Howre y’all doing tonight

Howre y’all doing tonight

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I'm pretty alright, how about you?

Doing just fine


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Surviving. Work has been hell recently, but I have good hours and can do it from home. Emotionally blueballed by a girl. Went on two dates -- she even planned the third -- then calls me outta the blue that she doesn't think we'd make a good couple. Been over a month now. Just kinda gliding. Got fucked with a dead end on my romance/horror screenplay, too. So.
Oh, and I think I've developed lactose intolerance.
Fuck me.

I'm kind of bored and I don't know what to do. I kinda feel like talking to people, but there's not many decent, not-sex-obsessed individuals around here.

Head's throbbing. I don't know why, coughing up flehm so i probably got a cold. Otherwise, very good.

Good my back hurts and i have to get my cat to the vet soon.

Oh here we go.

Try doing some acupressure. I was having an horrible heartburn some days ago, and I tried it out, and it somehow helped me out. Try having some lemon juice, something with citrics, smelling rubbing alcohol... That should clean your nostrils up. I hope you'll get better soon, user. :

Wow. look at you guys. You're falling apart. Wait until you turn 14.

Anxious as fuq, college starts tomorrow. Social anxiety quicks in real fast, with the plus of living alone. I spend my last 2 years being depressed and isolated neet.

Im starting a new journey, wish me lucky anons.

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Fine, smokin a joint taking it easy... browsing here god knows why. Lifes fine im not depressed and ive learnt to control what affects me. Without stress which is what ive wanted ive realised im bored as fuck and need lots of money to improve my lifestyle. I find i lack alot of motivation even to do things id normally like to do, ive convinced myself i dont enjoy things much. Shit be

Good luck user. Here's a quote that helped me greatly:
"he who cannot obey himself will be commanded."

Fuck man, lactose intolerance sucks a lot. I can't drink more than one glass of milk, or some slices of cheese without feeling like shitting myself, or throwing up. Try some lactose-free products, or low-fat stuff. It'll be easier for your stomach to digest, and maybe even tastier for you! And consider that coffee is a diuretic and has a laxative effect.

Lattés fuck my stomach up harder than my period. Truly.

Fuck, good luck! If you already survived everything you went through, you'll see that college will be just another small hill you'll have to climb to reach happiness. Be patient and soft with yourself. Try not to leave things for later or they'll come and bite you at the ass. Trust me.

I don't even know why I'm browsing here, but it feels... Homely, for some reason. You might be suffering from depression still if you don't have any energy or motivation to do the things that you previously enjoyed.

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Not good. I'm experiencing a change in my behavior that is alarming.
I'm so depressed that I havent left my bed in 3 days except to shit but I havent shit since the first day.

I hope it's not it -- scratch that, it almost certainly ISNT, but still. Ate some yogurt today, got fucked -- gassy, stomach in knots. No clue why. Ate some more later - same thing. Then I remembered recently I (maybe had yogurt, or a milkshake, Cant remember) woke up from sleep with the worst stomach knot pain I've ever had. I'm going to take mental note and try and track a pattern.

Sorry to hear that :(
Hope you feel better

Got banned from pol for asking why mormons need america stories if they believe in jesus, 3 days.

Thank you guys, i'll take this advices.

Kinda bummed that I've abandoned artistic pursuits due to being mediocre and generally uninspired, so I'm just drifting until I go back to college, which I should have finished a long time ago but didn't due to mental issues.
Also have a growing disinterest in my own life. Took a few minutes to consider even bother posting this, but that's what my life is summing up to: sickly, addictive apathy.

user, you should try and schedule a visit with a psychiatrist. I'd tell you to go to a psychologist too, but... To be honest, they kinda suck. They don't take you seriously, and always say shit like "hAVE YOU trIEd BEing MOre PositIVE?"

I swear I try Karen/Bob, but my fucking brain can't muster the will to produce any kind of energy unless it involves my partner or killing myself. But no no, "it's just because I'm not trying hard enough", pfft.

Hmm, you'd have to have EXPLOSIVE, CONSTANT, NON-STOP diarrhea to have a 100% true lactose intolerance. Maybe you've eaten more fiber than usual (like leafy vegetables, seeds and those dietetic shits women like). Yogurt is supposedly good for lactose intolerants, but it messes my stomach to no end, too!

Try drinking a lot more water, red meat, rice, bananas and bread. Those kind of help when your stools are a bit loose. AND AVOID FRIED AND GREASY FOODS TOO.

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Mm I understand this. You get bursts of inspiration followed by a sort of aimless wandering? I can hammer out a third of a project in two weeks, then my inspiration dissipates and life becomes a slog until the next thing comes. I live for the possibility, though. Who knows what tomorrow holds?

Lost my parents two years ago, its just affected me, ive accepted life, it is what it is, shit hand dealt unfortunately. Something ill never fully recover from but things will never just never feel the same to me but its better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all. When you get knocked down you've just got to get back up no way around it, ive grew as a person and im proud of myself.

I’m :) going :) to :) kms :)

Why you crying, pussy? Mad that i shidded in your soup?

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/pol/ is for masochists. Don't go there. Just avoid politics. I don't want to sound like a cringy nihilist doomer, but... There's not much we, the average civilians, can do to solve these kind of issues. Maybe another board like /his/ could answer that kind of question without getting too toxi. Maybe.

No problem! I had to quit my career momentarily because of the corona, and I'm bummed to hell and beyond. I love medicine, but there's no way I'm gonna learn anything useful just by getting random medical books from 9000000 years ago thrown at my face, and no explanation for them. Sheesh.

I get you, I get you. I love drawing and I have so many works I want to finish in my pc, but... I can't, for the love of God, concentrate to continue them. And I know what I should do to make them look how I want them too, but it's like my body holds me back, somehow. Sorry for the long post, lmao.

My inspiration usually came from drugs and my mental illness, but now I feel like I'm burnt out and my meds make me feel dulled to the point of annoyance, but comfortable enough to not quit taking them.
I used to be interested in everything, but now I just crap out and retard my brain on TV, video games, and Yea Forums. Even though I've lived a pretty eventful life, I just don't have much interest in pursuing goals other than as a means to live on my own.

Don't apologise you ray of light

Never worth it. You can ALWAYS choose to wait till tomorrow. Modern society out here making people think that they can't go through hell and back. Can't up and leave. Can't do something unusual.
If it's ever a choice between keeping the norm and keeping your life, fuck the norm. God bless you.
Mmm. Feel that about now, can't say I relate entirely though. Good luck.

That's terrible, but... If I could tell you something from MY personal experience, it's that... Yes. It's better to at least know that your parents loved you with all of your heart, even though they're not here with you anymore, than... To live, knowing your parents don't give a fuck if you're one step to killing yourself or ending in an accident. Hell, even my own mother told me to kill myself once.

I'm agnostic, but I kind of believe that people's spirits linger on in the things they enjoyed, or places they enjoyed or were important to them. Try talking to them, even if there's nobody there. Writing helps a lot, too. You've got this, and even though I don't know you personally, I'm proud of how strong you are, and how you decided to carry on when another person would've given up without looking back.

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I'm not mad just funny if you ask a simple question you get banned.

I don't take anyone who's an extremist seriously. Lmao.

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No more meds. No more.

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i once tried to take anxiolitics (meds that reduce anxiety)

i literally couldn't poop no matter how hard i tried
so i quit them like 5-6 days later lmao

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doing great.

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I feel you user, I find great comfort knowing they'd be proud of me. I'm a literally a clone of my father personality wise so ill go on in good stead. Thanks user, I wish you all the best

A number I didn't recognise phoned me today and I reacted like i've wronged the cartel.

doing fine, have been pruning the shit people out of my life.

Just dandy

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Pretty good, figured out how I'm gonna kill myself. Once my mom passes I'm gonna sell the house, travel to Switzerland, and get legal assisted suicide.

I can't stop farting

>I love medicine
Wow, what a coincidence.

Start from basic anatomy, but if you really want do enter the med school, focus on the admissional exam. Idk what country you live, but the public exams arent that hard, you can pass if you dedicate yourself. Good lucky user, i believe in you.

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Why not go on a big blow out with the money? do what the fuck you want, even if you want to continue to end it. Go enjoy everything without repercussions ( to an extent ) live fast die young as it were. Go pull loans out left, right and down and be the main character for a while.

That's amazing, user! Always try being a good person, regardless of how your parents were. My parents are two pieces of shit, but I try to not let their shitness define who I am. Be kind with yourself and you'll reach far. =)

I try not to answer calls, but it's generally some dumb individual (like me) mistyping a friend or colleague's number. Don't worry, lol. Or it's to call you about your cat's extended warranty, shit like that, topkek.

I don't enjoy anything anymore. Not games, drugs, sex, nothing. I simply do not want to live in this world. I'm going to donate the extra to a local animal shelter.

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Freaking nice. Preach!

Your dubs tell me you shouldn't do it, user. And I don't think assisted suicide is justified (in the sense of, being ABLE to do it) if you're not suffering from any lethal and extremely painful disease. Why do you want to do it?

Oh, in my college, there wasn't really any exam! The main reason why I'm not studying is that I want presencial classes. Online classes suck, and they suck a lot. Specially because my teachers don't give a shit about assisting us or answering our questions, or even TEACHING. They just give us some 9000 page PDF or .docx and expect us to understand everything out of nowhere. Fuck that. ;;

But thank you. I want to be independent and sustain myself in my college's city with my own money, and I'll have to work before being able to study. That's the life of an Argentinian, lmao.

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this is amazing advice. it helped me out tons. i sold my house and went on a bender with the money in Canada. the worst that can happen is you figure out you want to live and build your self back up and enjoy what life you have left. the worst that can happen is you end up getting what you wanted. it's the only true win/win you can have in life.

Verification not required.

I used to love Sailor Moon, anime now is shit. I don't even enjoy older anime I used to be able to rewatch. Anhedonia, depression, existential angst, loneliness, the list goes on. I have a girlfriend after 10+ years as a single NEET, and it made me feel even more alone. Sex is a chore, like everything, I just want to meet my inevitable terminus sooner than later and with minimal physical suffering.

Hola hermano, hugs from brazil. Online classes really sucks, my friends are going crazy by this, bsut presencial is returning in the most colleges in here.

Happy for talking to a hermano fren.

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just got the email that im moving to japan for work at the end of the month, excited but nervous for the big change in life. sad to leave behind the gf tho

Not good. Been crying on and off all day.

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Crying feels good, or at least cathartic. I barely ever even cry anymore. I sort of miss it.

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Naah, I don't know if nowadays' anime is shit. Maybe we're boomers, and old animes used to be special to us, because that's what we grew up with. But if you make me choose between some modern animes and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, or Revolutionary Girl Utena, or Sailor Moon, I'll go with pre-2015 animes all the way.

And sex is a giant chore for me too. I'm a woman, and... It's quite hard for me to strech or insert things in my, uh... Vagina, without tearing it or getting tired. Antidepressants fucked my libido up, and I do have some traumas regarding sex and CSA. Just one or two days ago I went to the drugstore to buy some eyedrops and off myself at any point, but... Well. Sorry for rambling again, aah. ;;

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You have to just give up all dairy and see if you feel better. I thought I was lactose intolerant but turns out it was gluten. God speed you farding shidding sperg.

That's so fucking rad! Japan can be a bit overwhelming and it's society is... Quite racist and toxic, specially to foreigners, but you'll probably have fun as long as you keep yourself occupied. c=

Hmm, want to tell us, user? It's a safe space here. c=

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Being human is a pit of despair. We are born in agony, we exist in agony, and if we're lucky we die quickly and with little pain. There is no point besides feeding the hungry ghosts of time.

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Bro we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.

Yeah, but at least we have some cool humans to accompany us on our painful journeys, and we can even make friends with dogs, cats, and pretty much any animal! I've seen people have loving and wholesome bonds with snails, bees, and a fucking butterfly. If it weren't for my pets and my partner, I would've probably offed myself. And the internet helps me vent and enjoy my time a lot more, too. So it's not all bad, I think.

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These nike's don't have rims

My gf is no help; I can't talk to her about anything, she's poly and her main is ace so I'm just a lay. She says she loves me, but it's about as true as when I tell her she's pretty. My mother and my cat are my only family, when they're gone I can check out with a clear conscious. I'm glad you have other living beings that bring you joy, you seem like a decent person.

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