Even assuming most of the threads here are started by Russian Troll Farm bots and stormfags...

Even assuming most of the threads here are started by Russian Troll Farm bots and stormfags, can anyone explain why the alt-right and evangelicals are utterly obsessed with transgender?

I mean, I hate christers and wouldn't piss on a southern baptist if he was on fire and my bladder was bursting, but I can ignore they exist. I certainly don't spend every waking second obsessing over them. Why do they seem to enjoy spending so much time thinking about a thing which makes them irrationally angry?

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Because sexual paraphilias are now the foundational belief of the west. You can ignore southern baptists for the most part unless you happen to live in a smaller town where they're common.
You can't escape the trans propaganda, anywhere. You can't even send your kids to school because for some reason it has become a 'human rights issue' that teachers openly talk to pre-pubescent children about their sexual paraphilias. There is no getting away from it, anywhere.

Funny thing, I have no difficulty ignoring the supposedly omni-present trans propaganda. Maybe it's because I don't have an utterly irrational obsession with it?

>utterly obsessed with transgender?
Because you fags cant keep your hands off children. Its that simple.

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I'm an aro ace. I have no horse in this race. Your obsession is just sad.

Muh alt right

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not surprised

>I'm rubber, you're glue!
Stay mad, Cletus.

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then it's just as easy to ignore any anti-trans propaganda. Why do you care ?

Because you fucking CHUDs shit up every forum you're on, regardless of topic or purpose. Channels about science, Star Trek, comic books, philosophy, it doesn't fucking matter, it all looks like a fucking Klan meeting now with your relentless obsessions about masks, vaccines, transgender, and 5G wifi.

Sounds like you're looking overstating the scale of one problem and minimizing the other.
You can't turn on the tv or read the news anymore without some trans shit coming up.
A small scattering of people don't like trannies on an anime imageboard.

If you can avoid one, you can avoid the other. But you're only complaining about one.

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That's why he said to ignore it you know the part where it says "then it's just as easy to ignore any anti-trans propaganda."

ɡօ back tօ reddit

you mean the liberal from the simpsons? weak

ɡօ back tօ reddit

Did you ever stop to think it's not ubiquitous bc the alt right is so obsessed and motivated but rather bc a lot of moderate ppl are tired of this as well? I have to hear about a sorry swimmer who can barely break top 500 dominate women and refer themselves as jackie Robison. I have to hear daily about Disney telling me that the world is just more queer and I should just stfu and deal with 50% characters being gay. I have to read about NJ teaching gender bs to 8 yr Olds. My government telling me they will go to all ends to ensure "gender affirming care" for minors when far left countries in Europe outlaw this shit as child abuse.

It's not just trumptards. The entire country is over your bullshit, fuck off.

anti-discord super straights and discord traps are having an eternal bitch fight on Yea Forums and /pol/. It doesn't stop. Ever.

Wow, it's pretty amazing how prescent Altemeyer's and Adorno's work on Right Wing Authoritarianism was. One of the most classic hallmarks is the need for RWAs to reassure themselves constantly that they're on the side of the majority, which is why you're ordered by your Faux News masters to flood every forum with your hatemongering bullshit.

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ɡօ back tօ reddit

Yea faggot that shaming shit only works on boomers. Parents like me tend pay more attention when you throw parents to ground at school board meetings, arrest them and label them as domestic terrorists for speaking out about their children getting raped by trannies in the school bathroom. I don't give a fuck if you call me transphobic, racist or whatever. Actions speak louder than words and when I think authoritian the left over the last year is what comes to my mind.

>but I can ignore they exist.
Based on this thread alone you clearly can't. How is this any different from a tranny hate thread?

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people say getting older makes you vote republican, but really it's just having kids that does this. that's probably why they started the brainwashing to keep people from having kids


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u seem upset

>I'm an aro ace.
No one here knows what any of these faggot zoomer words mean, user, please spell it out.

I can't stab someone who's too stupid to bleed.

neither alt right or christcuck
hate troons as well
when a group expects the world to revolve around them and ask for special treatment they can go fuck themselves

Glowies trying to incite violence so they have a legitimate reason to do something on Yea Forums. I'm sick of the shit. They don't even try anymore. They just spam and bunch of transgender peeps hanging themselves. It's annoying af.

so go away
problem solved

Glowies don't have to work very hard to make me hate troons and faggots, tbh, they do a pretty good job of that themselves.

>when a group expects the world to revolve around them
You mean like young white, middle class, middle brow, suburban, petit bourgeois manbois with repressed homerotic urges?

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Yea bc this guy looks just like the 80% that recalled all of the woke faggots on the sf school board. I guess once you start deluding yourself about what's in your pants it becomes a slippery slope with all of reality.

To some extent everyone expects this but young white men are actually a significant plurality of the population whose lives have value. Troons on the other hand are a tiny minority of already-doomed degenerates.

ɡօ back tօ reddit

There's probably a humorous meme somewhere that explains the npc obsession with trannies, but all i have is this

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ɡօ back tօ reddit

Even assuming this thread is genuine: Conservatives were founded on using fearmongering. At no point in history have they ever not been railing against powerless minority groups. Some examples:
> socialists
> mormons
> blacks
> jews
> catholics
> asians
> gays
> women
> trans
> hippies
> muslims
Trans just happens to be the prominent group when social media reached an apex. Trans will become normalized and conservatives will find another group. To paraphrase their boogeyman: "they will do nothing about trans and they will like it". There is no sense to it whatsoever. It is literally just a distraction.

As a conservative I promise you I'll never "move on" from hating faggots and trannies. I still think niggers and Jews are bad news. We haven't forgotten about any of these groups, they're all still on our hit-list except maybe Catholics and Muslims.

>Conservatives were founded on using fearmongering.
as opposed to the compassionate left...

Is that your thing? Just hanging out on some basket weaving forum telling people to go to reddit all day? Seems like you need some better hobbies.

You left off

Have you noticed that Zoomers have started to refer to "homelesses," as if they're some other species? It's actual Naziism. If you aren't rich enough to be able to support some parasite capitalist landlord, you are now unpersoned.

No, but zoomers are fucking idiots and homeless people have always been dehumanized.

u seem upset :^)

Nah homie that has more to do with a recent Supreme Court case that said cities and local governments couldn't use self help to deal w the fentinal zombies and that they "had a right " to be a public nuisance. Prior to that society rightly threw them in jail.


Historically, yes. These ideologies go back centuries and neither are taught in the U.S. below graduate level. You are referring to modern liberals who are also right wing. They're just less reactionary than conservatives.
I didn't mean you'll stop, necessarily. But a new group will come to take the spotlight. You will do nothing about these groups and you will like it.

your rant suggests otherwise :^)

If transhumans or some other new group emerges we’ll do everything in our power to shit on them like we currently do with women and faggots via legislation and culture war bullshit.


Yes. That's what I said. And it will be futile. Conservative ideology cannot exist without a group to hate.

That’s not fair we’re passing great legislation out there to stop abortion and keep faggots from grooming children.

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So what if I'm an independent devoted parent who has a problem with my kids being taught anything about sexuality before 3rd grade? Does that make me a conservative? Who do I vote for then oh wise one?

If you don’t want state-sanctioned grooming you have to vote for the GOP, unfortunately.

It makes you a fucking moron. For the last 200,000 years, humans lived in extended families under a single roof, usually with all the animals. Children learned about sex by watching the people and animals around them fucking from the age of 0.

Amerifats are so. Fucking. Ignorant.

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As a trans man if I had been educated about trans and gay people existing in high school I wouldn't have had such a hard time then in throughout my 20's.
I actually married a guy before I figured out I preferred women and then learned transitioning was even a thing. The guy killed himself after he found out. Had I been able to figure myself out earlier I wouldn't have affected him like that, or any of the people I lashed out at before that because I was so confused about why I didn't feel "normal" like everyone else seemed to. Forcing myself to go along with what you're "supposed to do" or whatever just caused more pain for myself and others, all of which could have been avoided. Fuck you.
The only people obsessed with sex are the ones insisting we can't talk about it. Teenagers fuck, get over it. You can educate them on how to do it safely or you can start paying a lot more taxes for all the babies you want to be born so badly. Babies who will grow to be adults and also need housing and livable wages. YOU ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM.

Doesn't matter. Even if you destroy every group currently hated, new minorities will be targeted. Your utopia will never manifest.
That's not a real thing so no one. Or homeschool. Or revolution. Or move to Saudi Arabia. Conservatives have been using this line of thinking for centuries and it's always failed. Learn some history. Doesn't take wisdom.

See, that's the issue belying it. It's the parents duty to teach kids about sex, not some weirdo trying to talk about pronouns to kindergarteners.

Conservatism is not a utopian ideology we expect society to continue with much the same imperfections as always. Unlike liberals we don’t believe we can eliminate disease, poverty, war, hatred, crime, etc.

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>Doesn't matter. Even if you destroy every group currently hated, new minorities will be targeted. Your utopia will never manifest.
god that's one consolation. They'd fight amongst themselves over which one is interpreting their book right, who's being more holy. So much of modern church is shitting on the church down the street or just gossiping about the people in their own church

The entire reason we have public education is because when you idiot christers got control of the education system, you created 1500 years of what is called the Dark Ages.

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Stop trying to talk to five year olds about you and your gay lovers paddle boarding weekend date, freak.

Again, it isn't a kindergarten teachers business to talk sex with 5 year olds. If you can't understand that this isn't about 'oppressing' weird ass people and about letting kids mature and get a grasp of the world around them.before explaining sex, YOU are the issue, and WE will stand against you sexualizing and forcing maturation upon kids. Fuck you.

That’s not how any of that happened… I know history is not a big thing among liberals but damn.

Good thing kindergarten teachers don't do that.

It’s also funny how much liberals hate Christianity which is the origin of all of their dumb pie in the sky ideology. You are literally just gay secular Christians.

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Oh you're describing a male dominated societies where a big intimidating guy like myself would suffer no consequences for murdering whiney dissenters such as yourself. And I already cosleep and have been for years and still am intimate with my lady 10-20 times a week yet never around my kids, so try again.

Why the fuck do you think the parental rights legislation was passed in Florida? On a paranoid whim? No, because word got around that weirdos were talking about sex and gender identity to kids who were still learning their fucking multiplication tables. Get this through your god damn head. For every supposedly weird law passed or rule made, there's been some fucking moron who's gone ahead and did something stupid to inspire said law or rule. And that's a fucking fact.Cope.

Children learned about sex by WATCHING ADULTS FUCKING. Get it, Cletus? You're SO FUCKING STUPID, but I wouldn't give a shit about your slack-jawed, mouth-breathing retardation except that you're fanatically obsessed with forcing your ABSOLUTE SUNKEN-SKULLED IGNORANCE onto everyone else.

You need to be killed. You, everyone like you, and probably your whole genetic line. We can no longer afford your level of ignorance in a world where atom bombs and nerve gas exist. You need to be dragged out into the street and shot, and I'd be first in line for the death squads.

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I don't? nice rebuttal. real eloquent.

So I'm not a real thing? And I should just stfu and deal with whatever ideology a school wants to push onto my kids? Good to know

Then it should be easy to show that. And no, it wasn't a paranoid whim. As said previously in the thread, it was to distract people by picking on a minority group. Conservatism is the ideology of culture war bullshit. Always has been.

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Lmao imagine being this angry at someone for laws preventing homosexuals from grooming kids. You reveal yourself, child molester.

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my brother in christ..... your party is the one pushing for child marriage

Didn't say that. What you're afraid of isn't real. I gave you options if you are that concerned. Be my guest to use them.

You're a moron. YOU'RE A MORON. You are SO FUCKING STUPID. For about 196,000 of the last 200,000 years, we lived in MATRILINEAL, MATRIARCHAL communities, you absolute FUCKING IMBECILE.

I don't know why I'm allowing myself to get so angry. I mean, I already KNOW you're probably legit retarded, IQ less than 70. You're brainwashed, fanatical, and poorly educated. I just want to watch you and your kind killed, so very, very much before you drag humanity back to the Dark Ages.

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>Russian Trolls
Not sure about russian, but I do know of one country that pays people to troll online and they usually push 'Russian Trolls'.

I mean the matriarchal prehistory theory is cute and all but it’s just a theory, it’s not supported by any solid evidence or accepted by mainstream historians.

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Ladies and gentleanons...I present to you the tolerant left. Where if you don't accede to them teaching your five year old about sex and gender identity, you're a bigot and should be killed.
Just know this you piece of shit leftist. The last time you fucks tried degenerating a society to the point of collapse, you had a world war and a reckoning. Keep pushing the button, you little bitch. You're alienating the more centrist members of your democratic party and forcing them in to the arms of the republicans. You're waging an open war against parents and their right to raise their child as they see fit. Do not cry and beg when it collapses in on you and you're behind a barbed wire fence. You did it to yourself. Enjoy it. It's what you wanted all along.

Yeah it’s crazy how mad these people get about laws preventing them from doing what they swear they’re not doing. Really activates the almonds…

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