
aotd incoming
prly just an alt cover
More like niggor
like Goblin
haha what a whacky name!
>only 10 days left
lets fucking go
For those who haven't heard the previews (they actually have titles now)
this cover is bad
but this cover is atrocious
shit taste
lmao how is the second one worse than the first one.
the snippet of what's good has me pretty excited
ugh looks like a 2000s rhymesayers album cover
Both covers are dogshit
I kinda agree
Cherry Bomb had 5 covers so we'll see
So hes ripping off gun club now
this album is great.
Damn that nigger ugly
honestly didn't expect another project out of this man
u mean Jaden. Jaden Smith
why not?
the album is gonna slap
I like both of them
he's always gonna be making music. maybe not always rap albums but he's most likely gonna keep making music in some way shape or form forever.
he should be proud of it when so many fuckers have ghost writers
same reason most artists stop, their other ventures are easier and make more money. Also the dude just isn't in the public eye anymore
plus flower boy felt like a pretty good finalé album
i feel like flowerboy was the official start of a new artistic era for tyler. He can be honest with himself and make the music he wants
this. Flower Boy was him trying to save his career and make money. now that he has a real position in the industry he can do what he wants.
so it's cherry bomb 2
Cherry Bomb was the start of that era
hope this is the actual cover
confirmed as vinyl cover??
looks cool
Notice how it doesn't say performed.
lmao fucking rich kids, if I was a millionaire I could pay 30 people to make an album for me as well.
>I'm more of a musical "ideas guy"
what the fuck are you on about
notice how you're retarded
it's all DAW'd retard
are you so fucking stupid that you don't understand what "written, produced, and arranged" means? Holy shit don't you have recess to go to?
have sex incel
>replying to anime image bait
back to /r/hhh
good job
Listen, either you play your own shit or you don't get bragging rights. Those are the rules. You can't pay people to play music for you and ALSO act like a pretentious faggot. It doesn't work.
>I have a lot of great ideas, I just can't execute them so I pay others to do it for me :D
The height of insincerity.
yeah man fuck that mozart guy
>what are studio musicians
he won't top Flower Boy
why the fuck are you implying flowrboy was his peak.
I want tumblr to go back
Yeah, and if I write something then pay a studio musician to play it because I'm garbage then I also forfeit the right to act like I'm a hot shit artisté afterwards. It's that simple.
what the fuck is your point retard?
do you only listen to strictly solo projects?
>what is a DAW, the thread
So if an artist samples a break instead of playing it live themselves, or if they use a DAW to play and arrange synth parts instead of doing it live, then the work is null and void? Just making sure you're willing to play this retard persona all the way through.
would be great
Anyone else think he's going to do a complete 180 from his early work and go SJW on this next one?
He topped FB before it came out what are you talking about
No that's all fine just don't act like a pretentious douchebag about it and everything is cool.
>act like a pretentious douchebag
when did he ever do that?
pretty sure he didn't say "nigger" or "faggot" even once in Flower Boy
this. peak tyler is wolf or chur bum. they actually sound like tyler albums and are brimming with his personality and charm. flower boy is soulless, save for a few songs.
>tyler fans
please dont be flower boy 2
where's the lie
thats what he already did with flower boy. now that hes regained his fame and money, he probably doesnt give a fuck about how this next project does. most likely taking the cherry bomb route.
>where's the lie
great use of söymeme fellow Yea Forumstant
>great use of söymeme fellow Yea Forumstant
not an argument
prove him wrong
uh oh seems like people are disagreeing with you
what else can you than spam unrelated söy
Flower Boy > Bastard > Wolf = Goblin > Cherry Bomb
do not at me
its gonna be a masterpiece. Tyler has an amazing discography except for Cherry Bomb and just continues to get better.
>wolf = goblin
bad opinion
shit is wack all his shit is wack
>Bastard > anything
>Cherry Bomb on the bottom
>Flower Boy on the top
>Wolf not > Goblin
what's the issue here
is it the fire emoji
Wolf > Flower Boy > Bastard > Goblin > Cherry Bomb
explaining that to an Odd Future dickrider like you is impossible.
Think of it like if one of the guys from Blood On the Dance Floor suddenly wanted to be a serious artist. That's what it looks like when someone like Tyler wants me to take them seriously. It comes off as incredibly pretentious when a person who makes music for teenage gayboys in donut shirts and WOLF hats does that.
he grew up, what the fuck did you expect?
you are the only one having issues with Tyler's "pretentiousness"
I like the cover, he's onto a winner.
Its not a lie, is the dick riding, not hard to make beats like that
from the snippets i'm worried he's making a "yeezus bomb". but i trust he has some good on his hands. Judging by the name and cover he's probably trying to like that ugly dude with music and stand out
Lmao what
In what world is Cherry Bomb dark
Bunch of plebs, here's how a patrician ranks Tyler
Cherry Bomb > Wolf > Flower Boy > Bastard > shit > Goblin
I think Tyler and the entirety of OF used whites as a jumping off point and the as soon as they hit a comfortable popularity point, they did a 180 and decided that it was fuck white people.
That being said I’ll give this a listen.
Looks like le black face got a litl bit BLACKER!
when the shit has tyler or anybody from OF even hinted at "fuck white people"
Tyler literally fucks white people only
Earl is the the retarded racist
Tyler hangs out mostly with white twinks so that already disproves your argument. And as for Earl (the only member i know who has said any anti-white thing in the slightest), Earl is a weirdo who has slowly been becoming more radical in his personal beliefs over the past few years. he usually just says whatever is on his mind at any given moment and doesn't really care to think about what he's sending out on social media.
Wolf > Cherry Bomb > Bastard > Golbin > Flower Boy
Yep. The second one looks like something you'd see graffiti'd on like a fucking crack house or something.
this is the correct one. cherry bomb and wolf might swap depending on how im feeling.
Kinda the vibe I got from What's Good.