Drawthread: It’s caturday again Edition

Drawthread: It’s caturday again Edition

Attached: 1649547368087.png (984x691, 167.13K)

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I made it as a thread op! lets go!

Attached: russelled nb.png (965x1289, 192.97K)

Requesting The fox boy on the left side, wearing the clothes on the right side

Attached: MGEP6tLcs1WovT8PlRO42Byma6vyH415Z01nIIbIxk4.jpg (1890x790, 238.12K)

taking reqs; picky cunt though

Attached: awful.png (750x750, 211.52K)

Draw more = more chances of being OP

What do you like to draw?

I'm bored. I'm not asking.

Who are you?


Draw What You See

Attached: APR 9 2022.png (4096x4096, 886.07K)

/r/ this goblin woman oiled up and flexing at the viewer from the waist up.

Attached: beach goblin.jpg (681x792, 55.76K)

Counter-requesting the goblin getting hypno'd and finger-fucked by ghost hands

Requesting this pipsqueak plapping grumpy pigtails girl

Attached: ya boi.jpg (2281x2175, 1.02M)

or eating her ass on a train

Attached: train attack.png (1823x1416, 1.42M)

Where's Sicklr?

Warning, this guy harasses drawfags




Attached: brainMelting.png (2458x823, 283.61K)

Warning, this guy just shit his pants


Russell, when are you peeing your pants?

Attached: lol.png (641x557, 44.93K)

funny things, gore, cartoons more than anime, but shonen anime is pretty good, more of a Yea Forums resident than anything
love fat goblin tits so sure.
hate nose piercings
check'd but nah

Attached: awful.png (750x750, 243.03K)

Attached: peepeepoopoo.png (1920x1080, 45.64K)

Don't draw for this guy he will spam and harass you underanon

>hate nose rings
awful taste


at least the locals seem friendly
>brb dinner

Attached: Untitled-1.png (800x800, 191.72K)

Lol thanks for the art I wanna say josh but idk

>hate nose rings
Good taste

Funny things? Gore?
So nuclear powered camel ripping through the desert looking for it's prey might be up your alley?
Hamster assassin's sword sticking out the front of an unfortunate rat man?
Dude stepping on a landmine?
That sort of stuff?

>love fat goblin tits so sure.

Yay! Thank you!

Requesting lewds of this little boy pls

Attached: 0d0f65d2808b93ca.png (273x562, 56.86K)

Shut up midgetnigger

Can you do Emmy the Robot with big fat titties?

I enjoy putting hamsters in socks and cumming in the socks and shoving them up my ass

Requesting a sexy milf bordering on gilf

oh boy the stalker guy is back

think I might call it for now hand hurts and don't wanna push it, but I'll lurk n stuff

Attached: disney russ.png (878x1322, 221.44K)

why is her elbow pointing towards us

don't draw these requests he's using them to harass an ex girlfriend whose pictures he posted on Yea Forums a bunch of times

so that the hamster drowns in my seminal fluids while suffocating up my asshole cavity

I enjoy putting hamsters in socks and cumming in the socks and shoving them up my ass so that the hamster drowns in my seminal fluids while suffocating up my asshole cavity

Everyone does. But Big Petstore doesn't like to admit that's where 85% of their hamster sales come from.

Good thread.

Attached: softcatmama.png (800x600, 80.82K)

I enjoy putting hamsters in socks and cumming in the socks and shoving them up my ass so that the hamster drowns in my seminal fluids while suffocating up my asshole cavity

Requesting the blonde shark-toothed one bullying the ginger futa about her small cock while jerking her off / fingering her ass

Attached: tittymonsters.jpg (2788x2000, 640.35K)

Good times, friendly company and a happy goblin. Only thing that could make it better is some oiled up buttsex and a cooler fulla beers

sup Yea Forumsread

requesting cute boys doing lewd things =:3

Attached: Hazel.png (768x768, 257.19K)


Don't draw forThis faggot will harass you under user and even pretend to be someone else to get art of his shitty OCs.


Attached: bro.png (690x526, 155.58K)

I'm sorry guys, but I actually like the character on the left. She has her own unique skanky charm that I can't resist.

Does she have a name?

Giselle and Tara respectively


Well I've taken a liking to Giselle. I wish I could request art of her, but I know she's associated with Cece so everyone hates the character.

shup up jew

requesting this

Attached: cum fart.png (1332x1332, 1.94M)

/r/ing boy dungeons and dragons style

Attached: PSX_20210331_011606.jpg (844x2166, 241.49K)

Requesting bell girl using her familiars to float, by sitting atop the larger one, and having the others pull her upward.

Or her decorating them like Easter eggs.

Attached: Papryka (Bell Float Prompt).jpg (1850x2683, 1.83M)

What's the best way for reqs? Is there a discord or something

Yikes no

Commission an artist

/r/ing pic related holding ropes

Attached: KingKaball gobblin.jpg (1464x2061, 384.31K)

Requesting her as a cub being a size queen for either viewer cock in her pussy or a double black diamond rated brutal dildo. Bonus points for aftermath pussy gape showing it off proudly.

Attached: le stupid pedo retort.jpg (576x768, 66.34K)

Attached: paprikas titika unf.png (356x400, 53.77K)

i've been in too many cat fights to know stupid cunts that give themselves retarded jewelry don't deserve bein drawn
sense. common.
Camel nah, Hamster assassin? yeah. and fuck yeah landmines
ere you go
the fuck is an emmy
gobbo guys, my kin

Attached: awful.png (750x750, 208.59K)

Why you want warts?

Awesome! Thank you, good job, and I love it!

like faint skindentation with large insertions and they add to the effect.