Why do asian women love white men so much?

why do asian women love white men so much?

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Same reason why every women loves white men: extra long dong silver cum


took the Asian pill. South Korean cutie, German chad myself.

for them having a handsome white bf is the ultimate trophy. They love to parade us around in Korea.

We are to further bleach their family line.
making them less Asian and more white.
appearing white is their ultimate beauty goal.
also they think we Whites are capable and smart.

jokes on them kek


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Reaaaally…? Im gunna hot up my local H Mart..

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Average asian man:
>not very good looking, teeth are usually fucked as well
>5'4 manlet
>school > satisfying women or even getting gf
>sex is taboo in a lot of Asian countries like korea and japan despite the men being massive pervs with rape fantasies

You only need to be over 6' and somewhat remotely attractive to get the upper hand over asian men.


>sex is taboo in a lot of Asian countries
You know you can go to dinner and there might be a live sex show. I was in Hongkong and went to dinner with my parents none of us are ching chongs. Curtains open up and a dude is fucking a girl. Nobody is really paying a lot of attention. After a while the dude starts grunting and people look and he jizzes all over her and people applaud. Nothing on the sign to suggest this and when we asked at the hotel, they said, go to dinner earlier. This was before china took over so things might be different now. But I watched two people fuck with my parents, in the cab ride back to the hotel, the only thing my mom said was why and my dad said, I don't fuckin know.

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Around whites... there'll always plights.
Das weißte genau, Kevin.

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Any other Asian guys that fantasize about their Asian gf being fucked by bwc?

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Big dick

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im white
the gayest thing I ever did was chat with an asian dude about taking his gf
lots of fun


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Why settle for 120 IQ and 2 inches when you can get 120+ IQ and 7 inches?

Looking for a bull?

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Big bank accounts.
Big cocks.
Green cards.

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I don't know but I'm not complaining.

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Fucking hot

I guess they have not looked at the IQ surveys etc ,ssshh not to mention we are slowly being blacked race wise .

life is not fair

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built for mating press

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Is there more of her in particular?

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I love her, bros


I’m a 6 foot blue eyed white guy with decent looks and I’ve literally been approached and got phone numbers from Korean and Vietnamese girls when shopping at my local Hmart or eating alone in their food court.
It’s like playing the pussy hunter game on easy mode

I guess the wmaw cope threads are gonna have to duke it out with the bbc threads. This should be interesting.

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who is this??

give me some wierd sites with stuff like this

Sage this cringe kike propaganda, kys niggers

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It's true u must have never been to Asia before or maybe ur not white


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