

Attached: leftism.jpg (1000x1000, 108.61K)

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Agreed. Bunch of protected faggots that need extra Jewish tools to back them up

Attached: 1647494023101.jpg (768x1090, 252.45K)

Ah yes, it's the lefties trying to prevent teachers from talking about sex, which race was enslaved and how many times treaties were broke with native americans.

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Keep Europe white
Kill and castrate shitskins

Attached: 1649261351322.png (640x941, 1.22M)

Not at all. The louder you fucknuts get... the more people swing left to escape the nuts.

>lefties trying to prevent teachers from talking about sex
to 6 year old children that are supposed to learn very basic interaction skill and basic knowledge in objective skill (read: topography, calculus, history).
Any social norms and values are way above their level. Even if theres 1 thats a fucking genius, he should be learning calculus and maybe starting physics.

Ok groomer

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DoNt EraSe MuH HisToreeee!!!

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name 4 african countries?
what year did ww2 end?
who invented anti-biotics?


Tell me how many genders there are.

Attached: hate speech.png (647x561, 283.82K)


btw almost all the american textbooks are made in texas.

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>how many genders you think there are

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>leftism dies without censorship
The irony is amazing

Attached: r the donald cause lefties hate free speech and righties don't care about moderation.png (1088x3779, 740.46K)

>6 year olds should be learning calculus
This retard thinks he should have an opinion

Why is it that the Right, champion of the Free Market, fails to understand that private companies can do what they want.

Attached: X9jgrqL.jpg (1024x533, 155.48K)

They don't understand free speech means you can't be put in jail for your opinions, not that you're owed a platform for them.

I don't even know what American's mean when they say "left wing" or "right wing" anymore.

are you saying reddit (the website that asks you if you are trans as soon as you sign up) is right wing?

Attached: gotta.png (720x597, 504.43K)

wtf I hate Texas now

>r/the_donald isn't right wing cause it's on reddit
Woah, own libtards with this one simple trick!

The private companies owned by billionaires?
The companies like fox news?
What about baking cakes for gays?
What about deciding who uses their bathrooms?
What about mask policies?
What about vaccination decisions?
What about hiring who they want to?

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Personally, I hate everyone.

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>lying in such a blatant manner so you don't look like a hypocrite

Attached: happy eliza.jpg (482x376, 51.92K)

>right wing
>guns, Jesus, freedom, babies
>left wing
>gays, drugs, communism, colored hair
basic guide

Yeah, what about them? Are you trying to make a point here?

Maybe in the same way that you're not a bigot even though you dislike republicans.

Also, trump held up an lgbt flag once and met a black person.

Trump is not very far right.

Attached: drag trans crime.png (820x813, 876.14K)

Sign up for a new account retard.
See what happens.

Attached: NO THEY DON'T.jpg (907x1360, 732.51K)

Maybe he's going to go on that twitter is discriminating against mentally disabled people by banning republicans on twitter.

>knowing what happens when you make a reddit account
Reddit, pls fuck off

Satanic Trips

shame too that not knowing stuff doesn't stop you from calling someone a liar.

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I think I did.

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So you, a right-winger, know what happens when you make a reddit account? But you think there are no right-wing people on reddit? Even though you're on reddit?
Do you understand why people call you a fucking idiot to your face yet? I'll give you a hint: It's because you're a fucking idiot

A commercial believer.
BTW I think I can tell you're not very bright and all you have is you group identify - like what you imagine a racist to be.

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I didn't say there aren't any.
I make accounts and call people faggots and get banned over and over.

I'm also not an american and therefore not an american right winger.

I've also gone to church without being religious - or is that impossible?

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>I'm also not an american and therefore not an american right winger.
So you're a Russian troll who's getting buttblasted by actual freedom of speech?
Hey Ivan, maybe stop sucking Putin's dick for long enough to realise that the Ukranians don't need saving by you, they need saving from you

>BTW I think I can tell

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additionally, since we're using commas, a right winger, by some standards, is further from me than you are from a "right winger".

Again, sign up a new account and find out for yourself instead of believing based on no information (like you do about genders).

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I added that for a false modesty flavor. You like it?

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Let's be honest user, you added because you thought it made you look smarter

Verbal intelligence based in the English language higher in the party consisting of almost 100% native speakers than the party of immigrants and refugees, most shit

>posting the same old article that cherry-picked results and is inaccurate
lmao seethe harder

Attached: smart people tend to be more liberal.jpg (849x176, 55.67K)

Inclusivity is censorship

>r/the_donald is really a left-wing thinktank!
Do you even hear yourself? Just stop

>So you're a Russian troll who's getting buttblasted by actual freedom of speech?

You're doing racism right now.
(In case you think not being racist makes you better than other people - which might be funny.)

I'm not russian either.

Noam chomsky is (a russian jew and a leftist) has a quote I still like from my own leftist youth.

>Hey Ivan, maybe stop sucking Putin's dick for long enough to realise that the Ukranians don't need saving by you, they need saving from you

Tell me one thing you know about Ukrainian.

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No, but did it?

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Here's another for you

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What you wrote is nonsense.

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No, it made you sound like part of the republican base, but a little more uncertain.

Not going to bother checking your headline.

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Yet another study.

Attached: right wing beliefs linked low intelligence.jpg (739x622, 149.93K)

What does "inclusivity" mean.
Does it mean including people who believe different things than you do?

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Not even a chart?
Do you have the study or the article for me?

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>can't respond
>"here's an unrelated study that shows I can move the goalposts now stop BTFO'ing me pls"
lol you seem mad

Attached: conservative beliefs and low iq linked to prejudice.jpg (657x393, 92.52K)

Yeah, see

Attached: right wing lower emotional intelligence.jpg (1104x730, 233.14K)

a recent one about White liberals being mentally ill

One of many about being fat meaning lower intelligence


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So liberals are more likely to see a psychiatrist while conservatives are more likely to just crack and go on a random shooting spree.
And you think this helps your argument? Kek good one

No, it's completely relevant.

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Musk owning majority share over twitter is trying to protect free speech, it's always a narrative with the left that they enforce on our views and perception. People are starting to realise that those who speak controversial get axed. Alex Jones was the first test and they succeeded, going further with their agenda and every small brain is unaware or supportive of mass censorship for the sake of fee fees. In Australia for example, they are using cyber safety measures to combat trolls or people in general who speak their mind. On fagbook I've seen so many shills protecting politicians rights to sexualize children and indoctrinate them into troon/homo crap, and even shilling up pages/groups with propaganda. It's a disturbed world we live in now days. Years ago on the internet you could spout whatever the fuck you wanted without repercussions but now everyone's fucking soft

You know to expect right wingers to be less intelligent is prejudice.