Ugh my gf is so normie she doesn't even listen to billie eilish
Ugh my gf is so normie she doesn't even listen to billie eilish
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stay mad babyboy ;)
Reading that reddit post killed a couple braincells
hell yeah dude
>to think these people can go through life without a lack of crippling self aware anxiety is the true crime. Really makes me think there is no god.
Teens are literally like aliens who are also autistic.
>omg i listen to xxxtentacion im so weird
hang yourself mate
is this a real post
I mean, the whole thing seemed like either a joke or a 12 year old.
It's ok, their lives are full of problems of their own making but they're too stupid to realize or solve it
i went through this guy's posts. definitely not a joke
Yeah, people on this board don't seem to realise that billie eillish isn't even top tier normie. The level of most people's music listening is even more normie than that. Yesterday I saw someone saying that shoegaze/dreampop are normie genres.
Some people on here really need to go outside for once.
Beach House, Billie Eilish and Drake are all normie in varying degrees, 'normie' is a spectrum
Normies actually pride themselves on listening to "indie" artists like twenty one pilots and Billie Eilish.
I would murder for a cute girl who likes pump and drake. Am sick of my faggy friends who are so autistic about music to the point they can't just enjoy a cool track. Nothing wrong with drake and pump.
>me, an intellectual: listen to x
>she, the normie: listen to lil pump
I think not realizing that everything is relative is the most cringe.
>me, the ascended master: listen to city morgue
get out
Kek I always put lil pump, drake, billie eillish and xxx under pretty much the same pop culture umbrella. Sometimes I forget that there is another layer of "normie" beyond what many people here consider normie. Watching h3h3, idubbz, etc; browsing reddit; and listening to tame impala or whatever is actually considered alternative compared to the true mainstream culture.
She’s extremely popular to girls under 18 who I’ve seen and overheard a lot of in public
H3h3 is complete normie tier now. Their original fans abandoned them I think.
it's not really alternative though because that stuff has millions of views and sales and charts on the billboard. yeah it's probably considered "alt normie" though, shit like h3h3 and rick and morty and x (not drake though he's definitely a-list).
the tier below that would be like mac demarco, "art hoes/college art kid" type shit
This is 100% a high school student who is just stoked he has a gf and wants to post something about it without seeming like he is bragging
I still like idubbbz 2bh because he just makes weird shit about squirrels now and completely disregards and shits on his fanbase
He even bragged about her looks in the comments
Still, I think it's fair to put h3h3 below logan paul or whatever.
I hate those kind of people.
Ethan and Hila should be more cultured, they are relatively plebeian.
At least with the pauls there's no pretense they're catering to children and selling dogshit merch
H3h3 is fucking terrible
>Should I stay in a relationship with someone I don't like at all? What do y'all think?
Fucking idiot.
A list normie: radio music, household names, your parents will know them. Kind of bland usually and mass produced. Think Taylor Swift, Drake, Kanye West (although more artistic), Bieber, Lady Gaga, Eminem, Justin Timberlake, Coldplay, Adele, Ed Sheeran, Ariana Grande, Beatles/MJ/Queen type for older bands
Alt-normie tier: Soundcloud rap, radio alternative, tumblr oriented pop. Has darker/edgier imagery than the a-list and maybe a little bit more varied sound but not really. Still very popular but has more subculture like fanbases. Not necessarily good but different from the a-list mass appeal acts. Think Lana Del Rey, 21 Pilots, XXX, Lil Pump, Billie Eilish, Lorde, Frank Ocean, Brockhampton, Halsey, Melanie Martinez, Tyler the Creator, Tame Impala, Arctic Monkeys, Logic, maybe even fucking kpop falls under this in the West in terms of popularity. old 90s alt rock like Nirvana/Weezer/RHCP are probably here now
Indie normie: Not really well known by mainstream normies and known by some alt normies but not truly underground. Has subculture fanbase, probably a big internet thing. It's probably more likely to be independent oriented. Not mainstream top 40 tier but popular enough to chart and play tv/festivals. College kids and "hipsters" may like them. Mac Demarco, Animal Collective, a lot of p4k BNM artists, LCD Soundsystem, Beach House, Fleet Foxes, Bon Iver, Father John Misty, Vampire Weekend. I'm not sure where Radiohead would go, maybe here.
go deeper
srs? we get about 2-3 good drake tracks for every 20~ track album. pump fell off after his debut. there's better normalfag shit out there than the forced meme and the child actor that bought his way into a "mob" lifestyle because he thought it looked cool in the movies.
>kanye in top tier
>Lorde not in top tier
Middle America normie: Classic rock, country, post grunge. When it comes to new music, it's either throwback fare like Greta Van Fleet or some band that sounds like Creed or 3 Days Grace. The fans of Staind, Nickleback, Shinedown, Breaking Benjamin, and radio country. Lots of the shittier classic rock that young people don't care about but still gets played on the radio goes here. Motley Crue, Eagles, Kiss, Aerosmith, Foreigner, Steve Miller, stuff like that. Could also be the average boomer.
Soccer mom normie: bland soft rock and adult contemporary. Usually very safe and squeaky clean. Smaltzy ballad shit like Celine Dion. Christian rock. Bands young people mostly don't care about. Have high sales but not really relevant outside of this and middle america normie demo. Mainstream normies might like it but mainly the older ones. Imagine Dragons, modern U2, Lenny Kravitz, Switchfoot, John Mayer, Gavin Degraw, Mumford and Sons, the sappier post-grunge. Maroon 5 and Onerepublic might fit both here and a-list.
Their music tastes sound pretty similar to me
lorde is borderline, kanye's music is different from mainstream normie tier but the name recognition is just too high not to put him there
middle america normie is basically just a redneck lmao
Listening to Yea Forumscore is normie on Yea Forums.
Radiohead is alt-normie. Not sure how Radiohead is lower than Weezer in the "normie" rankings.
Yeah I thought about it. That's why I said not sure. Probably bigger than Weezer, I mainly put Weezer there because they just had a chart hit (africa).
Good point, what's considered "normie" is relative to where you are. I guess what I was referring to was the most base level of normie, an utter lack of independent taste/thought, NPC tier. Billie is still normie, just amongst people who think their tastes are "alternative." Hence not being top-tier normie. With regards to the shoegaze/dreampop being normie, I was relating it more to people who had no vested interest in music. To listen to shoegaze/dreampop, you have to have at least some interest in the music itself, whereas with someone like Billie, you're still only listening to what you've been told to listen to. That's the clarification I wanted to make.
I hate the word normie.
Stay cringe, redditor
Weezer had multiple major hits. Radiohead had maybe 1.
>Greta Van Fleet
You know that terrible band Greta Van Fleet? I think they're absolutely abysmal. I think they're terrible. I think it's a joke. But they're an example of a band, because they're pretty young boys, they look like a boy band, they play this really piss-poor, third-rate impersonation of Led Zeppelin. But they're pretty and they've had all the help of the media, the commercial machine, behind them and they've been able to reach a massive audience almost overnight by playing third-rate music. I don't believe for one minute that anyone will even remember who they are in 10 years.Now, I might be wrong. Maybe they'll prove me wrong. Maybe they'll suddenly develop into a good band and make a good record. But the point is, at the moment, they're not. They're like a boy band version of Led Zeppelin.
Radiohead seems to have more views on their youtube videos, and OK computer sold pretty similarly to the blue album I think. In America Radiohead might be less popular than Weezer, and vice versa in Britain, idk about other countries. Also Weezer is probably more popular among zoomers than Radiohead. Overall I think they're pretty similar in terms of popularity.
weezer have had 8 top 100 hits, radiohead have had 5 apparently
radiohead do better in terms of album sales though, they have 4 albums that went platinum in the US, as does weezer, but radiohead had 2 #1 albums while weezer never has, and every radiohead album has went at least gold in the US (even moon shaped pool) while not every weezer album has been certified.
radiohead honestly probably have a slight edge due to greater album sales despite weezer still being relatively popular with teens compared to other 90s bands
Npc tier would be "enjoying" whatever is playing on the radio without any thought to it - club classics on kiss FM or whatever. They only know music from movie soundtracks and when you ask them their favourite song you get the fluoride stare. They also think bjork is a band.
I'm gonna try to guess these
Weezer's hits
>buddy holly
>say it aint so
>beverly hills
>pork and beans
>hash pipe
>if you're wondering if i want you to
>karma police
>fake plastic trees
>high and dry
>idk that song from romeo and juliet?
I think user's tryna say that both of them have similar tastes
Weezer was actually this
>undone - #57
>buddy holly - #18
>say it aint so - #51
>beverly hills - #10
>perfect situation - #51
>pork and beans - #64
>if you're wondering - #81
>africa - #51
Radiohead was this
>Creep - #34
>High and Dry - #78
>Fake Plastic Trees - #65
>Karma Police - #69
>Nude - #37 (because of the free download thing for in rainbows)
Rock bands do better in album charts.
Arctic Monkeys are a pretty popular band in the US and they don't have that many hit singles here.
I fucking despise redditards.. most obnoxious pieces of shit on the internet
>africa charts higher than the sweater song
>raditude single becomes a hit
>beverly hills top 10
fuck this country
lurk moar op
correct, except maybe minus the alien bit
>billie isn’t even top tier normie
do you live under a rock user?
>60 replies because of a reddit screenshot
I hope everyone's families here fucking die in a car crash and you all have to live through it suffering.