Lesbian sex pics/gifs/webm's and why girls who fuck girls is the one true carnal knowledge

Lesbian sex pics/gifs/webm's and why girls who fuck girls is the one true carnal knowledge

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>gay porn

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Are you the OP from yesterday that was trying to confess to her best friend? How did that go?

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Never started. Nerves. Another time.

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Such a shame. Remember that the only way to get what you want is to act on it yourself, but I definitively understand where the nerves are coming from. I'd be really nervous too, I am. kinda

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How would you want to take her? Do you want to taste her first? Have her use you?

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bottomless hotel room

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Fuck girlsex is hot

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Make love.

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That's really sweet. I can tell you seriously care about her. No matter what happens I'm certain she'll be flattered and understand where your feelings are coming from. She deserves to know after all, just as you deserve the chance to be happy

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that's hot

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I find lesbians even more cringe and amoral than even homosexuality.
Maybe it's just my autistic brand of patriarchal conservativism, but I'd rather see faggot shit than two cunts rubbing on each other.
Kind of a waste of a good womb and mammary glands.

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But I've got to say that the disposition of most lesbians are pretty based, they are often fairly indifferent or shun the opposite sex, view them as inferior and just an inconvenient part of society; based!
Gay men however are either effeminate and boastful, outspoken, outgoing, open and accepting and even encourage gaggles of fag hags to hang on their every word and motive, or are man for man beefcakes that just ooze offensive culturally GAY masculinity; both variants are very cringe.
My point is, gay men are based in action, but mentally retarded, most gay women are mentally based (even though morally corrupted) and act in sheer degradation and heathenism.
If faggots and lesbians could both be killed on discovery the world would be a better place.

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Women can't have sex, they can only masturbate each other.

Fingering each other, using toys, even lesbian cunnilingus isn't the same as sex, not even close. Fingering and using toys is just a prolonged foreplay, you would have a similar effect just by masturbating alone, and cunnilingus doesn't work for lesbians because typically if your pussy is being eaten it's a precursor to sex, but dildos are merely pale imitations of cocks, what all lesbians secretly want if it wasn't for thier hatred and/or fear of the men they pretend to not be attracted to. Dildos are cold and bland, they will only ever get as hot as your own internal body temperature, and sure you can buy dildos with cum tubes, but even the best "cum-based" lubes all fail to live up to a hot jet of warm, sticky, and fertile cum pumped with biological force that has been evolved over billions of years of evolution for the sole purpose of turning a pussy into a breeding hole. Strap-ons may be used to make the penetration feel more realistic but the 'penetrator' isn't going to show the same force thrusting with a lifeless piece of silicon as a man would with a nerve-filled cock. A vibrator feels good but it doesn't have the same end effect as thrusting does on the female brain, it's just a quick, empty orgasm that ends as quickly as it began. Even in UK law a woman cannot rape because they lack a penis, if even the Br*tish can recognize this biological reality surely the rest of the developed world can see it.

Don't get me wrong I'm all for hot women putting on a show- even if it's just for each other- but to call it "sex" is just factually incorrect. "buh-but fingering is basically the same as sex it's all penetration!!1" you may be thinking, and I must inform you that fingers lack the thickness or aerodynamics to even compare to a penis, which has easily twice the nerve ending density. As immoral as it may be, as least the gays are capable of sex.

Thank you for reading my schizo-post.

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That's pretty much true. The only acts that technically count for losing your virginity is vaginal penetration with a penis or anal penetration with a penis.

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Is that from a porn parody of Frozen?

yeah it was posted yesterday but i didnt save the linku, there is a whole bunch of gifs there

The source is in this thread (just search for the tumblr link, it doesn't let me post the link because it's spam)

Quit screwing around and get it done.

So just fan fiction clips? No big porn producers have made a 60-minute XXX "feature"?

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>Aerodynamics of a finger

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That's my friends daughter on the left.
Her mom and i had an on off thing for years.
This makes me smile. Good for her.


Right now there is hope. If I tell her only to find out she doesn't even want to try and just wants to stay regular friends... all hope is gone forever.

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Wouldn't you want to know?
This must be tourcher for you.