My Fiance and I had a miscarriage last week and today has been the worst day since the day of...

My Fiance and I had a miscarriage last week and today has been the worst day since the day of. Does anyone have any advice on how to try and heal. I just want to know when the pain lessens. I never got too hold them let alone even know if they were a boy or girl. It just feels like a part of my soul is gone. Pic is the only pic we have of them. Please help, I don't know what to do.

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And if at first you don't succeed (first you don't succeed)
Then dust yourself off and try again
You can dust it off and try again, try again

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This is almost definitely some form of bait, because who in the fuck comes to Yea Forums claiming to be a grieving would-be mommy? Is this fetish bait?

Just in case you really do want advice though... Use this to enkindle your love for your fiance. He may not be able to feel the loss you do, but if you genuinely want to bear his children in the future, now is the time to maximize your contact with him. Psychologically, pair bonding over this kind of loss is one of the most powerful social changes two people can take. Do not, I repeat, do NOT talk about trying again. Let him bring it up if it comes up at all.
Hold him, and be held.
Kiss him, and be kissed.
Good luck.

this but also don't rush into trying to have another kid. you need to grieve. despite your kid never actually being alive, they were alive in your head because you were preparing your life for a child that doesn't exist.

Having a child is the most financially irresponsible thing you could do. Thank god you dodged that bullet.

I'm the father

How far along were you?
Protip, miscarriage isnt just normal, it’s common, get another baby in you and move on with your life, stop dramatizing everything

You were in love with an idea, you just need to try again. Either you see yourself as a murderer or you accept that the fetus wasn't a viable lifeform yet. Chances are it never had a chance. Try again and it will work out better. Maybe if you're fat you should get in shape first.

i din't know mentally ill people were allowed to reproduce?

Bet she wishes she didnt take the vax huh?

Get married BEFORE you have kids. NIGGER.

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Just like every form of loss, the pain never goes away time will pass and get your mind off of it. I believe you let yourself grieve in order to move forward and let yourself understand the beauty of life if your wife is able to bring a healthy child to the world.

Murderer? Miscarriage isn't abortion you stupid cunt. Fuck you and your fucking sociopathic ranting, 14 year old virgins don't get to have an opinion on miscarriages, fuck off back to fortnight.
The baby that died was already more of a viable lifeform than you.

OP literally said he didn't know if the baby would have been a boy or a girl, you illiterate fuck.

Um, fucking no miscarriage is NOT 'normal'. That child died inside her body because of something she DID not because 'shit just happens'. That's like kicking a child to death and going, "Oh well. that's physics for you.". Either she didn't take care of herself well enough, or she did drugs, or something. These things don't JUST FUCKING HAPPEN.

Yes they fucking do. Ignorant can everything right, take great care of yourself, and lose a pregnancy.
Actually try to meet a female in real life, you might like them

Don't listen to the people telling you this isn't your fault or hers. This is entirely your fucking fault, if you had taken care of that child properly in utero you'd be a father right now. Please don't try to make any more babies now that you two already killed one.

Serious talk, just deal with it. Literally. Talk to each other, go to therapy, whatever you need to do. Nerd shit inc but this quote may help:

"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."

Moving on doesn't mean forgetting what you lost, it means going forward using what you lost as strength.

Try eating the placenta

>Ignorant can everything right, take great care of yourself, and lose a pregnancy.

Bullshit. Cause and effect, fucktard. You do a thing, a thing happens as a result. Learn object permanence, everything is a result of something else. Either bad genetics or shitty behavior are the reasons these things happen. It should be fucking considered murder and would be if libtards didn't run the world right now.

>These things don't JUST FUCKING HAPPEN.
20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.

Why are you asking people on Yea Forums, you fucking retard? If this is real then go talk to your wife or go talk to a therapist.

>I made up a statistic and that makes it OK for a child to be dead because of me! I'm not at fault!

okay. You sure did show me.

> libtards didn't run the world right now.
Thank the gods they do, or idiots like you would be putting 20% of women in jail for... just nature.

Your shitty quasi-politcal gobshite has no effect on biology, Crack whores have babies, you'd think they'd be the first to miscarriage.

>These things don't JUST FUCKING HAPPEN.
Yes, yes they happen all the time and it isn't because she fell down the stairs. A bad sperm can still fertilize an ovary but along the way its defects render the fetus from ever being viable so the body aborts. It wasn't a baby that died if you think that is the case and want to insist that your girl is at fault then that technically makes her a murderer of a second degree through negligence. That's nonsense so get a grip and move on.

>Dead babies are nature's way!

Please kill yourself so you don't kill any more babies.

Just be glad that you didn't bring another child into this dying world

Sometimes they just die. If you don't believe me, look it up.

I had two kids, in marriage, both of which I kept. I haven't killed any. But the statistics don't lie.

Something may have been wrong and the body took care of it. Raising a child takes immeasurable effort. There are plenty more opportunities. Once you are locked in there is no turning back.

All I had to do was highlight 'of all pregnancies end in miscarriages' and it bring up the statistic 15-25% but that is of all verified pregnancies, it could be as much as 50%

How fuckin fake it sounds st8 from the beginning, gets even worst when reading your replies. Get the fuck away you attention seeking ignorant lame cunt. Do never reproduce please! Do not hesitate to kill yourself.

>It wasn't a baby that died
If you have a fetus that dies in-utero three weeks from term, if it's not a baby, then what is it? So you're a OBGYN now, taking a break from being vaccinologist for a couple of hours?

Bunch of fucking christian fundamentalist virgin incels with no friends trying to work their hatred of women and ignorance of reproductive science together.

relax bud it happens. my wife has suffered 3 including two back to back. yet we have 5 healthy children. miscarriage is incredibly common almost 25% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage though usually before a woman even knows they are pregnant. it's kind of an untalked about and thus unknown very common issue until people experience it for themselves. you fiance is probably going to put herself through the ringer and take blame but just tell her it's a natural way that the body works to remove a potential fetus that was non viable for one reason or another and it's not anything she did.

your a retard bud. miscarriage occurs in 1/4th of all pregnancies. it's super super common we just don't talk about it

>you fiance is probably going to put herself through the ringer and take blame
this and if you act in any resemblance towards her the way you are acting in this thread you deserve a baseball bat to your balls. It was probably your sperm that is junk. You should find a bull for the next baby

Was the person that taught you that god made the world in six days, and Noah built an ark, and evolution is a lie, the same person that taught you miscarriage is the fault of the mother?

The is no way this is not a trolling post, if my partner miscarried I'd rather go to than fucking Yea Forums

miscarriages happen, and can happen without you or her doing anything wrong. it's just biology.
of course, events like this can be traumatic, but Yea Forums is probably not the best place to work through it, lol

It was just a collection of rapidly dividing cells at that point. There’s a fair chance there was an abnormality and it was rejected by her body. Life isn’t all touchy feely emotional shit. Quit being a bitch.

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I truthfully, sincerely hope you're bullshitting and this is a fake post.

You are a complete fucking moron and that zygote is better off not have you as a father.

Please, I pray that you kill yourself. This world is literally a better place without you and that is a fact. I’m not joking when I say this, you need to kill yourself as that would be the only good thing you’re capable of doing to this world.

Lost my firstborn at 40 weeks. No fault of my wife's. Sometimes in life, shitty things do happen that are outside your control. You can either accept that or destroy your relationship being a retard, your choice.

tard why you asking fucking anons on b just kys is the solution to everything

>It was just a collection of rapidly dividing cells
So you're pro choice then?
Or does life begin at conception except when you're low effort trolling here?

I am absolutely pro-choice. I believe in both limited government intervention in our lives, and letting people make their own decisions (even when they are mistakes) without a daddy figure punishing them for disagreeing.

… and I certainly don’t agree with faggot like you who have no business in someone else’s life getting a say in it. Faggot.

Limited government intervention, and no daddy figure, got it.

Unless the daddy figure wants to ban books, or ban teaching race issues in schools, or any discussion of gender politics,

Fucking fascists, always the first the start banging on about freedom, right when they start to dismantle it.

You are a fucking moron and she is lucky to have aborted your poisoned spawn. She we realize that soon enough.

Really sorry user, this is going to take a while to recover from, hang in there. One thing I'd like to say is to be careful about drowning your sorrows in alcohol. I know two alcoholics with a miscarriage as the origin story. Just be there for your partner. Be patient and kind. It does get better, I promise.

Abortion not the same as miscarriage, buy a fucking dictionary, Nazi scumbag

Well a lot has been already said, and it's become a tldr, but it sounds like the pregnancy wasn't very far along. It still hurts, but miscarriages early in a pregnancy are more common than most people realize. Anecdotally, a viable pregnancy seems to often follow an early miscarriage (pretty sure this happened to my wife and me).

Offer up your prayers for the baby, and after you get married get back at it!

If your name is Slosh Vonrubenhoff, fuck you. Glad your bitch lost that mongoloid kid. Fuck you and everyone that looks like your fat cuck ass. Eat shit and die.

Her body aborted, you dumb cunt. Probably because nature knew you were a dumb cunt.

Damn that is rough. My (high risk) wife's at 38 weeks now and this is keeping me up at night.

Hey Op.
Miscarriage are normal. Usually it's the body that responds after it concludes that the fetus is not able to live and there are something very wrong.
Don't feel sad. The body did its job.
Just try to collect yourself and start over on the journey.

A miscarriage is literally a spontaneous abortion. That's the medical terminology.


well if that's how nature works, how the fuck did you make it out?

You guys don't have to be so hostile anymore, there's no reason to pretend, same sex marriage is legal in a lot of places and society is getting a lot more accepting of who you are. You'll be a lot happier if you just stop lying to yourself

At least you didnt lose them after the birth, after they where a living breathing baby, after you where able to hold them in your arms and imagine the future you would have together. i am truly sorry for your loss user, but you will never know true suffering until you lose your fully developed new born that you loved.

Because I’m far, far superior to the poisoned spawn of your seed.

Sure, but I'm willing to be anything that the semi illiterate 12 year old I was replying to, doesn't know and didn't mean that

You dumb cunt, same sex is legal on the federal level… and I am 100% fine with that. Could you possibly be dumber?

Gatekeeping miscarriages is totally normal social behavior.

So dumb.

That extra chromosome doesn't make you superior no matter what mummy tells you

You realize that’s why your GF flushed your rejected seed down the toilet right? Where it belongs.

There is no shortcut for this grief, user. We lost one of triplets during pregnancy, but we still ‘had’ two so there’s less shock there. More comfort. Still, it hurts like hell. Another user has already said it, but we fall in love with the idea of what out children could become, but if that’s not how it works out then it’s not how it works out. This was not the time yet, and you’re going to have to mourn this for a while. It’ll stay with you forever.

She took the vaccine

Yeah, well I'm not the bible belt virgin coming on the internet to tell people how women's bodies work

Grow a pair mate. And make more babies. If it was early in the pregnancy that thing might not even qualify as an individual yet. Cheer up
Life's a bitch and it used to be worse, that's why our grandparents had 9+ kids. They die sometimes.