Ylyl women edition

Ylyl women edition

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What is a woman?

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A parasite

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Only those who you attract. Not all bugs are parasistes, just those on your body.

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Go back to /pol/ nazi

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go back to rebbit faggot.

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Doesn’t skip leg day

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Nothing but a miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, Have at you!

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Literally me. I've got the biggest ballsack east of the Mississippi river.

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Now this is comedy. What a stupid bitch. One life, and this is how you spent it, locked up.

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women cant murder men, they dont have the strength. I have been stabbed by a bitch and she couldnt even get it through my ribs. It went like a quarter inch deep I punched her straight into a coma.

women mment

Prove it

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Balls day

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Stop posting twitterniggers and their useless opinions.

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Buy my freaking hard ball!

Buy my freaking hard ball!

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Are you challenging my throne? Trust me pard, you are playing a losing game.

Statistics are good for bringing attention to something, bad for identifying causal relationships.

This data should be read then investigated, not just read and then acted upon. Unlike a pregnancy test, you gotta act fast on that before hormones obscure her ability to think rationally.

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Some would. If it's all you want, that looks like a fine life to me. Don't have kids you have no intention of raising.

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In general, yeah, weak as a paper bag. When hysterical or if they train, it's stupid to underestimate them.

This chick though, probably attracted guys with all the physical prowess of a dopey puppy. Predators don't want a challenge, they want the easiest prey they can overcome. It's why thugs work in gangs, or pick on little guys, it's why pedos victimise little kids. No realistic threat, no risk. It how they get a feeling of control while being so weak themselves.

Just watch some MMA or something. Women there on screen only look small when standing next to the men, but beside a regular Joe; tank.

I don't know. I'm not a biologist. I'm a Supreme Court Justice. N sheeit.

The cumcakes prank is just funny. But in terms of jail, equal rights mean equal punishment. Per her away.

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Neck. You're dead

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