Hunger Games Thread

Hunger Games Thread

First 24 are in
Old West code
No samefagging until asked
All are welcome.

Attached: Logo3.png (900x900, 389.53K)

Donald Trump

Attached: Donald Trump should wear a cowboy hat and cowboy boots from now on.jpg (975x650, 343.5K)

Sleepy Human Mae

Attached: 0-eh.png (442x1400, 31.77K)

Max Payne

Attached: WHUT DA.png (268x268, 104.93K)

a dog

Attached: 92DC961D-86FD-418A-9200-574403773213.jpg (768x1024, 90.36K)


Attached: stefan30.jpg (240x240, 9.07K)


Attached: jc179.jpg (982x814, 61.09K)

Bobby Peru

Attached: 9E63DC7E-D63F-48EF-BF56-CA152A8ADF35.jpg (762x403, 21.16K)

Doc Ock

>I’ll host after this game

Attached: doc ock the sexiest tribute.jpg (899x665, 132.17K)

reminder this is

Carl Brutananadilewski

Attached: cowboy_carl.jpg (1440x1080, 156.97K)

Roxy Glamcock

Attached: Cowgirl Roxy.jpg (2048x1536, 301.66K)



Attached: l91.png (600x800, 501.84K)

Loony Glamcock

Attached: Untitledwa342.png (1421x1515, 1.79M)


Attached: V.jpg (600x600, 64.72K)

Reminder that this person is slandering without evidence.
But very likely, yes.

zigzag zelda

(just sounds like a western nickname)

Attached: tumblr_0d37c0dc3d0a39c8bd30661ae210b722_4ff0f388_1280.jpg (1200x1100, 306.89K)

Attached: 9475A8FD-B4B8-42E9-9A38-5233391983CB.jpg (640x637, 88.83K)

Miranda Cosgrove

Attached: 09cd163f2279db20305847eb9b57bbb8.jpg (375x500, 50.74K)

skip this retard

Your dad.

Attached: Motorboat my Scrote~.. . . .. ... ... .. faget.jpg (152x150, 8.05K)

*stares at gay poster above*


Character source? Where is she from?

where's the nutella tranny ?

>. . .

Attached: niko.png (96x96, 718)

Why do you wanna know user? You’re not into lolis are you?

Cowboy Kirby

Attached: Cowboy7.jpg (640x958, 70.94K)

Based Fag Appreciator

Still significantly less shit than waifu threads get.

I promise I will not masturbate to her, just need it for reasons.

Mina Misasa - Diapered Space Internet Star

Attached: 1_y16Dr5lJV6nwj1A7lMsH4g.png (1400x765, 939.11K)

10 minutes, you can fill now

Nutella Girl

Attached: nut.png (1000x1000, 397.63K)


Attached: image-removebg-preview (55).png (500x500, 223.57K)

the Tickle Monster

Attached: scp-scp999.gif (498x431, 1.04M)

His internet sucks
Feel free to swap my ass

Attached: chibi.png (440x440, 189.67K)


Attached: E90DC45E-B0B2-4B4A-BD41-FEC6C5C81373.jpg (735x612, 83.02K)

The enforcer

Attached: Spaghetti_Western.png (497x337, 203.31K)

Time for me to rest.
Good night hg.

Attached: manchild.jpg (338x384, 39.07K)

wait a minute....

Nutella Girl
>don’t stress if late, mostly afk

Attached: NutellaGirl borrowing Barret’s hat.png (1000x1000, 258.59K)

Miss anyone?

Attached: 001.png (668x763, 547.78K)

swap gayposter for


oh, thank you jc

disregard :-)

Attached: Nutella Girl box or GTFO thank you Indy.png (600x400, 185.53K)

>anal enough to have made this

Jesus should not ride side saddle!

Suffer Eternity

Attached: de9enfe-bd8935c5-63ca-4651-b493-a3822d89939f.jpg (702x811, 34.15K)

Why not have both :D

Let's do it

Attached: 1646121773799.jpg (225x225, 8.58K)

Ready for Roxy and Loony!

Attached: fnf roxy loona.jpg (1280x720, 123.68K)

Yeehaw. Yahoo. Let's go.

Attached: 36b96e5babe0d8dbd30833400d8137a3.jpg (1290x1080, 80.79K)


Attached: let’s go.jpg (706x348, 57.07K)

Let's get Loony and Roxy~

Attached: 0.jpg (480x360, 53.68K)


Attached: u71.png (324x478, 245.77K)

t. gay poster

>finger guns

You ever ride bare back, user?

Attached: JC19.jpg (400x400, 28.36K)

>anal enough he couldn't resist replying to it
Everyone point at this nigger and laugh

WC delayed, resim is for fags.


Attached: 002.png (680x2270, 933.25K)

meant to reply

>he did it again dies of dysentery
>gayposter lives

Thanks, sorry.

>He Did It Again dies immediately

Attached: 439853489.png (1023x767, 681.03K)

Hey Mae!

Attached: ahegaoJC1.jpg (554x554, 66.61K)


Attached: E5829njWUAQm8c0-1024x640.jpg (1024x640, 68.75K)

>Max Payne was hiding in it


Attached: ock kek.jpg (1280x720, 76.71K)

I'm gonna go with the classic and assume NG won.

Attached: confusedroxy.png (498x535, 139.39K)

>analfag dies
>gayposter lives

I rode in to town on my Roxy!

Attached: dex5x26-5831c035-5218-4a5e-b11b-5f56c14f8d29.jpg (860x1057, 91.5K)

Yes, I experience bad soreness. Jesus can heal him soreness.

>myself irl died and my pedo fantasy is still in

Attached: 542.jpg (1046x659, 60.73K)

Oh well, I'm gonna go do something else now. Thanks for the game!

Attached: hh767.jpg (600x450, 35.21K)

>Jirenscholars are here

Imagine dying before Kirby.


Care to explain why?

Attached: 003.png (675x1351, 595.87K)

Only been in this repeating thread 4-5 times but is it really just like 3-4 avatarfags dominating it most of the time?

gayposter i kneel

Hey. I already got enough retarded bloodbath deaths and second places for a day.

Attached: Cave2.png (1200x1000, 1.46M)

Great plan, Willem...

Attached: ddljige-98a6046e-fbd2-4440-a256-c00d4195e6d5.png (858x958, 497.64K)

>implying I have to search for suffering

Attached: 1465371412538.jpg (1280x720, 71.04K)

I thought the ex-president actually shoot at us.

Attached: 5797c9135768801.61ede37de24d1.png (1400x1753, 1.57M)

>diaperfag soloing a group

It’s what happens when you mix Yea Forums and discord

I ain't touching your balls, user.

I'll take Niko's he ain't old enough.

Attached: JC54.jpg (350x498, 30.71K)

>gayposter didn't stare at ock
we will get him next time.

Little gun go pew pew!

Imagine the smell.

HG is just one really dedicated user.

That's what makes it funs.

Attached: 004.png (691x1093, 502.98K)