Do you Europeans appreciate the historical architecture you have? Or do you mostly take it for granted? Also...

Do you Europeans appreciate the historical architecture you have? Or do you mostly take it for granted? Also, architecture thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Finally, my kind of thread.

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haha, we've met before on this site Hungarian bro.

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It's kind of hard to miss me when there's an archtecture thread or some such up.

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Take it for granted

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As much as I like posting these examples, there's still a lot to do in our country, but we have all the assurances now that these trends will continue for the foreseeable future.

Attached: Tramline Terminal, Zugliget, Budapest.jpg (1430x1491, 485.53K)

yes, im incredibly jealous of what's happening in your country. but at least it give me hope

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I fully appreciate it. Walking around in the town center is always a beautiful sight. Whenever I stand in front of the university’s library building of my city, a huge building from 1650, I’m always looking up and enjoying the view. I walk a few streets further and see the town hall, a neo gothic building from 1430. Absolutely stunning. Been inside it and up to the top, great experience. Across it, a gothic church from 980. Again, wonderful. A block further and you have an old hospital built by the knight’s templar. So no, I never take it for granted. I’m always looking up whenever I’m in an historic city, enjoying the view.
Italy btw, amazing architecture. Truly am grateful to have visited Florence and Siena. But especially Florence, incredible views and galleries.

oh absolutely!
Its unaffordable to live anywhere near a place like picrel tho...
And in my country hungary the nigger russians destroyed almost every cultural heritage sites, historical architectures and the like... the fucking commies can only kill culture and assimilate everyone under some sick ideology. that and poverty..

I used to but for whatever reason I don't appreciate as much and sort of take it for granted. Why I am not sure, I have a theory that it has to do with one's connection to God.

The most recent facelift around here.

Attached: Wenckheim Castle, Szabadkígyós.jpg (778x1018, 250.65K)

damn thats cool as fuck

Kind of taking it for granted most of the time.
But when thinking about it, I appreciate it very much.

I love Sigmaringen schloss
Hohenzollern is tres cool too. right down the road from each other.

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stop trashing the thread you posted maybe one worthy picture.
most of our shit were destroyed or kiked. atleast post the remaining good stuff or gtfo

Damn, I'm jealous. Do you know a way to stay in the EU longer than 90 days on a tourist visa? I want to NEET it up in Europe doing the tourist thing for a year or two. Swear on me mum I won't steal a job or nothing just want to see all the cool stuff and 90 days isn't long enough.

>pic related
Likely, one of the greatest pieces of art ever created.

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The flag. Now.

Attached: Halász Castle, Kápolnásnyék.jpg (1073x1050, 206.26K)

what's with the middle picture?

Just stay? I mean, what is the worst thing that can happen? If shit get's bad, just say you are a refugee or something and you'll get free money and stuff too.

What was left of it when commies reimagined the castle grounds after the siege. That is, fuck all. It was rebuilt from nothing over the past five years as part of the larger project to bring back what the castle district lost during or after the siege.

Attached: Royal Riding Hall, Buda Castle.jpg (1920x1278, 621.13K)

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as I said:
trashed under communism
renovated with eu gibs
stolen by orban gypsy

anyway that looks like a stable compared to the other stuff. we got some nice buildings, post those.

czechs have like an impressive castle on every corner. we cant compete

Attached: Hluboka_Castle__Places_to_Visit_in_the_Czech_Republic.jpg (1280x720, 235.53K)

Destroyed, razed to the ground and rebuilt.
Have no idea. You could just stay though, as much as I dislike it. Western Europe has issues with illegals. But as long as you’re a White American and will not be a hindrance to daily life, I doubt you will find trouble.

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British take it for granted, and the government actively destroys it.

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The flag, Menachem.

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that is a crime.

can you post pics of the library?

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Hello Hungary Architecture Bro. You're one of the posters I always like seeing.

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I tell you, fellow burger, I'm emigrating. Come June I'm leaving this spic infested strip mall for one of the Visegrad 4.

On the one hand I feel disgusted by that, but on the other hand, I have the feeling that I don't know where it comes from that you guys deserve it



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So I've been told a couple of times already, I'm getting way too notorious kek
But I like doing it, and I'm glad of some anons find it worthy to remember.

Take the Scrutonpill, lads.

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europeans do, architects do not

a jew is somehow responsible for this

Inside, both pics from wiki

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No fuck old buildings, all that matters is utility

I used to take it for granted, then I traveled and now appreciate it a lot more.

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Why did the Russians invade Ukraine and not Hungary? With all this beautiful architecture, Russia should've invaded Hungary. If I was Putin I would invade Hungary, for it's architecture.

architects heads are so far up their own ass, i swear

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Is there any good architecture that's actually functional, instead of adding a bunch of greebles just for the sake of ornamentation?

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I'm actually white I don't think that'll work, and the last thing I want is an overstay stamp that would prevent me entering the EU ever again.

I'm kind of jealous but what I really want is dual citizenship since I want to be able to live in either the USA or EU at a whim. Ever since I got crypto rich I've really not wanted to be tied down you know? Like if bitcoin had hit 6figs I'd just get one of those investor visas and use that but it's a bit much for me right now.

I've been to this one personally and can attest to how it elevates the soul when you know you're walking among walls that could've been left to rot forever.

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It's worse after?


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i appreciate it, its the best continent on earth

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It should be destroyed and make a hotel instead, fuck old buildings

architecture teachers in college will look at you like you have three heads if you say you like old architecture and want to reproduce it or maintain.
The idea of remodelations means puting glass and steel everywhere so you can only see the old stuff in old style, everthing else they want in modern style.
Needless to say, most of them are leftist and commie simpatisers.

Is the $250k Grecian one out of reach for you as well? Dual citizenship isn't a bad thing to have in your back pocket, I'm just concerned about Uncle Sam coming for my nest egg once the USA becomes the USSA

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eternal reminder

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Communist rape baby.
Yeah, it’s called a bridge. We also have these things called tunnels and buildings with multiple layers called floors.
Come with a visa and hook up with a girl, tell her you want to become a citizen.
Very nice.

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People may appreciate a model T for its historic chars but we don’t keep designing model Ts

I could, but it'd take out a huge chunk of my portfolio and right now I don't think it's a good trade. When it's 1BTC for the visa I'll feel much better about it.

Yeah I'm seriously thinking about that, especially if any euro girl is interested in US green card or citizenship.

Law courts of Brussels.

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The bottom of the building looks worse as not brick. Also the paint on the road is ugly and ruins the whole image

One of your nation's most famous paintings is all about how the Kraut airforce bombed one of your cities kek

awful analogy

Get back in your pod

Bombed a city infested with communists. It’s like saying Assad is wrong for bombing ISIS rebel controlled cities in Syria

utility > beauty
Nothing else matters and you know it

shame; Britain has many beautiful buildings.

anyone else into ruins? something about it is so mysterious and invokes the imagination

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That’s a mentality devoid of having a soul. Generally people that are both ugly inside and outside hold such views, as they want to make everything as gray as themselves.

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Beauty is a utility in and of itself, my Romani friend.
Plus, the sad state of the world today is directly the fault of the sort of materialistic utilitarian philosophy you're using as bait.

I appreciate the intent, though

Your "beauty" costs more money for maintenance and for basic utilities

There's more to practical use of arcitecture than that.

I only recently took an interest in architecture. Used to just think of it as 'Buildings from the olden days and new buildings.' But now I have more appreciation for neoclassical stuff and hate soviet-looking apartments and big glass monstrosities everywhere. Seems to have something jewish about it.

We have a lot to catch up with, our industry is already spinning at maximum capacity for such renovations.

Attached: Royal Waiting Hall, Gödöllő.jpg (2126x2480, 821.2K)

Literally anything with an arch or dome you colossal faggot.

Pic related if anyone is wondering what's got into Orbán.

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beat ya to it :)

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Beauty itself is the reward for the costs, in the end, absolutely worth it.
Better pic

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Dissolution of the Monasteries was a disaster for English culture
>thousands of Old English and Middle English books and songs lost
>beautiful buildings destroyed
>buried remains of ancient kings and queens, including a potential "King Arthur" type figure, lost or scattered

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Most of it is robbed of it‘s soul forever because muh restauration
They fuck up the patina of time so properly that in the end all of it has the same feeling of cheap Disneyland decoys.
Them being responsible should be gassed.

Florence, view to the Palazzio Vecchio near the Uffizi gallery. Beautiful city. Had a great time there

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How do you feel about the Humboldt Forum in Berlin?
I visited it. It felt weird. It's def got that artificiality to it.

patina will return in time, german bro. that should not dissuade us from building new buildings in the old styles, but yes, restoration can somtimes get out of hand

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Yes. We are aware that you have no history besides colonial buildings that Europeans built, or wooden Alamo sheds.
Kind of the same situation like African Americans having no identity. The difference is you don't make up stories about having invented everything. I often see Americans clinging to "I am 1/32nd part German, I am 1/256th Cherokee" stuff though.


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Yea Forums? Really?

>Yes. We are aware that you have no history besides colonial buildings that Europeans built, or wooden Alamo sheds.
Euros will make fun of American education and then proceed to say dumbass shit like this lmao.
The bulk of standing buildings in the Americas were built by people who were born and raised in the New World, not by Europeans. Europeans built the first wooden shacks sure, but that's about it.
The Chrysler building sure as shit isn't a colonial building made by British authorities.
Not to mention that the Alamo mission is literally made out of stone. Of all wooden shacks to pick, you pick the one that isn't wooden.

They nuked a thread talking about sex dolls as soon as some obvious roastie started getting dunked on by all the other posters. kek.