Don’t listen to the fake news. He is winning. Don’t worry. Watch these next few days...

Don’t listen to the fake news. He is winning. Don’t worry. Watch these next few days. If you are planning on going over to help Ukraine, don’t bother.

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He was always going to win, quantity over quality.

Shame he made an embarrassment out of his military, personally I think we should just nuke the cunt…

He means putin is winning dipshit. And hes right. Russia will destroy ukraine


I think the idiot meant nuke putin not mother russia. I agree, putin bad russia good.

Mariupol is done. Ukraine's navy is toast. No more gas transit revenue forever. All military bases destroyed. Donbass recognized. NATO utterly unequivocally humiliated. It's time to learn Russian! Russian century!

Is this the new "two more weeks"?

Just because they beat some small shitty country doesnt mean they can beat a normal country. Russia still has a shit military and an incompetent leader.


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That wasn't Russia's objective from the start. It's too bad that you live in an information bubble.
No go back to sleep and allow this albino babboon to feed you false lullabys.

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Borscht stained fingers typed this...

"Ukraine will surrender in two more weeks. RINO's and Libtards on suicide watch."

Pity about the Russian "navy" and all those pesky drones that will keep them busy when the cruse missiles hit.

>anderson cooper
fucking kek. kys troon

Ukraine has already won by showing how pathetic and incompetent the russian military is. Ukraine could be completely evaporated from the earth and they still have won.
Nobody will ever respect the russian military again.

Obviously it was to "thin out the military" before Russia falls to internal strife. Such a clever plan.

jew russian why you post homosex news guy and praise pedo putin? o wait ok

Russia already won dumbass. its over

no biden won not trump sorry ivan

which side are you on?

no israel lost sorry shlomo

>implying Donbas is the whole country.

Watch Crimea, Donbas, Lugansk go back to Ukraine.

Russia is going to lose 30-40% of their land after the war.

Biden didn’t win. He will be out of office after midterms. Russia is the real winner. They will destroy ukraine then nuke israel. plain and simple.

Ukraine population: 44.13 million

Russia has already taken all major cities in ukraine. The next step is killing off the final trannies cowering under the rubble then russia will nuke israel for shits and giggles. Putin already said so. look it up retard


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Putin won fair and square.

Just like Amerifats completely wiped out the middle east yeah ?? LMFAOOOO you think the orcs have even the slightest technological advance on America? They get their shit from Coonsville because no one is trading with them. Starving their own people again for keks is top leadership i see lmfaooo

You’re contradicting yourself again. Thanks for proving yourself retarded.

Wow the mental anguish you must be suffering. Ukraine lost more than 40 thousand Azogs.
>next thing you know he will cite the Daily mail's 30 thousand russian casualties

europe is next abdul

With what army? The Reddit batallion? Lol.

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Oh look! We found the one Russian on Yea Forums. What happened? Did your dial up Internet in your shitty little village work for a few minutes today? How’s the war and sanctions going for you and your family…you have any food left or are you eating each other to stay alive? Lol.

>When all of Europe did jack squat to intervene in the special op
Tell me you're not a tranny?

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Ukraine showed how pathetic the russian military really is, you can have millions of troops but if you've got no fuel to transport them, tough life

>when his economy is collapsing underneath trillions of Euros of debt and out of control inflation
>coupled with the cultural emasculation of men widespread

Of course you're going to have to cope, seethe, and dilate


Can we turn this into a Ukraine gore thread?

lol poland is hated worldwide

Ukraine ran out of fuel 3 weeks ago. That's why 5 of their MI-8s were shot down while trying to rescue Bernard Levy and 5 NATO commanders in Mariupol. The bulk of Ukraine's forces are stranded in Kiev, and they can't expand any further, at least for another 3 months. lol.

Russian soldiers were prohibited from carrying phones. Hence the deficit in Ukrainian gore pics.

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what's it like not having food in Stalin land?lmfaaooooooooooo

Ukraine will get logistical support from NATO, russia is already using WW2 era equipment

Oh look! It’s the SAME guy posting over and over pretending to be more than one person.

Sorry your shitty country is getting their ass handed to them by the Ukrainians with anti tank weapons.

How about you try and grow some food before you end up eating your dogs and rats.

God, Russians are so fucking dumb.

this "special operation" sure shed some light on the russian army lol and to think nato was scared of it while it was actually barely alive jebus

Why didn't Russia already win then?

keep replying to yourself samefag. I’m sure your a master in military technology. Fucking retard

>russia didn’t bring phones
>russian phones taken from soldiers were shown in pictures

My god how fucking stupid are you???

He's losing quite badly. This is not going how he planned. There are always more Russian boys to throw into the meat grinder though, right Ivan? Congrats on getting Donbas and Crimea though. Hope it's worth it for you considering the rest of the world hates your fucking guts now. Enjoy your isolation.

Counterpoint, if you're stupid and NPC enough to want to literally "fight for Ukraine" I encourage you to go there and get killed.

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Lol. The fact Ukraine didn't fall after a week, let alone month just shows how pathetic the Russian military truly is.
US military completely pivoting training objectives and long term goals after the revelation russia is a joke. A few token shows of support with a few additional brigades sent over but everything state side is reorienting
Now everything is anti-China tactics.

Ukraine already fell. The country has been obliterated and they didn’t even have to use nukes




bro i just dont like nazis they offend me so unfortunately im going to not care about this war and look away. if they get rid of the nazi problem in the us too i will thank them for it.

he's winning a big fat wienering straight to his manlet asshole

which side is arresting protesters?
good rule of thumb

Russ bit farm invading Yea Forums, now? Lowest common denominator?

>Russia has already taken all major cities in ukraine
Lol they had to abandon even trying to take kiev but I'm pretty sure you're not even a real russian shill and are just trolling

W-we still have nukes! They totally haven't had their maintenence budgets diverted and been scrapped for some corrupt middle manager to buy cheap vodka!

>didn’t even have to use nukes
Just more dead russians than any modern war and their whole economy and now they sure are retreating a lot for someone "winning"...

OK Vlad, sure you are.

They are not protestors, anyone who dares call special operation a war or bad idea is just evil agent of the west! The mothers demanding answers from their mayor if their sons are alive or dead are just le cia plants!

Imagine giving a fuck about Slavic infighting

It's one of the most popular but also moderation-lax places online. Also this is the perfect spot to find people whonwill internalise conspiracy theories and then take iver activelybspreasing them elsewhere.