deathgrind edition
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deathgrind edition
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judas priest sucks
looking for bands that sound similar to this:
true. they tried to sell out how many times, 4? 5?
First they went pop metal, then they went AOR, then they went glam metal, then they went groove metal.
I respect a band like Metallica more, at least they only sold out once, even though their shitty sellout period lasted like 2 decades. at least their discography isn't CHECKERED with sellouts between every good album.
Anyone else checked this out? Kinda odd.
>b-but muh epic leather daddy faggot singer
Leave the hall.
metal noob here also looking for recs
this is the only album so far ive really enjoyed
Faggot band
try reddit
t. rifflet
they don't really have riffs though do they?
just generic alternate picking on basic chord progressions
>faggot band
Favorite Black Metal Album:
Favorite Horror Movie:
Culte des ghoules - henbane
House by the cemetary
eat shit
dead's group before he joined mayhem is better than mayhem.
What are some of those other modern metal cover artists like Denks Forkas?
melodeath sucks
melodeth is the only good death metal
The best death metal is very melodic
Post metal albums with hilarious as fuck vocals
Shit opinions
What do you guys think is the best Canadian metal band?
>Favorite Black Metal Album
In the Constellation of the Black Window
>Favorite Horror Movie
Cabin in the Woods
Why is no one talking about the new Amon Amarth album?
What’s that grind band that has an “instrumental” that’s just the sound of some guy peeing?
Crytopsy, besides the deathcore album, even the 'bad' ones are enjoyable
Beyond Creation, Clavicus Vile, Exocrine
Right now my favorite is Thantifaxath
Some guy was talking about it in the previous thread.
This reminds me of that I’ve never actually heard anything by Amon Amarth or Children of Bodom
Hard to say. Blasphemy, Cryptopsy, Voivod, Akitsa, the list could go on.
>Why is no one talking about the new Amon Amarth album?
All a bit different, but maybe you'll find something good in them.
Voivod or Monarque, I guess.
Amon Amarth is good but feels monotonous after an album or two. Their recent album for me was pretty hit or miss; felt like a lot of their songs were falling into that pop metal format of mostly chorus.
Children of Bodom is hit or miss. I like their older shit.
good taste and nice madoka
Listening to them right now, they sound really great, user, I can see why they're your favourite, there's certainly alot of great Canadian black metal I never really knew about
Under the Sign of the Black Mark
The Shining
Thanks, based compliments poster.
Moonblood - Blut und Krieg
Zombi 2 if zombies count, and otherwise The Shining.
All their releases have been 10/10 for me. Can’t wait for their new album. Sombres forêts is another band that I really like, their last album is one of my fav albums in bm.
>bass solo take 1
Post your favorite riffs motherfuckers
>>bass solo take 1
cause it's probably shit
Im a vocalist and my friends a drummer, said he wants to make progressive metalcore. What the fuck is that and can someone please reply to this with some examples?
Around when did Dimmu Borgir go from black metal to nu söy metal?
tell him to make siqq göregrindz or go eat shit
you don't even need blast beats, make fat tupa-tupa pornogroove shit
they were never true norwegian black metal
okay so what is
Lads, rec me some good göre shit
Why do germanics love halloween so much?
thrash riffs w gore vocals best combo
>Nasty Face
Great band name lol. I'll check it out.
Nippon melodeath
Who is this chinaman you keep posting?
Translating paragraphs from Joseph de Maistre and Carl Schmitt while blasting Bolt Thrower is a surprisingly fitting and comfy combination.
Anything good past week?
I've heard Deiphago and Time Lurker
Jahseh was essentially a clout martyr.
Everyone, is claiming this was a random robbery, but it's clear what was actually happening: his killers were driven to take his life solely for the sake of clout. They wanted infamy of their own and found it in gunning down a 20-year old.
As Jah was taking his final breath, he was surrounded by kids taking video and pictures of him. Why? For clout. No one was taking his pulse, no one was calling 911, everyone was standing around with their phones out as his body was clinging to life.
The moral lesson of Jahseh's life story should be a cautionary tale of the horrors of social media and how it's fucked our society beyond belief.
RIP Jah. See you in Heaven...
jak ja ich kurwa nienawidzę
Das Tor
>tupa tupa porngroove shit
this sounds amazing, got any recs?
wolverine blues is entombed's best album
some dude from a drift video, they put some funky effect on it and i thought it would be fitting
cock and ball torture
carnal diafragma but they also blast
basically 90% of European goregrind is like this for some reason
based jap slam
l'ordure a l'etat pur
either Tetsuo the Iron Man or My Bloody Valentine (1981)
fuckin Razor
gimme more
i know of gorevent, jenovavirus and needle contaminated pork
Ballads Against the Enemies of France (I need to learn French)
Event Horizon
speed metal edition
>Gris - Il était une forêt...
>Threads if you'd count it, otherwise Evil Dead or Hellraiser
Blood Fire Death
Carcass? that gay shit? seriously?
go and stay at reddit fuking retard
overrated af
Close to a World Below is their only real good album
t. rifflet
give me some examples of good riffs from that album
they are all pretty much the same 'muh dissonant' ones
what’s wrong with carcass?
this is terrible
boring, just like all of their "avant-garde" shit
this band literally has 4 listenable albums
what are the most reddit subgenres?
>power metal
yeah i agree their industrial sound is overrated but not bad
idk man. the only industrial album by them i kinda enjoyed was the work which transforms god
others feel like they have no consistency and are literally random sounds with no order, melody, atmosphere literally nothing. its soulless boring garbage. music with no value, empty music, music for NPCs
I only really like their debut and the Memoria Vetusta series, although that's still mostly just the first one in it.
The sound they went for on stuff like the 777 stuff is kind of trancelike, but that's because its quite boring so unless you like the sound a lot you're fucked.
well yeah that 'random' atmosphere is what it makes it interesting for me, it's like listening to some Eno ambient album except it's bm
>Favorite Black Metal Album:
Holocausto - Campo De Exterminio
>Favorite Horror Movie:
Evil Dead II
any metal post 96
Disciples of Power or Sacrifice
forgotten woods - the curse of mankind
the thing
Any other madkunt power metal?
Venom - Black Metal
Evil Dead 2
I will concede that it is GOOD but I ain't willing to go that far
>black metal is black metal
are you mentally handicapped?
Mystifier - Göetia
Original Friday the 13th
Based as fuck.
>there's still people who think venom isn't black metal
ew gross
Ain't got any but here's some madcunt thrash
unbased & cringe pilled
Redpill me on Icelandic black metal. I've listened to pic related, Zhrine, Wormlust, Skaphe, Misthyrming, Draugsol etc. Who else has this kind of sound(prefer Zhrine/Sinmara to the psychedelic shit)
>games workshop
I fuckin' knew it
Bretonnian/Dark Eldar guaranteed
>new Abbath sounds leagues better than new Darkthrone
Nice and cool
first post worst post
Any Deathgrind chart out there?
Impaled Nazarene - Ugra Karma
The Mouth of Madness
Idk about the movie, I forget pretty much every fucking movie I watch
I've liked many Japanese horror movies
based user
Pic related slaps
>favorite immortal album
>favorite hot dog condiment
I posted it already >your sausage uWu
Never properly got into them
>pic related
>Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
>Brown sauce
Vampires of Black Imperial Blood
The Thing
My niggas
Pure Holocaust
pic related
senap på tub ä bajs
Why would we? Melodeath sucks and especially a band like them that's released the same album every time since their third.
Fuck you dude. Okay I'll try it next time I'm in Sweden.
Listen to Hatebreeder, it's really fucking good. Later stuff is too thrash-influenced.
Anybody know any bands that sound like Trist? I adore Jan's wails and those super repetitive distorted to hell riffs. The only bands similar I could really think of are Life Is Pain (his side project) and Hypothermia.
Sabaton new album when?
dont listen to music its gay
Memoria Vetusta III is an amazing album nigger
Trist to me, perhaps incorrectly, is just pretty usual DSBM and as such I normally associate it with Fornicatus, Wehmut, Lyrinx, Depressive Years etc.
For wailing then When Mine Eyes Blacken tops the wailing chart for me, but it's far from the same musically.
>Favorite Black Metal Album:
Pic related
>Favorite Horror Movie:
Paranormal Activity 1
>Blizzard Beasts
>I don't eat junk food
>>Favorite Horror Movie:
>Paranormal Activity 1
i've never heard someone say that before
he's a millenial normie
i know dumbass. i said thay have 4 good albums, MV III is obviously one of them
Best Animals As Leaders album?
If AAL sucks, what's a band similar that doesn't suck?
>Best Animals As Leaders album?
they suck
>If AAL sucks, what's a band similar that doesn't suck?
djent sucks, the only good djent albums are Meshuggah's first two and they aren't REALLY djent
In the Heart of Winter
Mustard or chili sauce.
Macabre Omen: Gods of War - At War
>t.niggers that get scared by some nigger in gory make up
PA legit scared me to a point where I almost shit my pants because I was afraid of going to the bathroom. Your average scary movie doesn’t scare me at all.
for me, it's Voivod
Djent is shit but I like when guitarists do other shit beside just CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG
AAL, Intervals' older shit, some Veil of Maya are cool, but I'm wanting to filter out all the chugcore.
oh wow now this is cringe
PA is fucking hilarious. I forgot it was supposed to be a horror movie. It was stellar as a comedy because it was so retarded.
well, that IS a nasty face
this makes for a fantastic copypasta
To the Depths, in Degradation legit scared me to a point where I almost shit my pants because I was afraid of going to the bathroom. Your average death metal album doesn’t scare me at all.
Fuck off this album is actually based
>he gets scared by listening to music
How onions can you be
>muh boogeyman vocals over completely out of tempo band
It is really based, filled with riffs, and real scary. So scary, in fact, that it legit scared me to a point where I almost shit my pants because I was afraid of going to the bathroom. Your average death metal album doesn’t scare me at all.
>user literally states something has comedic potential
>tries it out
>anons immediately take it seriously
Just another day on /meal/
Unlike Evoken, or say, Skepticism, Wormphlegm's Tomb of the Ancient King legit scared me to a point where I almost shit my pants because I was afraid of going to the bathroom. Your average funeral doom album doesn’t scare me at all.
>muh reddit boogeyman
Based torture funeral doom poster. I think the demo is better, though.
AOTY boys
>Altars Of Madness legit scared me to a point where I almost shit my pants because I was afraid of going to the maze. Your average death metal doesn’t scare me at all.
>blackgazed metalcore
soi of the year maybe
The serial killers samples in this are so catchy hhnnngggg wish this album sounded better in other than my earphones though
This is literally black Metalcore disgusting
The serial killer samples legit scared me to a point where I almost shit my pants because I was afraid of going to the bathroom. Your average sample doesn’t scare me at all.
Hatred for Mankind legit scared me to a point where I almost shit my pants because I was afraid of going to the bathroom. Your average extreme metal album doesn’t scare me at all.
WidowMaker needed more standout serial killer samples, the best you got is HIPPIE CULT LEADER
/metal/ legit scared me to a point where I almost shit my pants because I was afraid of going to Yea Forums. Your average general doesn't scare me at all.
I actually haven’t listened to widowmaker so I’m actually sad about that
At the Heart of Winter
My fucking sides, this is a good thrash /meal/
It's very different, but still good.
They go a bitr overboard on more samples but they tend to be shorter and less impactful
More like all weak version of "tie you down, rape you, shoot you in your head"
Also it lacks the fucking blood curling reeeeeing off of Buried With Leeches or Volcanic Birth which is my fetish
All I did was ask for their favorite black metal album and favorite horror movie and in turn have spawned a new copypasta. My work is done boys.
Well that’s sad hopefully they will be back with a Hatred for Manking clone in the future
the copypasta legit scared me to a point where I almost shit my pants because I was afraid of going to /metal/, Your average thread doesn't scare me at all.
>Hatred for Manking
sounds like a power metal album
Either djent or actual metalcore with prog like August Burns Red
>power metal
That album isn’t called “love for pretty roses”. Learn to read.
Listen to Rammstein.
fuck you though, to the depths in degradation is easily one of the best death metal albums ever recorded
note the typo
sounds like a war between man, elves and other gay shit, thats why i said it
learn to not be a fucking faggot
I heard they were uh nazis or something
Oi fuck off senpai
wtf now i hate that album!
Album: Scar Sighted
Movie: American Psycho
Based picks
post based melodeath albums
GYZE is the only melodeath band that doesn't suck shit and that's a fact!
outside of heartwork, like 2 songs on swan song, and maybe surgical steel, carcass is really boring.
You know I always shit on meloblack but I had forgotten that this album existed. Bretty gud
Woods of Desolation
Abyssic Hate
Forgotten Woods
(lynch pops in)
A World of Pain legit scared me to a point where I almost shit my pants because I was afraid of going to the bathroom. Your average black metal album doesn’t scare me at all.
*Windows default beep*
looks scary to me
*boing boing boing*
what did they mean by this
Nuclear Assault slays
What's the next best Blind Guardian album?
I've already listened to Battalions of Fear, Follow the Blind, and Somewhere Far Beyond
this is unironically fucking awesome. im the guy who shits on PM all the time but this fucking riffs.
imagine thinking this
(((R*mmstein))) is NOT metal, retards
It's just fun lyricsposting. fwiw they've written more "industrial" rock than anything else.
Imaginations from the Other Side
nightfall is my favorite
speaking of, I've been looking for some spooky metal albums. Can I get some stuff that will scare me into shitting my pants because I don't want to go to the bathroom?
Nice trips
Infester - To The Depths in Degradation is up there, like said
Depends on what you find scary though
the only time a metal album really made me unnerved was just the "no man shall see me and live" bit of III on DsO's kenose EP
otherwise the page for I'm In A Coffin - One Final Action claims it "disturbs" listeners but I assume that's just because they haven't heard DSBM before
Somehow I'd never heard this before, thanks m8
for a long time i couldn't listen to deicide because the vocals would make me feel like puking. what are your thoughts on this
>Fave BM Album
>Favorite Horror Movie
The Silence Of The Lambs
why do they hate miami so much?
Did they scare you to a point where you almost puked because you were afraid of listening to Glen Benton? Does your average death metal album scare you at all?
I also like more Tormentor (Attila's pre-Mayhem band) than Mayhem. Both this and Morbid are pure Bathory worship.
I used to listen lot Amon Amarth, when I was teen. After Surtur I haven't really been bothered to listen to them, because they've been pretty much making the same album all over again. It's good when band doesn't change it's sound too much, but it's not good when band completely stagnates without developing at all. Carcass and Death are good examples of melodeath, which tried something new at each album while still retaining the signature sound.
Morbid is overrated as fuck, I'd go with Poison any day.
Give me something that sounds like the first 2 minuters of this:
Dont know where else to post this
Through chasm caves and titan Woods
Donna smoke a bowl and take 5gs of mushrooms. Give me some really spacey shit to listen to.
say no more
I'm finally listening to this one an user recommended me two days ago (I think). I'm only 5 minutes in though, but it's OK so far.
>tfw Demon Cleaner by Kyuss comes on
Space Cadet is the superior zen song
>not Gardenia
Anyone have recommendations for the best headphones when it comes to listening to metal? I know its tricky given how much the sound and EQ differs between genres. Do the headphones even matter?
Supa Scoopa > Demon Cleaner > Space Cadet
well this is based
>hot former grundge milf I work with asks me if I like Clutch
>I say I do
>she says oh I was listening to their first album and it reminded of me user
This bitch is so fucking hot. She said Mastodon hasnt been good since Crack the Skye
Everything by Oranssi Pazuzu.
should I listen to children of bodom lmao
i like cheese but no mediocrity
One of better melodeath albums. Band started to go downhill after this though.
m e l o d e a t h s u c k s
i only listened to first two albums, will check next 2-3 albums and that's it, I don't care about metalcore stuff
so fucking tired of the "le ironic bad video" meme that's going on right now
Trips of "you'd better hit that shit user"
honestly most of the time i see that kind of shit it is attached to metal community
most of the times metalheads are so clueless and unfunny, well like most of the nerds anyway
She has the best mom body I've ever seen. It's like someone too the warp tool on photoshopped and made her tits and ass bigger while keeping her waist normal
I have the Tin audio T2 and they’re so nice if you’re listening to metal the treble is very high so guitars will sound very crispy and just the instrument separation is amazing for such inexpensive earphones
>eating processed, mysteriously sourced meat
that one and sauerkraut
OK so I just finished Isolate by Mesarthim and it was OK I guess. However, I can't believe the user who recommended it to me lied and told me it's better than Spectral Lore!
This shit is tight
holy crap this is bad - are those dweebs serious?
So fucking generic, dear god. The video just makes it worse.
best albums of 2019?
I ain't really feeling what I've listened to so far
For me it’s this or Funereal Presence
nothing so far
thats america babey !!!
the virgin M8l8th vs. the chad Dawn Ray'd
Akasha (best heavy riffs and rhythm of the year), Funeral Presence (I adore memento mori stuff, they really fit my bill), Aoratos (it's trying to sound as terrifying as possible, it's pretty good at it), Pensees Nocturnes (meme clown metal that somehow works) and that Russian skeleton in snow with an accordion (for all fans of atmospheric slav stuff like Drudkh, but with more accordions).
I didn't lie, it's a lot better. Mare Cognitum is the best space black tho.
As a long time thrash listener, I finally decided to give crossover thrash a listen. I have to say that I like this. Looks like decent metal and hardcore punk fusions are actually possible.
Wish that band had better production, there is something about the mix in their music that turns me off
You broke my heart user!
>listening to Feminine Penis
My heart is broken by no announcements of any new plans from Panegyrist, but Feminine Penis being so great warms the leftovers.
Anyone heard this yet? It’s pretty alright
jew music
Decided to finally check out Vulpecula after knowing about them for years. It's really good, under rated shit.
Good post unironically
surgical steel rocks maan
Sup /metal/, do you guys like blackened hardcore punk? Not a big metal fan but I thought I'd check in on this particular band
Just my personal preferences, but:
Darkthrone's Old Star is going to be released at the end of the month. It's gonna be the usual blackened heavy metal in style of previous albums. Released single has some nice Celtic Frost influence. Gonna pre-order this one.
Sodom's next album should released later this year. The tracks at the appetizer EP of the album (Partisan) had some really nice energetic style, with slight blackened influences. If the rest of the album tracks will be that good, it will be some of the best Sodom after 90s classics.
>looks at how brutal real metal fag I am
>guys, I am fitting in? right? right?
>hey bro did you want some emo faggotry around those solos well here you go
Bands like Venom, Celtic Frost and Hellhammer can't really be called thrash, doom or traditional heavy metal. They are slower than thrash, faster than doom and lot heavier than traditional heavy metal. Yet they still can't be called black metal, since they lack most of elements that make black metal to be black metal. I just call them first wave or proto-black metal myself, since they can't really be classified as anything else.
thoughts on 1968-1972 era 'heavy rock'? Was basically a pioneer of your metal bands imo but is hidden in the shadows thanks to arena hard rock groups like acdc, kiss and aerosmith
I listen only sounds of males fucking each other into assholes, because that's manly and metal as fuck.
everything except sabbath is not that good
>arguing about the genre of band who existed before the genres you're trying to apply
simply epic...
>I just call them first wave or proto-black metal myself
Yeah, only you call first-wave BM bands "first wave BM". I'm sure your friends at reddit are really proud of you. Now go back there and don't come back.
leaf hound, dust, wishbone ash, blue cheer, road, may blitz, iron butterfly, stooges, ten years after? I will admit though, a lot of the albums can be a inconstant hit or miss, but I think they made a lot of tunes to make up for it. Sabbath's debut and MOR are consistent top quality for heavy rock/metal terms though. Overall I think the heavy rock era annihilates the hard rock of the mid/late 1970s to late 80s imo
Look at this dude
What genre would you classify Celtic Frost or Hellhammer yourself then?
Also I've been listening metal for 18 years, and yes these bands were called first wave black metal back then. Also never used Reddit, and couldn't care less of website wars of you children.
This is some real post-cringe. It's not even cringy anymore, but something between tragedy and comedy.
>What genre would you classify Celtic Frost or Hellhammer yourself then?
>Also I've been listening metal for 18 years, and yes these bands were called first wave black metal back then. Also never used Reddit, and couldn't care less of website wars of you children.
I thought this was before they went full
metalcore. What's emo about it?
>I have hard time understanding, what I read
metal wasn't a complete genre until the NWOBHM. Deep purple are a heavy/progressive rock group ( then heavy rock), sabbath (early) are stoner/doom rock (then heavy rock), and led zeppelin were always are blues/hard rock oriented group (heavy rock).
no one really used metal until it became a sub cultures of fast punk bands who used fancy guitar solos and wore metal clotheing and wristbands in 1977
and I say this a a tomber (born 1958)
>Bands like Venom, Celtic Frost and Hellhammer can't really be called thrash,
also sounds gay as shit
So based
>Vampires of black imperial blood
> the shining