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name of the song?

Fascism is the ultimate form of anarchism. A fascist is merely an anarchist who is not willing to let the freedom of the weak get in the way of his freedom.

In this day an age, there is nothing more punk rock transgressive or countercultural than being an actual, unironic, honest to god national socialist. sure back in the 1980s when AIDS was still a thing it might have been edgy to be an androgynous faggot like bowie or boy george, but in this day and age when transgenderism is promoted by all the major capitalist corporations. Want to really piss people off? Read SIEGE. there is nothing more transgressive than Hitler.

Nazism is the new punk rock


imagine having a mind so warped by politics that youve actually convinced yourself that this "song" is remotely listenable

fuck, green room is such a good movie

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people seethe over this but it’s true. im not NS but it’s patently clear that nazism/racism is the most transgressive offense to the mainstream, so embracing that as big fuck you to everyone is extremely punk

this movie was fucking awful

a few 120lb waifish faggots killing 30 fully armed neo nazis was somehow less believable than alien attacks or vampires

nazism has been part of punk from the very beginning. communism and fag shit were too but those are incredibly accepted and mainstream nowadays while nazism if anything has become even more edgy than it was in the 70s

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They barely killed 6 (including Patrick Stewart). and lost 4, considering one of them was martial arts pro
And how your weight influence the ability to shoot the fucking gun, retard?

Has Jello ever punched a Nazi?

this sort of shit is why people hate the punk scene. Literally just edgy for edginess sake.

Some punk groups are homoerotic.

So this is the final phase of, "conservative is the new counter culture"?, Geez m8 some euphoric fellas really need to feel cool lmao

Political shit worked better then because it was another way of disrupting complacency
By today though this reactionary-ness has become preachiness and the very reaction against complacency that punk represented has become complacent.

You're not familiar with the revolutions of 89 are you?

>"PUNKS" in 2019
give me a fucking break kid

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You’re a fucking retard Glad to see you can get your thoughts out there

Says the moron who posted this unironically

antifa are the ones who go around punching people who aren't even doing anything wrong though

All the punk bands who wore nazi imagery stopped once people thought they were serious and were getting support from actual skinheads

Not him retard lmao

they're useful idiots
this shit is a joke

>boomer can't into hardcore punk

name-calling is all you have. how sad

you mean it stopped when punk became popular and bands cared more about selling records than offending people

hmm yes m'lordy quite pathetic indeed hmmhmm

i listen to harsh noise and powerviolence
dead kennedys arent too hardcore for me, they just suck

t. revisionist

>tranny can't into hardcore punk




>being a populist fuckwit is punk

no retard

>t. seething incel manlet

lol, youre the revisionist

80s punk bands didnt give a shit about nazi ideology, they just didnt like skinheads moshing too hard and beating the shit out of their fans and making their shows "unsafe"

the nazis were just too punk for them :(

based and redpilled

>80s punk bands didnt give a shit about nazi ideology
>the nazis were just too punk for them
that's contradictory

gotta love a song with a good message

If antifa were fucking shit up at shows back then they would've written a song about it

>He doesent like the surf rock influenced hardcore of the dead kennedys

Kill yourself zoomer

>dead kennedys in 2019

Pic didn't attach

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>tfw i do not even hate jews, fags of blacks, but i am going full fash out of sheer ennui at the mainstream culture of consumerism and conformity

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t.b.h. this

*Nazi Trumps

This is Jello Biafra's fursona

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Holy shit this is horrible even if you ignore the cringe

“being a conservative is the new punk!”
lol yeah stuck-up prissy old white guys like Donald Trump who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth are soooo punk


Cursed image

Attached: powerful curse.jpg (301x330, 14K)

Jello hasn't been that thin in a long time.

Hitler’s the biggest pearl-clutcher of all time

You are absolutely right comrade, Beyonce is more punk rock than any given set of white guys with guitars

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Imagine being a Nazi apologist.

Hitler wasn't a fascist.

Please explain bad english thanks

Imagine being a very very gay gay gay tranny commie nigger love. Suck pretty pink cocks in hell you nation wrecking heeb kike. I hope you get blood eagled by a pack of soccer moms who are angry about the lyrcis to norf norf.

lol Beyonce is a capitalist pig and NOT a feminist figure. why would you assume i like her?

Because you're a nigger nigger niggerr.

ironically, im actually probably more Aryan than you

lol no actually i am infact 10 tijmes as aryan

This might sound like a mindfuck to you normies, but what if Hitler was actually the Avatar, the reincarnation of God on this earth, or rather the destructive aspect of God. Hitler did not die, the Fuhrer slumbers in the halls of Shambhala deep inside the Hollow Earth, under the Himalayas, waiting for the right moment to arrive.

Hitler is God and Charles Manson is his Prophet. Unfortunately, Manson couldn't complete his task, so it's up to us to bring about Helter Skelter, that is the final War, the cleansing fire that will bring an end to the Kali Yuga. Accelerationist Hitlerism, my man. We gotta make Helter Skelter happen.It sounds insane, but I have seen it, I have seen the Black Sun after hours of meditation I glimpsed it. I was absorbed by the rotating unlight, I have embraced damnation. Only the reborn national socialist movement will be able to trigger the final conflagration: Helter Skelter. Then and only then, at the hour of absolute chaos, will we witness the awakening of the Fuhrer, who never died, the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, the Avatar, who slumbers under the Himalayas at the halls of Shambala. Hitler was the prefiguration of kalki the destroyer, human all too human, too merciful and restrained. when Kalki wakes, he will be ruthless and bloodthirsty beyond your wildest imagination. come with me my brother, listen to the call of the blood as a knight of agartha, together we will realise imposible dreams

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> so mad he had to use all 3 buzzwords


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Imagine being a Nazi apologist. BIG yikes!

how much meth do you smoke daily?

>Fascism is the ultimate form of anarchism.

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imagine resorting to all caps on Yea Forums

Yikes yikes yikes




Both sides suck HTH bingbingwallawallabingbong famalam

so fucking based

I am a committed NS revolutionary. every weekend I meet with other NS revolutionaries for paramilitary training and discussion of NS. We also engage in what some may call 'homoerotic' activities, but not a gay way as leftists do, but in a tactical way, as a means of building comradeship and solidarity and keeping out spies and infiltrators(it is a well known fact feds wont suck dick)

Yikes, cool it with the

yo yo yo watch out with all the

believing whatever reddit/cnn/vice and the new york times tell you sure as hell aint punk rock. punk rock is populist and DIY movement, its not up to experts or liberal elites to determine what punk rock means

sid just wanted to dab on the boomers and wagies

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i wish i could be this based without being shot by niggers

Whole lotta triggered whiteys in this thread

if you fight each other the police state wins

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the police state is run by sjws and gay leftists. if you truly antipolice, you will be right wing and homophobic

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>Fascism is populism
>Not a retarded yourself
Um sweetie

I hope this is ironic

Would joining the army be a good way to meet girls?

>i listen to harsh noise and powerviolence
Wow, you're cool.

Its O9A bro, its not sincere or ironic or post ironic, it is iniciatic, its about harnessing the occult acausal power of the forbidden the abominable and the unspeakable in order to achieve the imposible, the road to enlightenment passes through the foulest and most debased atrocity, the most horrifying blasphemy, when its all over you will be bathed in the purest light, the inexistent light of the black sun

if you're a field hockey captain absolutely
otherwise fuck no

i'd listen to surf rock influenced hardcore with ns lyrics

>name-calling is all you have. how sad
Lmao retard like I give a fuck

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Punk is gay. Counter-revolution and traditional values are patrician af.

based radical centrist