You couldn’t protect her smile

>you couldn’t protect her smile
We failed bros.....

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idk who this is but she makes me really uncomfortable

s Barbie from Mattell [sp]

she always seemed like she was one bad incident from a mental breakdown.

well her bandmatee sexually assaulted her countless documented times in CC but whatever


Celibate Cock, an underground d&b project.

Closed Captioning (The Band)

Cnail Cail, a rising indie rock band headlined by Cindsey "Clairo" Cordan

Christian Cancer

>it's an unapologetic nod at modern Gods & ancient horoscopes
>in which Alice Glass was forced to engage in sex with the man that propelled her to fame by remixing her having fun as an 18 year old with no discernable Date of Birth

Imagine being in a band with her and just hate fucking her like some old faithful cum sock whenever you desired and then whoring her out to the swarmy Jews at your record label

>please choke me ethan beat me up oh yeah bb i love it
Muh rape

crystal castles

lol this

being a "survivor" is a badge of honor for these whores and will fabricate details to obtain that

When did gwen stefani turn emo

Never thought of it this way. Victimhood mentality is in.

>Never thought of it this way
The fuck? How did that never cross your mind?

ok yeah, you had your fun.

Except she literally was physically abused & finally left the band despite worry. She was manipulated from a young age. Just some poor girl from Toronto, Ontario who enjoyed trying to get her grandmother's clothes to feel 'fresh' & 'fashionable' while matched with some band tees or flannel or something that a fan threw at her.

& the woman allowed you pricks to fingerfuck her every god ddamn show

but yeah, let's make her feel more objectively, objectified.

Don't give her credit.

Don't allow her credentials.

Don't even visit her Tumblr, or acknowledge her human traits.

Because you're never going to live up to her name even in the slightest, unless you're, for whatever reason, on this free shitpost tutorial website & also the odd member who has no regrets

>inb4 a bunch of sociopaths say no ragrets

carol city

>supports alice
>reddit spacing
>large comment with literally nothing of substance to say, just directionless white knighting
kill yourself

based as fuck

Gb2 reddit Soieboie
Why should we care if some dumb ass bitch makes poor life choices
Stop putting these people on pedestals

>victim blaming & shaming


Bad things happen everyday
Give me one good reason why i should care

This made me diamonds. Go on.

Clearly a woman or tranny faggot
Neck yourself

about which part? I literally don't know you. Please respond with your Credit Card details! I want to make them my bamd's new album cover! That's right, it's me Alice, from Christian Cancer!!

Fuck off Alice

okay well. It';s you're loss ass whOLE it would have been good exposuyre

I'm sorry Alice. Please respond.

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hey man, sorry she gave you the wrong digits.


She failed herself.

Crushed Cunt.

Shut up, Alice.

This isn;'t true! It was consensual! Alll these rap apologists are bad for my brand!

you made me think she was dead