ITT: Post an image and people guess which album it relates to

Pic related

Attached: ee8999387111fa07975552c13bbac358e93eefbc.jpg (500x333, 163K)

el camino

Buyers Market

Attached: 23520352390589205.png (327x414, 156K)

the album you can't talk about
Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs

Attached: post rock sister.jpg (500x480, 73K)


big iron

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Attached: a.jpg (301x300, 21K)

Attached: tails.jpg (353x396, 36K)

Idk probably some faggot shit like 311 or maybe Incubus


Twin Fantasy

korn - korn III
that michael gira album that was disc 2 to the reissue of the great annihilator
blink 182 - enema of the state
the quick brown fox - speedkore 4 kidz!!!

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here's a freebie

Attached: amer.jpg (300x221, 17K)

Attached: 1535428374534.gif (350x262, 2.66M)

Tails on acid

Attached: E9449CDF-7B2C-4D05-B909-6CE62D5508FF.jpg (1000x1000, 168K)

hip to be square
rap god

he who shall not be named
some Swans album i'm sure
gonna go with Twin Fantasy like that other user
Mid-Air Thief - Crumbling
you know
Grateful Dead - Shakedown Street, exclusively for Fire on the Mountain

Attached: surfer library.jpg (940x627, 113K)

waxahatchee - ivy tripp
xiu xiu - a promise
brian wilson - smart girls

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Attached: burning_car_by_promisebethonthesky-d552ab0.jpg (900x1045, 181K)

F#A# infinity