The true racists are the people that think about skin color ALL THE TIME. They're convinced that the country is divided...

The true racists are the people that think about skin color ALL THE TIME. They're convinced that the country is divided. And they pray that blacks and whites will NEVER get along.
In other words: Liberals.

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Other urls found in this thread:

prove it

You forgot to mention bbc troons

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They're right, though

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well, politically motivated progressives anyway..

racial division and strife is the primary tool of the politically active progressive to justify their government overreach in personal liberty as well as their cash grabbing.

Want to see this in action and go make a social media post about blm being investigated for using donations to buy a 6M home in Cali, gets banned real quick

White privilege liberals will defend

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Yeah, it's called embezzling and getting away with it.

Redneck rubes will defend.

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I think all sane people can agree that if you still support Trump, then you deserve a slow and painful death. Right after being forced to watch their entire family raped and mutilated.

well- please give us your evidence of his illegal involvement Trump had with Epstein- im sure you have something that the entire beltway establishment couldn't find after years of digging to bring him to justice.

OR maybe he is just at a lot of the same parties with that asshole.

I look forward to your expose!!

>I think all sane people

Can you even comprehend what you just wrote?

And when he's re-elected I'll enjoy watching you jump into a live volcano.

You seem pretty keen to pass judgement before investigations or indictments. How ironic, just remember… you tangerine messiah was well known for frolicking with the worlds most renowned pedophiles, by his own admission.

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Liberals talk about minorities because cuckservatives attack them and we're the "big tent" so we have to defend them even if we'd rather be talking about
- clean and/or renewable electricity
- infrastructure
- labor rights
- healthcare
- immigration reform
- criminal justice reform
- greater regulation of the financial sector
You know... actual policies that matter?

It's basically the Southern Strategy again and again and again.

A recent survey compared perceived share of population to actual share of population of various minority groups.
Trannies, who represent less than a percent of the population, are perceived to represent TWENTY PERCENT of the population.
Because you niggers will not shut up about trannies.
>but scholarships!
>but bathrooms!
>women's sports!
Why are you so obsessed with trannies? Who fucking cares?
Some flyover state passed an anti-tranny bill that would affect EXACTLY FOUR PEOPLE.
Good job, faggots: we can't get anything important done because you're too distracted by chicks with dicks.

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not my messiah

not passing judgement.

it seems that you are the one convicting him - im just asking for all of your evidence that powerful people in Washington have been searching for at least 6 years now?

would love to see it since you apparently have found him guilty.

and if he is guilty i hope he is punished for his crimes.

Donald needs to pick whether he wants a firing squad or a hanging. A lethal injection won't kill him. He is already orange and resistant to most chemicals.

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>Trump does criminal justice reform
>Biden wrote 94 crime bill


It seems the Epstein investigation died with him, unless Maxwell squawks. Oh well, trump will die soon enough and his grave will be the most popular public restroom in the country. As for Hunter, he’s a spoiled crackhead, shocking and so unique… but as unethical as he is, don’t hold your breath about any of it being illegal. Pic related.

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Well duh: Trump and his immediate family are criminals. They have an interest in reforming how criminals are treated.

"But Biden" isn't an effective counterpoint:
No one actually likes Biden. Being preferable to a wannabe autocrat is a very low bar. I'd vote for a literal golden retriever over anyone who has a shot at the GOP's nomination these days. McCain was a war monger and Romney was a rich guy's rich guy, but I could understand why the right would find them admirable. These days your likely candidates for 2024 are the guy who tried to overthrow the government using a legal loophole and a bunch of people trying to impersonate him.
It's just sad.

What we really need, and I don't think this is a partisan position, is
- open primaries
- ranked choice/instant run-off voting
- parties to be regulated by the government so they can't do shit like "superdelegates" where the people are overruled by the party
- publicly funded campaigns which prohibit legal bribes ("campaign contributions")
- something to make gerrymandering impossible or ineffective. (I like a system called mixed member proportional representation but I don't feel like explaining it.)

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>>clean and/or renewable electricity
sounds great- but killing the fossil fuel industry to FORCE a technology that is not fully able to be implemented is an idiots folly.

>> infrastructure
no problem with this one- but unfortunately because of government corruption it costs 10x more than is should to get this done because of overregulation (usually by democrats)
>> labor rights
im fine with that to a certain extent- but the democrats want massive overhauling that will do NOTHING but make the cost of goods higher and stifle innovation. when things cost a bunch more- you are not any better off when you make a bunch more.

get it?
>> healthcare
its fucked up and needs fixing- but single payer will stifle innovation. there has to be another way
>> immigration reform
you mean mass illegal immigration- i am willing to bet you dont live in a state that borders Mexico- you have no clue what is going on down here- Trevor Noah isnt exactly covering it so how could you...
>- criminal justice reform
you mean- letting felons out on bail to commit more felonies like we are seeing in every major city every fucking day now?
>> greater regulation of the financial sector
i might be fine with this somewhat- but i dont know enough to render an opinion.

you have both houses of Congress and the administrative branch- if you really think your democrat leaders want to do something- they can easily do so.

wonder why they dont? hmmmm....

I keep seeing the Hunter thing pop up.
Please correct me if I'm wrong:
1: Hunter is a drug addict who leveraged daddy's name to get a cushy job at an energy company in Ukraine
2: At the time he did this, daddy was out of office
3: There's some indications that he made promises to that energy company to get a connection to daddy
4: ... but that never actually happened, and it's unclear if Joe even knew about it.

So the people being screwed in this scenario are the shareholders of a ukrainian energy company that payed some crackhead a few million dollars for no reason?
It doesn't sound like anything illegal happened.
Or even unethical with regards to American politics.

>McCain was a war monger and Romney was a rich guy's rich guy,

So is Biden. Quite literally

Do you even know what criminal reform is and what the 94 crime bill is doing to urban minorities?

Literally right now they're REEEEEing about the Wikipedia Code of Conduct because it says race doesn't exist. Not sure if they put the in there for trolling, but I hope they did.

Except for Hunter. He's exempt from his fathers bill, cause you know... elite, white privilege

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Trump put more paedos behind bars than any other president

Guess who didn’t do shit when they had both branches of congress and the executive?

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Name 10.

> picrel ruins your argument

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people who dont see color, see everything in black and white

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>sounds great- but killing the fossil fuel industry to FORCE a technology that is not fully able to be implemented is an idiots folly.
There's a stat called "levelized cost of energy". Solar is already cheaper than natural gas electricity, and onshore wind is about equal. Offshore wind is falling.
The problem with LCOE is that it doesn't account for intermittency. The other relevant stat is "levelized cost of storage" (eg, batteries, but not just batteries). That's currently dropping like a rock.
We'll abandon fossil fuels because it makes economic sense to do so, but it's going to take a while...
... but we have an interest in doing it quickly (energy independence and slowing climate change),
so why not subsidize storage and renewable energy a little to speed things up?

>no problem with this one- but unfortunately because of government corruption it costs 10x more than is should to get this done because of overregulation (usually by democrats)
I'd argue corruption costs far more than regulation. Regulation keeps people from fucking dying and saves money in the long term.
Remember when Texas got hit with a winter storm and a bunch of people died? That was the result of avoiding regulation. The Texas electric grid is disconnected from the East and West grids to avoid regulation, and the Texas government neglected to require improvement of the grid after something similar happened around 10 years ago.

>its fucked up and needs fixing- but single payer will stifle innovation.
In our current system, the only innovating they're doing is "how can I repackage insulin and charge $600 for it while extending my patent?"
Countries with single payer also have innovation. BioNTech is a German company and they devised the first COVID vaccine to market. (Pfizer manufactured it.)

>you mean mass illegal immigration
I just mean making the system work correctly. That does mean more LEGAL immigration, but it also means that we can crack down on employers who hire people under the table to dodge taxes. If these guys are working (something we could easily stipulate for their immigration status), and they're paying taxes (something we can easily crack down on), then they are contributing more than they're costing. If you really don't want them living in your border town, we could encourage them to live in specific places. We've done that for all sorts of refugee groups.

>you mean- letting felons out on bail to commit more felonies like we are seeing in every major city every fucking day now?
We aren't really seeing that at all. Did Tucker Carlson tell you that? Why are you so afraid all the time?
There's no reason drugs should be illegal. It only empowers black market activity and gangs.
Prostitution, too.
Something like HALF of our prisoners are serving for drug offenses. This costs us billions. Why are we wasting our time and money incarcerating people and tearing families apart? If anything, they need counseling, not imprisonment.

>you have both houses of Congress and the administrative branch- if you really think your democrat leaders want to do something- they can easily do so.
The sooner Pelosi dies, the better.

> implying sentencing guidelines don't take in to account criminal history as well as severity of previous and current offense(s)
Listen, if I arrest someone and he is charged with aggravated robbery, and his previous two offenses were burglary and assault, if I'm the judge, I bank his ass and give him the max because it's obvious he is escalating his criminal behavior and what he is doing is getting more severe. You send a message that you won't tolerate this behavior, regardless of the perpetrator's skin complextion.

I know!

Government inaction is wonderful!

Did you read my post at all?
I literally said: no one fucking likes Biden, and I could kinda of see how you guys would like Romney or McCain...
... and then you tried to attack Biden, whom I do not like, by comparing him to Romney or McCain, who I just said had some admirable qualities.
Learn to fucking read, dipshit.

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>If you really don't want them living in your border town, we could encourage them to live in specific places. We've done that for all sorts of refugee groups.
I have a better idea. How about you tell your fucking pets to stop crawling their monkey asses across the fucking border illegally, only to come here and sit their fucking asses on the fucking porch they don't fucking own all day while stealing my fucking money. Why the fuck isn't that an option? Instead we get people like you who make bullshit excuses for your pets, such as "hur dur stop hiring them", while ignoring that they come here to steal my fucking money while sitting on the fucking porch they don't even fucking own.

Hey that's not fair.
They managed to shut down the federal government for the longest period in history, costing taxpayers billions of dollars, and they passed a tax cut that transferred two trillion dollars from workers to rich people and large corporations.

(At least the immigrants we don't mind incorporating into our society have JOBS.)

Do you think the maybe shooting shoplifting and car thefts are not the result of " justice reform?". I live in the fourth largest city in the country and it has become a fucking shit show over the last couple of years. Used to be a nice place to live. The primary cause it's a rampant increase in crime.

When these guys know they are not going to do much time or have a low risk of getting caught because of underfunded and hand tied police what did you think it's going to happen?

Do you think tucker Carlson had the Walgreens and CVS shut lots of stores because they wanted to make less money?

Unfortunately all you have to do is read the paper of any major city and see this is not happening much anymore.

Repeat felons with repeat violent crimes are being released due to progressive policies.

ITT: you're all racists

Well, apparently your Democrat overlords love him out they would not have run him for president.

I didn't say you like Biden

Learn to fucking read, dipshit.

Tell me- what percentage of taxes do the to 10 percent of income earners pay you the federal government?

Then tell me how much federal income taxes the bottom 40 percent pay?

Go on... I'll wait while your research.

Then tell me how much more do you think is reasonable for these people to pay or not pay.

The motivation for almost all crime is poverty. There hasn't been an actual decrease in enforcement or a lessening of severe sentences. For all the "defund the police" bullshit you heard about on Tucker, no one actually did it. Police budgets have generally increased since 2020.

So what is the reason for increased crime?
Economic disruption caused by the pandemic and ensuing recession has increase poverty, which drives people to commit crimes. Increased drug addictions also don't help.

As I said, there's no reason to make drugs illegal. If we make drugs legal and regulate them for safety, we can easily undercut gang activity by making their black market a normal market. Gangs exist to protect black markets where legal enforcement cannot apply for obvious reasons.

(This would have the side benefit of undercutting gang activity south of our border, which may help our immigration problem in the long run.)

> point one
I agree with you, yet I doubt slowing climate change is really a concern of companies who choose to innovate. More of a cost/benefit thing rather than being eco-conscious.
> point two
Corruption does cost an obscene amount of money..But regulation, especially over regulation, just forces companies to relocate to spots where there is less regulation which stifles them from.development,expansion, and innovation.
> point three
Socialized medicine is a terrible idea..Not only does a free market do more to control costs, but the more you offer government subsidy, the higher your taxes, as here is no incentive for companies to lower their prices when they know the government (i.e.the taxpayer) will foot the bill regardless. In addition, your level and quality of care will be substantially lower.
> point 4
Not every immigrant is fucking refugee..Right now, we have like 1.8 million migrants waiting at the southern border for entry, we just deported something like 10,000 Haitian migrants after ICE rounded them up in Del Rio,Texas. Our System is already strained to the max, we cannot afford to keep letting in migrants. As for LEGITIMATE refugees, I sympathize with them, yet I feel this loophole is re exploited more and far easier access. They had one bitch at the southern border crying the blues about how she feels it's unfair Ukrainians are pushed to the head of the line for entry when she's been waiting for soe.thing like 18 months. Boohoo, go fix your country. There's a difference between getting invaded and displaced and shitbag cartels putting up '' signs and you getting out because you lack the stomach to force change.
> point 5
Sure, release the drug offenders..But, since the M.O.R.E. act will make marijuana legal on a federal level, when it's passed, only commute the sentences of marijuana prisoners. Everything else? It's illegal for a reason, opiates do far more damage to society than good.

You clearly have no idea how primaries work. Shocking.

Did you not stop to think to yourself:
"Hmm... why does the top 10% pay so much?
Why does the bottom 40% pay so little?
Hmm... if income tax is a share of income, and one group pays way more,
could that mean something about income inequality?"

You're also completely ignoring who receives that money:
You think the $800 billion dollars in "defense" is going to the bottom 40%?
You think the trillions of dollars printed by the Fed during the pandemic is going to small businesses?
Our government is nakedly corrupt.

Oh your pets have jobs. Their "job" is to make life as miserable as fucking possible while sitting on the fucking porch, THAT THEY DO NOT OWN, while stealing my fucking money and turning this country into the same fucking dump they just came from. It's good to see that you are aware of this though.

I know, and that's a fucking issue. Progressive policies are detrimental to the stability of a society. They encourage lawlessness, lack of accountability, and degeneracy. All they are doing is pushing people toward the right and radicalizing people who are already there. There will be a reckoning, and it won't be pretty.

You clearly have no idea who ultimately decides who is running for a political party.

And who has control of both houses of Congress as well as the executive branch?

lol, you’re a moron. Anyone can run in a primary, they all secure their funding and compete for votes. There’s no cabal picking the participants or the winner.

Facts don't care about your feelings, we live in the real world, and the real world isn't all bubblegum and unicorn farts.
There is a vast cultural difference between American whites and American blacks. B
Southern black redneck culture is ultimately their undoing as it encourages underachievement, victim mentality, and devalues education. To change the blacks is to institute a change in their culture, which, once ingrained, is very difficult. White people aren't the black person's problem, BLACK PEOPLE AND BLACK CULTURE are the black.person's problem.

That doesn't change the fact that despite your " tax cuts for the rich" trope- " the rich" essentially pay ALL of the taxes-they already fund everything in government- but it's just not enough for you- they need to continue to pay more and more and more to fund a more and more bloated government that is rife with corruption and inefficiencies. This is turn gives them more power over personal liberty to impose even more and more taxes and restraint on personally freedoms to further feed the bloated beast.

No thanks.

Primaries do not pick the final candidate for a party- the convention does.

Jesus .

Companies relocating to avoid regulation is a problem. Instead of giving up on regulating, tax them. If your company avoided our "don't poison rivers" regulation by poisoning rivers in China instead, you should be subject to taxes on the pollution you're doing elsewhere. This levels the playing field and discourages offshoring while protecting the environment.
You can argue that protecting the environment would slow innovation and stifle the free blah blah, but do YOU want to live in a shithole with poisoned water like China? I don't think you do, even if it means an iphone is slightly cheaper.

>Socialized medicine is a terrible idea.
Why does it work so well in the rest of the developed world?
Very few people in Canada, England, Germany, etc. are trying to dismantle their socialized healthcare. It works.
>Free market
There is no "free market" for healthcare because:
>subsidies, taxes
When the government is the "single payer" for healthcare, it has HUGE power to negotiate with biopharma companies to bring down prices. This is why pharmaceuticals in Canada are a fraction of the price they are in the US.
You could say: "but if it's not profitable enough, won't they leave the market?"
And that's a possibility, but we could easily establish a not-for-profit manufacturer if economic incentives alone are not effective.
>In addition, your level and quality of care will be substantially lower.
This just isn't true overseas. Instead of listening to what angry AM radio guy tells you, why not travel al ittle?

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Actually, no, the upper tax brackets have more options to them to be able to skirt taxes via loopholes, meanwhile the burden is placed upon the (every shrinking) middle class and poor of society.
Yet, despite these taxes, the common person sees very little if any return on their taxes. Perhaps we need to simplify tax law and eliminate bullshit loopholes or we need to.cut spending on atrociously bloated government programs, or both..Whatever it is, it's not as simple as we think, and it won't be easy, as the beneficiaries of the current tax system wield far greater influence than the tax base itself, it seems.

Sounds bad..

So what happened? Did anything illegal happen? What did Trump do?

You clearly know something- spill!

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The rich play the taxes.

The rich fund the government.

It's not up for debate- where does they money come from when the bottom 40% pay no federal taxes? Santa Claus??

I don't think it matters if they're fleeing wars or cartels.
If they're willing to work and they can pass a background check, they're fine by me. Their economic output will be more than the cost to provide them with government services.

Why only legalize weed?
There's a common argument which conservatives make, which is "criminalizing guns won't make them harder for criminals to get." And for once, they're right. The best way to handle these sorts of things is to legalize and regulate them. Most drug overdoses happen because people get the wrong drugs, which is solved by regulation. Criminalizing drugs drives addicts away from seeking help. If everything is legal, we can monitor addicts and guilt them into attending counseling. "Tweaky Pete, if you don't attend the meth heads anonymous meeting this week, you won't get your weekly dose of meth!"

As for the people who DO remain in prison, we should be educating them. Boxing a bunch of criminals up with each other and then releasing them into a society that won't hire them for anything just leads to more crime. There should be programs, incentivized by Uncle Sam, which teach prisoners useful skills and then hire them as soon as their sentences are over to do useful, good-paying work. You don't have nearly as much motivation to sell coke if you have a sweet job operating C&C machines that pays $28/hr.

If he did anything illegal he needs to be prosecuted.

Other than internet memes- you should send all the evidence you have to the DOJ- they have bent searching for years for anything to hang on him- they would love your insight.

The filibuster.

You just repeated yourself with no self-awareness whatsoever.
If you don't want the rich paying all the taxes, level the income ladder.

C'mon, man.
You do know what bill has to be brought to the floor before a filibuster can be used to stop at right?