Do you want children?

do you want children?

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I used to think no. My most recent ex was the first woman that made me change my mind, but now that we're broken up after almost five years together, who knows when I'll feel like that with someone again.

no but i wanna practice

Yeah, but I hope my future wife doesn't blow up like that.
You don't need two extra chins to be pregnant.

I never wanted children until I had one.
My daughter was born last December and the last 4 months have been the happiest and most fulfilling time in my entire 29 years of life.

To be honest until the moment she was born I had almost wished my girlfriend would’ve miscarried. I still have a lot of guilt about those feelings. But the first time I held that little thing I had never fallen in love so fast in my life.

My whole world view changed. I used to think mean things about women. Having a daughter changes that. I used to only care about myself. Changed.

Having a child is the peak of human experience and anyone who disagrees is chasing a Peter Pan syndrome dream.

A man never knows love until he holds his child for the first time.

Yeah, I'm in my late 30s, been married before, and all that. Nobody else has made me feel like I wanted to have a kid other than my ex. We'd already started trying for it before we broke up. I guess it's only been a few months, but I'm still mourning not only the loss of the relationship, but the family we planned to have.

I do want to have a kid, more than ever now, but I still can't imagine someone else being the mother of my child at this point. Guess that'll change in time.


I’m not a defective dead-end loser, yes.

>Why faggot?
Really want to bring a child into the current world full of niggers, pedophiles, faggots and watch them slowly get converted into zogbots while you're too busy working 40 hours per week so you don't starve and be homeless?

No not really. I feel like marriage and kids signals my death.

Shut the fuck up.
Are you retarded or did you never take 8th grade health class?
Anyone with a brain feeds the mother of their child well past the point of obesity because THATS HOW YOU GET A HEALTHY CHILD you fucking extra chromosomed cock smoking dipshit.
That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.
If your wife or girlfriend doesn’t blow up when she’s pregnant you will have a skinny and sickly baby.
Thankfully No woman would ever have a child with you anyways.

If you cannot tolerate 9 months of brown nipples and stretch marks then you should be castrated anyways.

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It gets better dude.
The fact is there is no such thing as a soul mate and god or whoever has another plan for you.

Adaptability is the best thing you can reach your child so start with yourself.
I wish I had a chance to better myself before my daughter. This is a blessing.

Obese women are extremely likely to have miscarriages. It is a spectrum, just like everything else in the world. Either extreme will result in illness/death.

Of course she'll gain weight, get some stretch marks and stuff, but she doesn't have to go full hamplanet like the woman in the op.

If they were obese before pregnancy they have a higher likelihood, true.
But pregnant women need A FUCKING TON of nutrients to make strong, healthy babies.
Obesity is a part of that.

How many kids do you have?

mcdonalds and soda don't count. try again.

None yet, I don't even have a wife, but op asked and I replied.

Don’t worry, I’ll wait...
No kids. Cool. Please keep it that way.
I hope you have a daughter. I hope she’s fat. I hope you’re the reason she decides to identify as a man.
I hope you cannot cope with that and feel like a failure because you are.

No but if I ever come across a woman who insists on having kids with me despite knowing certain things about me then I guess I'm having kids

Damn you're mad man, all because I said I didn't want my wife to have her own gravitational pull?
It's not like I'd leave her if she gained some chub during pregnancy, I'd support her in working that off again so she can stay healthy.

At this rate you never will.
No kids too?
Yeah thought so.
If your pregnant wife isn’t fat as shit your kid will be sickly and weak.
I’ll see you at the swim meet when my kid gets heat winner and yours is next to drowning in last.
>implying any of you cock suckers ever have kids

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Consider this your first of many failures in fatherhood.

>id gets heat winner and yours is next to drowning in last.
least i don't have to worry about mine becoming a troon faggot

No children
No gf

Suck my dick hater user, don't take my not being a chubby chaser personally, you can like what you want without my validation.

post pics of your gf then.
>you won't because you can't

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I don’t give a shit as long as my kid is happy.
No child detected.

>using children as a playing card to flex on the internet
pathetic. you're just as bad as (((them))).

Don’t take my saying “you will never reproduce.” Personally.
I got a sickness for the thickness.
I have a nice family and I’m a well adjusted adult so I would never even consider posting a picture of my girlfriend here for you sad faggots to jerk off to.

those are tits, black tits

Bringing white kids into the world and holding them on a firm leash to avoid the brainwashing and ensure they grow up healthy white conservative ubermensh os the only way to change the world, user. Letting the mudskins outbreed us is a non option

>I’m a well adjusted adult
and yet you are here.

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It’s pathetic that I prioritize my child’s happiness over what a bunch of virgin neck beards on the internet think?
You don’t know the first thing about my child and I’m keeping it that way.
See you at the swim meet, Poppa.
Unless you don’t have any children that is...

Like i would give a flying fuck about your kid anyway. Keep that cunt goblin off my yard.

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>Don’t take my saying “you will never reproduce.” Personally.
That is you being mean spirited though, you're wishing for me to not fulfill my aspiration of becoming a father.
You became irrationally mad at me and started talking mad shit, I hope any kids of yours don't inherit your mean spirited temper.

I was a National socialist from like 21-26.
One of the best choices I ever made was to make active decisions to worry about what I was doing and not what everyone is doing.

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I will give her 20 bucks any time she takes a shit on your front porch.
If you don’t have a kid yet. It ain’t gonna happen bud. That ship has sailed.

Bring a shovel.

>If you don’t have a kid yet. It ain’t gonna happen bud. That ship has sailed.
Fuck off, I'm 34 and I'll be able to impregnate women well into my dotage. You just want me to feel like shit because I don't share your fetish for Porcine Americans.

>I will give her 20 bucks any time she takes a shit on your front porch.
You really must be a shitty parent if you endanger your kid by jewing her into trespassing onto random people's property, not knowing anything about who lives there, whether or not the person is armed to the teeth, not knowing whether or not they kill any intruder on sight, all for a 'oh yeah? i'll show you!".
That is why people like you shouldn't be allowed to have kids.

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>fuck off im 34

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You must be a shitty person to have a conversation with if you cannot identify a joke.
That explains why you don’t have any friends and nobody goes out of their way to talk to you.

Check ‘em.

>oh sorry it was a joke i was pretending to be retarded
waste of quads.

same fag

>that ship has sailed

You're such a girl.

Autism detected.
Was totally me. Never claimed not to be.

You're trying to get under my skin, go be a bad troll elsewhere.

At least I’ve been inside one. Seethe homo.

she will enjoy the bbc

I have two girls, ages 7 and 9.

I completely agree with what this user said. Nothing has given me more meaning in life than to raise my children.

Imagine your biggest life’s achievement is spunking in some fat thot…. Well done neckbeard

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So you're a lesbian?
That explains why you're aggressing like one.

I will go to bed. I will go kiss my daughter goodnight first. Quietly as to not wake her. Then I will say a prayer for her like I always do, then I will go crawl into my kingsize bed with my girlfriend and our dog.

You will never experience this.

>LARPing this hard

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What is missing in your life since you feel the need to try to get under my skin this hard?

>do you want children?
I have two though.

Don't get me wrong I'm generally happy but when it's late at night and I'm the only person awake, I'm sitting with a beer and a joint, I just really wish that was my life at all times.

But that was last 6 hours ago, now it's 7.45am and I'm about to take my son to football training, Later I'll be taking my daughter to soft play with her friends and their dads. Hopefully we can fit a pint in at some point.

Not the life I want if I'm honest but it's the one I've got so I'm trying to make the most of it.

>I will go crawl into my kingsize bed with my girlfriend and our dog.
>dog in the bed
yeah you're right i'll never experience it you fucking tramp