Would you date a girl that made more money than you?

would you date a girl that made more money than you?

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thats not how this works. they wouldnt want to date me if i made less. women date upwards

true :(

yep, it's called hypergamy. That's why you have to treat her like she's beneath you, dick her down, then toss her to the side of the road.

My wife makes more than me, it makes no difference. She's always made more than me.

you're a massive beta male. Guaranteed your wife is sucking Jabari's dick on the holidays.

This makes no difference
Can she care for children?
Does she want children?
Does she care for her SO?
Can she take hardships for the benefit of the relationship?

more loyal questions are welcome

I'd fuck anything that would let me. I would never date because I have never met a female I would want to date and I would never date a male because I'm not gay.

Sure, but most surveys say she wouldn't date me based on her making more money than me.

I don't really care if they make more or less money. At this point in my life, I want someone who is loyal, kind, and I can have a family with. My income is sufficient regardless of what they make.

No one's going to pay her that much money to make sandwiches.

Yes, I am a lazy bum so why not let her pay for everything? As long as I get a cut then I don't care. Could use that money to fund my own endeavors.

Doesn't seem like being lazy to me, why put yourself down

I am pretty open about this sort of thing, but in my last relationship my gf got a promotion and started making more (at that point both low six figure range) and in a fight she threw it in my face as if her making more money made her too good for me or something. This is a very liberal/feminist type woman.

So in the future I'm going to be a little bit wary of this, I think there's something real about women losing respect for you. Same thing with being too agreeable/beta, at some level all/most women want to be dominated by a high-status man

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What endeavors if you're a lazy bum?

Because he wants people to think that earning less than your woman, automatically means you're a lazy bum.

>women date upwards

This is relative to the woman's values. A woman will date a broke guy as long as she believes he's better than her.

I married a woman who makes more than me, and I haven't had to work in 5 years.

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What a woman!

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I place very little value on money or material objects. If you can live happily, you’re earning enough. Whether she earns more or less, doesn’t matter to me if she has the right traits.

Oh I see. There are at least two different ways to read his post.

>in a fight she threw it in my face as if her making more money made her too good for me or something

Bad traits. Her true colours finally revealed

Because I am an idiot and an impatient retard
No, I really meant I am a twat.
Schooling, gaming, doing nothing, doing drugs, drinking, getting my shit together, and getting certifications and licenses I need to get my life in order. If it is being paid for by her dime then why not take advantage of a hot wife bread winner paying me to do what I want while also havin sex with her?
Of course, women who earn a lot want a man who earns more so it is nothing other than a fantasy.
Ever seen Married With Children?
I'd be Jefferson minus the good looks and charisma needed to pull this scheme off

So what do you do? Would your wife buy you a milling machine and a shop facility so you can make things you think of?

>No, I really meant I am a twat.
Fair, usually when people make posts like yours, it's an indirect burn towards other people, but I'll take your word on this.

Why else would I even defend the position of being a twat if I wasnt one?
If I could find a woman who was so self centered and liberal (being white would help) that she would gladly just spoil me to prove a point, then why not? I get money, to stay at home, and do what traditionally women used to do, which was just that, stay at home on easy street while the husband goes out and handles all the business. I prepare food, get paycheck, sex, and clean the house. I get to fuck the milkwoman and my wife. Sweet deal.

She ever complain about paying for your shit? Maybe I don't understand when you said fantasy. Are you saying that your days together are numbered? By getting your shit together what do you mean?

It is a fantasy. I am not currently in a relationship with a woman paying for my stuff at all. I am just saying what I would do if I was

Do you actually fuck other chicks?

Is that a rhetorical question? I said it was a fantasy. What I would do if I was in that situation, I am currently not in that situation

>Why else would I even defend the position of being a twat if I wasnt one?
Well you could have been a passive aggressive poster trying to influence people indirectly.
You're getting kinda defensive though, so I believe you user, you weren't what I initially thought.
I kinda think you should be be nicer when you talk about yourself though, you don't seem very impressed about yourself, not even to a normal level.

Oh snap. Thanks for the clarification. Have a good night.

>Would your wife buy you a milling machine and a shop facility so you can make things you think of?

What are you talking about? lol

Sounds like user wants to make furniture.

Yeah user, what's your deal?

I dont have much. I am not where I'd like to be and it is easier said than done to turn it around.
Yeah, u 2

Remember OCC?

>I dont have much. I am not where I'd like to be and it is easier said than done to turn it around.
Be that as it may, building up the mental effort needed to turn things around is easier if you aren't talking shit about yourself all of the time.
Just a thought.
Orange County Choppers?

Yeah. Milling machine, plasma cutter, solid works... boom chopper.

The conclusion I have come to is based on my past actions up until now. It isn't a negative self perception

Kinda did a swap. I worked whilst my gf was in higher education and popping out the kids then she got a job that paid as much as mine did and I got to drop down to working part time and be more involved with the kids. Kinda worked out sweet for me NGL.

Did her making more money get in the way of making sex?

Well as long as you aren't demotivating yourself all of the time, some introspection is good.

I dont need a cheerleader.

it's very true. If she's making more money, she's gotta bigger dick than you, you'll be the bitch.

Okay then.

Nah we usually fuck when we wake up and after the kids have gone to bed and sometimes just randomly when we are both in the house.

False. I've dated women who made more than me.

Exception that corroborates the rule.

How do u find them? Daddy needs a trick who'll work for him

For me being funny worked really well.

Then the rule doesn't exist, does it?


Go look up the concept of exceptions corroborating rules and then come back and ask me that.

Sounds like that rule only applies to your miserable life. Go talk to a woman and make friends.

project much?

this woman has everything I like, but too much of it.

Low IQ

How does that even make sense beyond you wanting to shit talk me?
I talk to women every day and I have a solid group of friends.

Lol. You sound like an incel. Mad at women because you're broke as fuck.

She's kinda ugly and bloated. Has a very middle eastern look. There is far better out there

Am I an incel if I have fucked hookers?
Check em and I am broke but dont hate women. I hate myself.

Bruh I'm not even the same user. Why are you so pressed

yeah, i meant i like a nice fat ass, a good schnozz, and the middle eastern look, but she has too much of each. to the point where it's gross and ugly. i do not like her.

Yeah, nothing wrong with those attributes separately or put together on maybe a different chick. If she has a great personality then MAYBE but even then. A personality can only go so far if you are kinda dumpy, not just some absolute obese fuck thinking being chill is a substitute for your physical attributes

IS this some sort of ponce interview? I'm not going to pimp a slut. I'd have to make her pay me and beat up people that pay her, sounds like a shit deal. I could make more at a mill.

I already do