Posting this from another thread so it gets more exposure

Posting this from another thread so it gets more exposure
Most people know this is bait but for the others who are somehow actually falling for this you need to realize that a girl will never know what your dick looks like until you're about to fuck. At that point you've done enough foreplay that it doesn't even matter she will just want you. Porn is unrealistic, a lot of women don't want huge 8+ inch dicks because it hurts them and you probably won't even be able to go balls deep anyway. And for the ones that do belong to the streets, you can do better than that.

If you have a small dick all you have to do is get really really good at eating pussy. Make her cum. Women just want to get off and I promise you that if you can make her cum by eating her out and then having sex she will prefer that every single time over mediocre sex with a big dick. Good luck anons. Be confident. Fake it if you have to

Attached: 0018-187Fb64[1].jpg (774x720, 87.99K)

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Im bumping this purely because you're looking out for our impressionable young uns, in the face of a coordinated tranny/"middle eastern" alliance.
Good job user.

bumping because this girl is hot af to me. post more if you got em.

cervical bruising is no joke.

yea need more of this girl

My cock is 5 inches and I've caused my girl to have pain before because I'm a dumbass. Just seems to depend on your luck. The 2 girlfriends I had before I could slam as hard as I wanted and I wasn't reaching.

Totally agree and I have a 7 incher. Having a big dick really doesn't help you get laid because it's not on show, and you would just come across a creep if you went around telling girls your dick size

Vaginas can be different depths - who would have figured?


As a man with a big, girthy dick. I usually scare the women I fuck when they see it for the first time. I've gotten way more "Oh man let's take it slow/That might not fit" and basically none of "Oh yeah, finally a real man". My fiancee tells me that she usually has a tear on her labia after we have sex and how uncomfortable it is.

All this at 6.5-7 in length and 6 in girth