For those with shitty lives, is there an excuse (or excuses) for why your life is shitty...

for those with shitty lives, is there an excuse (or excuses) for why your life is shitty, that involve(s) factors beyond your control? i'm trying to get into the mindset of someone with a shitty life, as independent research.

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i just wish i were dead but its illegal to kill yourself. i can only hope that the queen sends one of her royal guard assassins after me to kill me in my sleep because my word is less than that of the doctors police and the owners of the land

That is fucking retarded. What are they going to do, put your corpse in prison?

if you survive the attempt, you will likely be punished

There is no such thing as attempted suicide. There are those determined to end their own life, and people looking for attention.

not allowed to try and kill yourself
not sick unless the doctor says so, and even then they will say you have a made-up disorder to try and get you hooked on valium
illegal to not fill in the yearly "census"

forgot to include "to solve the worlds overpopulation problem" with the hopeful arrival of the queens assassins coming over but maybe they will just rely on COVID and vigilantes

even if i kill myself then ill go to purgatory or hell, or have to go and live this shit life again (which would mean id kill myself again eventually, living life again, so purgatory)

okay then, but if are looking for attention in that way, you will likely be punished, which is unfair considering all humans seek attention on some level, anti-suicide enforcement is punishing normal behavior

You're just full of excuses aren't you? It's not the duty of the rest of society to deal with whiny bitches like you.
Don't be a sniveling little faggot and get on with life. How fucking hard is that?

fucking attention whore. You wanna kys? Grab a fucking knife and end it and stop complaining.

Oh wait you're actually just a little faggot that wants to complain and get attention? Yeah thought so.

my life is actually really good, but it has been bad
the only thing most people need is time. time is out of our control for the most part

>the only thing im upset about really is how im not allowed to go and live in some mountains with a rifle and a tent. even if it were "no country" and i could shoot intruders with my gun to defend this land - the main problem with going and living in the wild being that there are no laws, so people could take your shit - which it isnt, because i would go to jail for shooting them anyway, but even if it were, then theres bound to be some countries official or enforcement or something eventually finding their way to me to be shot without me knowing (or them coming to take my land) and then everyone freaks out suddenly
>ive done that before when my life was shit and it was the best time of my life. better than now

the "shitty life" was when i was homeless

it was basically just going around and waiting on lists to be housed

i would say that the main problem/thing out of my control was being given a house, finally. if i were a drug user or woman then it would have been easier/harder idk
if you want a shit life then
>go to somewhere that doesnt need to house you
>somewhere that doesnt give a shit about drug users
>take heroin or crack
drugs or being a woman can make them give you houses earlier sometimes
but its just time and waiting

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With the qualitative nature of the research you’re doing, the very first step in asking questions should be to ensure that your question(s) can’t be answered with a simple yes/no. Also, be sure that you’re asking just one question at a time.

not allowed to kill myself because then id have to live this life again, where id eventually kill myself and repeat
or hell

if there is no afterlife then i was wrong but then still its "one time we get to exist" and we arent allowed to kill ourselves and instead have to just do this shit etc
and thats all life is in that case

Idiot. If you kill yourself there's nothing. This is your ONE life. And frankly, unless you're restrained for the rest of your life, killing yourself is straightforward if you want to.

Following the rules CLEARLY isn't getting you what you want. Time to break them.

you're just an asshole, i'm not even making excuses, i'm just telling the truth

I have PTSD and my auditory hallucinations have gotten worse
I tried to hang myself with some rope once but the rope snapped because I'm a fat fuck

Nah dude. The guy is right. You're complaining about shit instead of actually taking matters into your own hand.

BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORD. The whole "not allowed to do things". Is something physically stopping you?

How 'bout this. I grant you permission to kill yourself. Now go fucking doing it.

Well living in a shit town with no real jobs is kinda beyond my control but my life is mostly shitty because i'm a lazy cunt - i want to expend as little physical and mental energy as possible.
I just want to coast through life until my parents hurry the fuck up and die so i can then take my own life without worrying about how it'd effect them.

imagine being so fat fuck you so fat you see food when computers with food on computer

lol you fucking faggot, you know less than shit

Exactly, that little whiner wants the government or somebody to make him happy and fulfilled and doesn't even realize that the only person that can do that is you.

imagine being so fat the rope snaps when you hang yourself, here

You sound like a based Yea Forumsro.

tbf I was kind of like OP until I was 22 and then decided to actually be the person I wished I was. And it's been great since. Not easy, but I feel like I actually get what I want in life now. Don't think I was ever quite a sniveling asshole like OP though. Excuses are meaningless.

You want everyone else to take responsibility for your whiny ass and your pointless shit life. Do something about it you drain on society.

"drain on society" why do you even care? what a faggot

the only "sniveling asshole" here is you, mister dunning kruger man

Well said, You'll feel good about yourself when you make the w2orld a better place. You carry your own weight, and give back something to society and do something to volunteer at a local level.
Maybe that useless faggot might find a girl that would also improve his quality on life

>You carry your own weight, and give back something to society and do something to volunteer at a local level

tryhard bullshit

Because everyone who works and contributes has to pay for lazy losers like you. Why don't you anhero and save us the money?

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Yuup. Found myself a mission in life. And a wife. AND a girlfriend to boot. Life is pretty good. I now work part time, spend my days gaming, lifting, fucking, and sometimes working. Don't really need more than that.

Keep wallowing in your self pity like the useless failure loser like you are.

>Because everyone who works and contributes has to pay for lazy losers like you

then why don't you change the system? talk about lazy

>Don't really need more than that.

right, because you're a simple-minded retard

Says the lazy loser who has every excuse in the book to keep being a lazy loser.

When you don't bother to even do the basics to have a healthy life you would never understand.


I was born ugly, so that's already a disadvantage. Plus I've got ADHD and depression, so my brain doesn't work properly.

I lost the genetic lottery, basically. It happens.

i feel like you're lying

Being a loser doesn't help, make your life better. You get out of life what you put into it. The world is never going to meet you halfway, if you want something you have to go out and get it.

what the fuck is this generic fucking dudebro advice youre such a flaming faggot user

Op, I really pray to Satans big balls that you and your whole pedo family get raped by a pack of niggers and die of cancer.

ok boomer

Just keep being a waste of the finite amount of baryonic matter in the universe. That'll make your life better.

Holy shit you're more of a loser than I thought.

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i would rather be a waste of matter than a tryhard faggot like you

ok boomer

There is no hope for the zoomer generation.

im not the other user that replied to you, or the other one you grouped me up with when calling us both fags
you are a faggo

Very bad luck+ laziness+ grew up around blacks+ autistic+ lack of motivation+ sadness

But, you are a fag.

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What bad luck have you had aside from being around niggers too much?

ADHD / Depression gang here!

Stop making excuses. You can have a GREAT life with both of those. ADHD gives you superpowers as much as it interferes with life - learn to harness that shit.

Also FUCK the captcha is shit for me today

>Being a loser doesn't help, make your life better. You get out of life what you put into it. The world is never going to meet you halfway, if you want something you have to go out and get it
What a load of bullshit. Is this what you become by swalloing nigger cum all the day?
Life fucks you every chance it's get, so fuck life back every time you got the oppurtunity.

Formerly shitty life, now very successful. It's luck. It honestly is. Some people get born into shitty situations. Some people get born into good situations and their parents die, leaving them with nothing. Some people get born into amazing situations and become ill and struck down by it so hard that every time they get a cup of jello at the hospital they dig into it with their fingers because they need to let the voices out.

Success itself is highly related to luck. I had the right set of skills to be marginally successful, middle class. But I met a guy with a similar, complementary skillset and we work together very well, so we started a business. I thought I'd be hitting 6 figures sometime around the end of my career if I was lucky. Based on my family history, that would have been 4-5x what the people in my family generally made anyway, so I thought I was lucky. After randomly meeting this guy, getting along in our first meeting, reaching out to him at one point for totally unrelated reasons years later, and starting a business with him even later than that, I can't say that the bulk of my success, I now make a shitload more than I ever thought I would. I'm not rich because the scale of things is enormous, but I wouldn't say that around people I know who aren't even middle class.

The formula for success really boils down to right place, right time, right skills. If they don't all line up just right, your maximum potential is probably middle class, because there really are not that many mechanisms for people who do not have money already to make significant amounts of money. The one cheat code right now (in the US) is software engineering, but not everyone is capable of it despite what every asshole with a business to suppress wages for says.

Luck AND mindset. You were willing to take the risk to start the business. OP clearly would just bitch "well that's not gonna fucking work" if presented with an opportunity.

Your attitude certainly isn't going to help you there. I don't work with people who say the N word. Ever. Because I want black customers. I want my black friends to know they're safe around me so that I don't lose friends or business opportunities in the future.

You are handicapping yourself with that attitude.

It's never your fault huh? That is the mindset of a total loser.

you are in a pyramid scheme

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>You were willing to take the risk to start the business.

I had hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank, an amazing partner, and seed investors supplied through that partner. I wasn't making the massive leap you think I was. Even if it failed, I could have gone to get a job for 300k with less than 3 months of interviews with my skillset, which I also got lucky with. If my father hadn't died, I would never have gotten that education because he was a bit of a luddite who didn't trust technology.

So you're some woke virtue signalling faggot?

>It's never your fault huh? That is the mindset of a total loser.
Never said that, it doesn't matter whos fault it is, just take every oppurtunity you have to take what you want. Guess it's hard to grasp for a burger, sorry.

Keep your niggers, tread them well, be raped and killed by the nigs. Have fun.

Even if I believed all the racist or homophobic shit people here spew, I wouldn't work with someone who was comfortable saying it openly because it loses me money. It's not virtue signaling to not be a dick to people. I'm taking literally 0 actions.

Where do you live.

You seem like a perpetually poor person. I would not associate with you. I would actively remove you from my life or keep you out of it.

Yeah.... niggers gonna nig.


If they're so dumb, why are you worried? Seems like maybe what you're worried about is that you're dumb and that if you don't have someone to be automatically beneath you, you are automatically at the bottom.

Not worried. Live in a mostly white community. Just surprised that so many people think we're actually equal genetically.